Social Influence 👯‍♀️ Flashcards

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What is conformity?


Conformity is a type of social influence that describes how a person changes their attitude or behaviour in response to group pressure.

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What are the 3 types of conformity?

  1. Compliance
  2. Identification
  3. Internalisation
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What is Compliance?


A person changes their public behaviour (the way they act) but not their personal beliefs. This is usually a short term change and is often the result of normative social influence (NSI).

Eg. Your friends like rock music so you act like you do but you really don’t.

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What is Identification?


A person changes their public behaviour and their private beliefs, but only while they are in the presence of the group. This is usually a short-term change and the result of normative social influence (NSI).

Eg. your friends being vegetarian and therefore you are too, but alone you eat meat.

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What is Internalisation?


A person changes their public behaviour and their private beliefs. This is usually a long-term change and often the result of informational social influence (ISI).

Eg. Person meets a Buddhist group and therefore is influenced to convert to this faith, they will continue to practice it without the presence of the group as they have internalised this belief.

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What are the 2 explanations why people conform? Explain.

  1. Normative Social Influence (NSI)
    — When a person conforms to be accepted and to feel that they belong to the group
    — They conform because it is socially rewarding, or to avoid social rejection
    — Associated with compliance and identification
  2. Informational Social Influence (ISI)
    — When a person conforms to gain knowledge, or because they believe that someone else is ‘right’
    — Associated with internalisation
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EVALUATION : types of conformity


P: One strength of both informational and normative social influence is that there is research to support for their role in conformity.
E: Asch (1956), investigated if individuals would conform to the group even when they knew the group was incorrect in which 75% conformed at least once.
E: After the experiment, Ach interviewed participants to find out why they conformed and found that some participants conformed because they did not want to be rejected by the group (NSI) whilst others conformed because they believed the group was right and they were wrong (ISI).
L: Therefore, this study provides evidence for the idea that people will conform to the group to be right or to fit in, supporting both ISI and NSI as explanations.

P: A limitation of the ISI explanation of conformity is that there are individual differences in how people behave.
E: Research by Perrin and Spencer (1980) conducted an experiment similar to Asch’s but this time using engineering students in the UK.
E: As these students were experts in their field, it is possible that they were confident that they were right when completing the task, meaning that they would not look to anybody else for guidance.
L: Therefore, the ISI explanation on conformity is limited as it does not apply to all individuals in all situations, where an individuals may be an expert for example, meaning that it cannot explain fully why people conform.

P: A strength of NSI is that there is real world applications that demonstrate it occurs beyond the artificial laboratory setting.
E: Shultz et al. (2008) gathered data from many hotels over a week where guests were allocated to rooms randomly as either control or experimental conditions. In the control rooms, there was a door hanger informing the participants of the environmental benefits of reusing towels. In the experimental condition, there was additional information stating that ‘75% of guests chose to reuse their towels each day’
E: The results showed that in comparison to the control group, guests who received an additional message, that contained normative information about other guests, reduced their need for fresh towels by 25%
L: This shows that they have conformed in order to ‘fit in’ with the perceived group behaviour proving NSI exists in the real world setting.

P: A strength of ISI is that it is supported by research evidence.
E: Lucas et al. (2006) asked students to answer mathematical problems and found that conformity to incorrect answers was higher when the questions were difficult than when they were easy. this was most true for students who rated their maths ability as poor.
E: This study therefore shows that people conform in situations where they don’t know the answer, as they assume other people must be right.
L: This therefore supports ISI as it shows individuals conform as they want to be right.

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What is the procedure of Asch’s research?


—> Asch (1951)
Aim : To examine the extent to which social pressure to conform from unanimous majority affects conformity in an unambiguous situation.

1. Asch’s sample consisted of 123 male American undergraduate students, who believed they were taking part in a vision test.
2. Asch used a line judgement task, where he placed one real (naive) participant in a room with 6-8 confederates (actors working on the behalf of the experimenter), who had agreed their answers in advance.
3. The naive participant was deceived and was led to believe that the other people were also real participants. The participant was seated second to last.
4. In turn, each person said out their answer, the correct answer was always obvious. Each participant completed 18 trials and the confederates gave the same incorrect answer on 12 trials, these were called ‘critical trials’.
Asch wanted to see if the participant would conform to the majority view even when the answer was clearly incorrect.

