Social Influences Flashcards
What is conformity?
A change in a person’s behaviour due to real social pressure.
what are the 3 types of conformity proposed by Herbert Kelman (1958)?
-Internalisation -Identification -Compliance
what is internalisation?
internalisation occurs when an individual accepts influence because the content of the attitude or behaviour proposed is consistent with their own value system.
What is identification?
A form of influence where an individual adopts an attitude or behaviour because they want to be associated with a particular person or group.
What is compliance?
When an individual accepts influence because they hope to achieve a favourable reaction from those around them.
What do Morton Deutsch and Harold Gerard propose as an explanation for conformity?
A two-Process theory involving informational social influence (ISI) And normative social influence (NSI)
What is informational social influence (ISI)?
Informational social influence is a form of influence, which is a result of the desire to be right.
What is normative social influence (NSI)?
Normative social influence is a form of influence whereby an individual conforms with the expectations of a majority in order to gain approval or to avoid social disapproval.
What are the evaluation points for the types and explanations of conformity?
-Difficulty distinguishing between compliance and internalisation. -Research support for normative influence, e.g. smoking take-up (Linkenbach and Perkins). -Research support for informational influence, e.g. attitudes about African Americans now (Wittenbrink and Henley). -People underestimate the impact of normative influence on their behaviour (Nolan et al.). -informational influence is moderated by type of task (Laughlin).
What was the procedure for Asch’s research into conformity?
Participants shown ‘standard line’ and 3 ‘comparison lines’/correct answer obvious/participants asked to match the standard/group=naive participant+6-8 confederates/naive participant last/18 trials, 12 trials=confederates answered wrong
What were the findings for Asch’s research into conformity?
Naive participant=25% did not conform, 75% did/Asch effect=extent of conformity in trivial task/participant post-interview=conformed to avoid rejection (NSI)
What were Asch’s variations of research into conformity?
-Group size -Unanimity -Task difficulty -Private answers
How does group size affect the extent of conformity?
- 3 confederates=conformity up by 31.8%; more confederates=small difference - small majority=no conformity; large majority=no need
How does unanimity affect the extent of conformity?
- Disagreeing confederate=reduced conformity (25% average) - participant could behave more independently
How does the task difficulty affect the extent of conformity?
- More similar line length=conformity increased - Greater ISI effect when the task is harder
How do private answers affect the extent of conformity?
- Written answers=conformity down 2/3=less pressure=less NSI effect
What are the evaluation points for Asch’s research into conformity?
-Asch’s research a ‘child of its time’ (Perrin and Spencer). -We know very little about the effects of larger majority sizes on conformity levels. -independent behaviour rather than conformity-participants maintained their independence on two-thirds of trials. -Unconvincing confederates-Mori and Arai overcame this problem. Similar results to Asch. -Cultural differences in conformity-Smith et al. Found conformity rates higher in collectivist cultures.
What are social roles?
Social roles are the behaviours expected of an individual who occupies a given social position or status.
What was the aim of Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment?
Whether people will conform to new social roles (situation=behaviour)
What was the procedure for the Stanford prison experiment?
Participants=emotional stable male Stanford Uni psych students; randomly allocated role of prisoner/guard; unexpectedly arrested at home; deindividuation (referred to by number)/spent 23 hours a day locked in cells; prison guards=uniforms, sticks, mirrored glasses; meant to last 2 weeks
What were the results from the Stanford prison experiment?
Stopped after 6 days; guards became brutal; day 2=prisoners rebelled, guards became harsher (harassment);prisoners became depressed/anxious; one prisoner released=psychological disorder; one prisoner one hunger strike=force fed=shunned by prisoners; guards identified closely with their role; prisoners did as told.
What was the conclusion drawn from the Stanford prison experiment?
The situation caused the participants to conform to social rules by changing their behaviour.
What are the evaluation points of Zimbardo’s research?
-Conformity to roles is not automatic-Haslam and Reicher argue the guards chose how to behave, rather than blindly conforming to their social role. -Demand characteristics-Banuazizi and Movahedi argue that participants’ behaviour in the SPE was a response to powerful demand characteristics. -Were these studies ethical? Zimbardo’s study followed ethical guidelines, but participants still suffered. Greatest steps to minimise potential harm to participants in the BBC study. -The SPE and its relevance to Abu Ghraib-similarities between the SPE and prisoner abuses at Abu Ghraib. -What did we learn? Zimbardo claims on unthinking conformity can lead to a drift into tyranny. Disputed by Reicher and Haslam.
What were the ethical issues of Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment?
-Informed consent: Participants volunteered/couldn’t fully consent to everything. -Deception: Informed their rights would be taken/were not told they would be arrested by surprise. -Right to withdraw: Told they could leave/prison environment made it feel impossible (respond as superintendent). -Protection from harm: weren’t protected from psychological harm [couldn’t be predicted].
What is obedience to authority?
