Social Influence Flashcards
What is conformity?
A change in a person’s opinion/ behaviour as a response to a real or imagined group pressure.
What are the 3 types of conformity?
What is internalisation?
A deep type of conformity involving a genuine change of private views to match those of the group.
- this change is usually permanent because attitudes have been internalised e.g becomes part of the way the person thinks.
- the change in opinion/ behaviour persists even in the absence of other group members.
E.g. a conversion to a new religion. Someone beleive the views and adopts them as there own, the belief is added to thir own belief system.
What is identification?
A moderate type of conformity involving changing our behaviour and opinions to those of a group because there is something about the group we value, and we want to be part of it.
- we change our behaviour to be part of the group, even if we don’t agree with everything the group stands for. The behaviour is not done in private (when alone)
What I compliance?
A superficial/ weak type of conformity. Publicly going along or conforming to the group, whilst privately not changing your own behaviour or opinion.
-the behaviour or opinion stops as soon as the group pressure stops.
-usually occurs when we are around strangers, we change our behaviour so we don’t feel awkward (e.g. crossing the road when green man is not on because everyone else does)
What are the two explanations for why people conform?
-NSI (normative social influence)
-ISI (informational social influence)
What is NSI?
- the explanations about the ‘norms’ or typical behaviour for a social group. People comply with social norms because they want to be liked and gain approval.
- likely to occur in situations with strangers where you may feel concerned about rejection. May also occur with people you know because we are most concerned about gaining approval of our friends.
- often results in compliance, where people comply publicly but personally disagree ( don’t change their own opinions)
What is ISI?
- we change our behaviour or ideas due to the desire to be right.
- when uncertain, we seek guidance from the group as we want to be right.
- likely to occur in a new or ambiguous situation where the correct answer or behaviour is unclear.
- usually results in a genuine long-lasting change in private and public ideas, internalisation.
Compare NSI and ISI
-desire to be liked. Following others to fit in.
-emotion process. Involves how we feel.
- involves compliance. Humans are a social species seeking approval.
- desire to be right. Looking up to/ following others believing they are right.
-cognitive process. Involves thinking.
-involves internalisation. Change in our own ideas as we want them to be/ beleive they are ‘right’.
What is supporting evidence for ISI?
Lucas et Al (2006) asked students to solve maths problems that were either difficult or easy.
They found more people conformed to the incorrect answer when the question was difficult.
Particularly true in students who saw themselves as poor at maths.
Supports ISI and the view that people conform to be right.
What is supporting evidence for NSI?
In aschs experiment, the majority of participants went along with the incorrect answer at least once, even though the correct answer was obvious.
When asked why, some said that they felt self-concious of giving the correct answer and where afraid of disapproval.
This is a strength because it supports NSI and the view that people conform to fit in.
What is a weakness of NSI?
May ignore individual differences.
It appears to affect some people more that others, some people may have a greater desire to be liked, and so are more affected by NSI.
This is supported by McGhee and Teevan (1967) who found that students with a greater desire to be liked are more likely to conform.
This shows that the desire to be liked underlines conformity for some people more than others. Therefore, individual differences can be a part of the way people respond in a group situation.
What was the aim of aschs study?
To see if participants would conform to majority social influence and give incorrect answers even in a situation where the correct answer is always obvious.
Outline the procedure of aschs study.
- Asch told the participants that they were taking part in a study on the perception of line length.
- The sample consisted of 123 American male college students who had volunteered to take part.
- Participants, in groups of 6 or 7, were seated about a table and asked to look at lines of 3 different lengths. They took turns to call which line they thought was the same length of the ‘standard line’
- only one of the participants was a genuine participant. The others were confederates.
-the real participant always answered second to last. - confederates gave unanimous wrong answers on 12 out of the 18 trails. These were called critical trials.
What is a confederates?
Someone who knows the true aims of the experiment and acts on behalf of the experimental. The real participants do not know they are acting (believe they are real participants)