Social Influence Key Words Flashcards
What is conformity
The change in a persons behaviour due to an imagined pressure/group
What are the 3 types of conformity
Whats compliance
Public acceptance
Goes along with a group to not be different, only in groups presence.
Public and private acceptance
Strongest form of conformity
wanting to fit in/be accepted
fitting in is the main motivation
What is agentic shift?
Individual carries out the orders of another person, acting as their agent with little personal responsibility
Automonous state?
A person who has extreme respect for authority and is obedient to those who have power over them
Agentic state?
Where we feel we are the agent of someone else acting on their behalf.
What is
Locus of control?
the sense we each have about what directs events in our lives.
Beleiving what happens is a matter of luck or outside forces.
Complete agreement from a group of people about an issue or question.
Situational variables?
Features of an environment that affect the degree to which individuals yield to group pressures