Form of social influence where a person follows a direct order from an authority figure who can punish disobedience.
What was the aim of Stanley Milgram’s research?
After the events of the Holocaust Milgram aimed to investigate whether the Germans were more obedient.
What was the procedure of Milgram’s obedience study?
40 male participants (recruited=newspaper ad/flyers);participants between 20-50 from range of jobs; paid $4.50;in Yale Uni lab; fixed draw: confederate=learner/participant=teacher; experimenter=actor in lab coat; participants told they could leave at any time; learner strapped to chair/wired with electrodes=shocked when wrong[not real];15-450 volts=learner no response after 315;4 prods for teacher unsure.
What were the findings of Milgram’s obedience study?
No participants stopped below 300 volts;12.5% stopped at 300 volts;65% continued to highest 450 volts; qualitative data: participants showed extreme tension (sweat, tremble etc.);Prior: 14 psych students predicted no more than 3% would go to 450 volts (findings unexpected);all participants debriefed, assured behaviour was normal; follow up questionnaire=84% glad to have participated.
What are the evaluation points for Milgram’s obedience study?
-Internal validity-Orne and Holland claim many participants saw through the deception. -Historical validity-Milgram’s findings still as relevant today. No relationship between year of study and obedience levels found (Blass).
What are the ethical issues with Milgram’s obedience study?
-Deception: Believed role allocation random/real shocks=could affect behaviour [necessary for internal/ecological validity; participants debriefed]. -Protection from harm: Adequate proportions not taken; participants exposed to extreme distress [follow-up questionnaire=84% glad to take part]. -Right to withdraw: Money/prods=no right to withdraw [made clear participants would still be paid if they didn’t continue].
How does proximity affect the extent of obedience?
- teacher/learner in same room=obedience 65% to 40% - touch proximity (teacher forced learners’ hand on electroshock plate) [30%] - remote instruction (instructions by telephone) [20.5%]
How does the location affect the extent of obedience?
- Yale Uni to run down building=obedience 65% to 47.5% - less professional=takes away legitimacy of authority
How does uniform affect the extent of obedience?
- experimenter replaced with ordinary member of public (confederate in everyday clothes); obedience down 20% - ordinary clothes=no legitimacy of authority=less pressure to obey
What are the evaluation points of the situation variables of Milgram’s research?
-Proximity-reserve police battalion 101. -location-High levels of obedience not surprising. -The power of uniform-research support.
What is the Agentic state?
Agentic state is when a person sees himself or herself as an agent for carrying out another person’s wishes.
What is the autonomous state?
Opposite of agentic state/person is free to behave on their own principles so feels a sense of responsibility for their own actions.
What is the agentic shift?
Autonomy to ‘agency’/Milgram=occurs when person sees another as a figure of authority (greater power=position in social hierarchy).
What are blinding factors?
Aspects of the situation which allow a person to ignore/minimise damaging effect of their behaviour (shifting responsibility to victim/denying the damage).
What is the legitimacy of authority?
- Authority figures are allowed to exercise social power over others (agreed by society). - Some granted power to punish powers=we give up our independence and hand control to authority figures we trust to use their power appropriately.
What are the evaluation points of the Agentic State and Legitimacy of Authority?
-The agentic state does not explain gradual transitions found in Nazi doctors. -Agentic state or cruelty? Obedient behaviour may be due to a desire to inflict harm on others. -Agentic shift is a common response when a person loses self-control (Fennis and Aarts). -Legitimacy can serve as the basis for justifying harm to others. -Tarnow provides support for power of legitimate authority in aircraft cockpits.
What is the Authoritarian personality?
A distinct personality pattern characterised by strict adherence to conventional values and a belief in absolute obedience or submission to authority.
What is Dispositional?
Explanations of behaviours such as obedience emphasised them being caused by individuals’ own personal characteristics rather than situational influences within the environment.
What is the F Scale?
Also known as the ‘California F scale’ or the ‘Fascism scale’, the F scale was developed in California in 1947 as a measure of authoritarian traits or tendencies.
What is a Right-wing authoritarianism?
A cluster of personality variables (conventionalism, authority submission and authoritarian aggression) that are associated with a ‘right-wing’ attitude to life
What was the procedure for Elms and Milgram’s study on Authoritarian personality?
-20 obedient participants and 20 defiant participants. -Completed MMPI and F scale and asked open-ended questions.
What were the findings for Elms and Milgram’s study on Authoritarian personality?
-Little difference between obedient and defiant participants on MMPI. -Higher levels of authoritarianism in obedient participants. -Obedient participants reported being less close to fathers.
What are the characteristics of an authoritarian personality?
Extreme respect/submissiveness to authority; looked down on those with inferior status; conventional attitudes to sex, race, gender; inflexible outlook; everything either right or wrong.
What is the origin of the authoritarian personality?
- In childhood from harsh parenting (strict discipline/absolute authority/high standards/severe criticism/conditional love). - creates resentment/hostility child cannot express to parents=displaced to weaker people. - psychodynamic explanation.
What are the evaluation points of The Authoritarian Personality?
-Research evidence-correlation between RWA scores and maximum voltage shock (Dambrun and Vatinè). -Social context explanations are more flexible. -Differences-many fully obedient participants had good relationship with their parents. -Education may determine authoritarianism and obedience (Middendorp and Meloen). -Left-wing views associated with lower levels of obedience (Bègue et al.).
What is resistance to social influence?
The ability to withstand social pressure to conform/obey. Influenced by both situational and dispositional factors.
What is social support?
Presence of people who resist conform/obey pressures, helping others do the same.
How does social support enable people to resist conformity?
- Pressure to conform reduced by non-conformer. - e.g. Asch experiment. - non-conformer conforms=so does participant.
How does social support enable people to resist obedience?
- obey pressure reduced when another person disobeys. - e.g. Milgram: participant + confederate=obedience 10%. - freedom of conscience.
What is the locus of control?
When people differ in their beliefs about whether the outcomes of their actions are dependent on what they do (internal locus of control). Or on events outside their personal control (external locus of control).
What if a person has an internal locus of control?
They believe things that things that happen are largely controlled by themselves.
What if a person has an external locus of control?
They believe things that happen are out of their control (luck/outside forces).
How does an internal locus of control enable a person to resist social influence?
- internal: more likely to resist pressure to conform/obey. - take personal responsibility for actions=base actions on own beliefs. - more self-confident=less need for social approval.
What are the evaluation points for social support?
-Social support in conformity studies more effective when it was from first responder in group. -Research demonstrates importance of social support in resisting pressure to drink (Rees and Wallace). -The Rosenstrasse protest showed power of social support.
What are the evaluation points for Locus of control?
-Locus of control related to normative but not informational influence (Spector). -Young people far more external than in 1960s (Twenge et al.). -Research support-People high in externality more easily persuaded and more likely to conform (Avtgis).
What is minority influence?
A form of social influence where members of the majority group change their beliefs or behaviours as a result of their exposure to a persuasive minority.
Describe Serge Moscovici’s study on minority influence.
- blue/green slide study=group of 6 judge slides; two confederates consistently said slides were green;32% gave same answer as minority on 1st trial;2nd group=inconsistent minority=agreement 1.25% - Control: No confederates=wrong answer 0.25%
What are the main processes in minority influence identified by Moscovici?
- Consistency. - Commitment. - Flexibility.
Define Consistency
Minority influence is effective provided there is stability in the expressed position over time and agreement among different members of the minority.
What is Commitment?
The degree to which members of a minority are dedicated to a particular cause or activity. The greater the perceived commitment, the greater the influence.
Define Flexibility
A willingness to be flexible and to compromise when expressing a position.
How does consistency aid minority influence?
- Minority keep same beliefs over time (diachronic consistency) and people (synchronic consistency). - other people start to rethink their own views.
How does commitment aid minority influence?
- extreme activities/personal sacrifices demonstrate dedication. - draws attention from others to their cause (augmentation principle). - shows minority is not acting out of self-interest.
How does flexibility aid minority influence?
- relentless consistency can be negative (rigid). - minority need to be able to adapt their view/accept compromise.
What are the evaluative points for minority influence?
-Research support for flexibility (Nementh and Brilmayer). -The real value of minority influence is that it ‘opens the mind’ (Nemeth). -Mackie argues that it is that majority rather than the minority that processes information more. -Tipping point for commitment-Percentage of committed opinion holders necessary to ‘tip’ the majority was 10% (Xie et al.). -Minority influence in name only-Difficult to convince people of the value of dissent.
What is Social Influence?
The process by which individuals/groups change each other’s attitudes/behaviours. - includes conformity/obedience/minority influence.
What is Social change?
- When whole societies adopt new attitudes/beliefs/ways of doing things. - e.g. gay rights/women’s suffrage/environmental issues.
What are the Social norms interventions?
An attempt to correct misperceptions of the normative behaviour of peers in an attempt to change the risky behaviour of a target population.
What are the stages of social change?
- drawing attention to an issue. - Cognitive conflict. - Consistency of position. - augmentation principle. - The Snowball effect.
What lessons about social change do we learn about in conformity?
-If people perceive something as the norm, they alter their behaviour to fit that norm. -Correcting misperceptions about ‘actual norms’ using social norms interventions. -E.g. ‘Most of us don’t drink and drive’ campaign. -Resulted in a drop of drink driving by 13.7%
What are the evaluative points of social influence processes in social change?
-Social change through minority influence is gradual. -Being perceived as ‘deviant’ limits the influence of minorities. -Social norms interventions have their limitations-not all have led to social change, e.g. DeJong et al. -Social norms and the boomerang affect, e.g. Schultz et al. With electricity usage. -The communist manifesto-overcame issues that typically limit the influence of minorities.