Results: Asch measured the number of times each participant conformed to the majority view. On average, the real participants conformed to the incorrect answers on 32% of the critical trials. 74% of the participants conformed on at leats one critical trial and 26% never conformed.

Conclusion: Asch interviewed his participants after the experiment to find out why they conformed. Most of them said that they knew their answers were incorrect, but they went along with the group to ‘fit in’, or because they thought they’d be ridiculed. This confirms that participants complied due to normative social influence and the desire the fit in publicly without changing their private viewpoint.

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EVALUATION : Asch’s research


P: One limitation of Asch’s research is that there are ethical issues.
E: The British Psychological Society outlines six guidelines all psychology research must follow in order to be considered ethical, including informed consent, deception, protection from harm, right to withdraw, debriefing and right to anonymity.
E: In Asch’s study, participants were told they were participating in investigation into visual perception, whereas in reality they were being studied on whether they conformed to the group. This breaks the guidelines of no deception, as participants were not told the truth, and informed consent, as participants were not informed of the true aim of the study.
L: Therefore, Asch’s study can be considered as limited due to the ethical problems it exposed participants to.

P: One strength of Asch’s research is its application to real life situations.
E: For example, research has shown that in over 95% of cases, the first vote of the jury determines the final verdict.
E: This is a strength for Asch’s study, as by understanding the situations in which individuals conform, we can apply this knowledge to a wide range of scenarios.
L: Therefore one strength of Asch’s study is its application to real-life.

P: A final limitation of Asch’s study is that it lacks temporal validity.
E: Perrin and Spencer (1980) repeated Asch’s study in the UK and found that when using students, there was only one conforming response out of 396 trials. However, when they used youths on probation as participants and probation officers as confederates, they found similar levels of conformity to Asch.
E: this indicates that the perceived costs of conforming may affect an individual’s likelihood to conform. In this tie which Asch’s study was conducted, McCarthyism was high in America, and there was therefore risks of being associated with not conforming to the group, which may explain why Asch’s conformity rates were so high.
L: Therefore, Asch’s study is limited as we cannot apply it to other time periods than the one it was conducted in due to the specific circumstances in which it took place.

P: A limitation of Asch’s research is that there are cultural differences in conformity rates around the world.
E: Smith et al. (2006) investigated cultural differences in conformity through a meta-analysis and found that on average conformity was 31.2%, however when comparing collectivist and individualist cultures, key differences were found. Individualist cultures were found to have a conformity rate of 25%, whereas collectivist cultures were found to have a conformity rate of 37% which is nearer to what Asch originally found.
E: This is a problem for Asch’s study as it shows that we cannot generalise his findings to other cultures outside the USA, as this would be an imposed ethic. Later research has shown that Asch’s study is not an accurate representation of conformity in all cultures.
L: Therefore, one limitation of Asch’s study is that it is only an indication of conformity rates in the US and cannot be generalised to other cultures.

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What are the 3 variations of Asch’s study which influenced conformity levels?

  1. Group size
  2. Unanimity
  3. Task difficulty
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How does group size affect conformity levels?


Asch carried out different variations to determine how the size of the majority affects the rate of conformity, these variation ranged from 1-15 confederates and the level of conformity varied drastically.

With 1 confederate = 3% conformity on critical trials
With 2 confederates = 13% conformity on critical trials
With 3 confederates = 32% conformity on critical trials (the same percentage as his original experiment in which there was 3-8 confederates.
— This demonstrates that conformity reaches its highest level with just 3 confederates, once a majority pressure is created.

In the condition where he used 15 confederates the conformity slightly dropped yet it’s possible that it’s due to real participants becoming suspicious and not because of genuine conformity.

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How does unanimity affect levels of conformity?


Unanimity refers to the extent that members of a majority agree with one another.
In Asch’s original experiment, the confederates all gave the same incorrect answer on critical trials.
— In one variation of Asch’s experiment, one of the confederates was instructed to give the correct answer throughout. In this variation, the conformity dropped to 5%.
— This demonstrates that if the real participant has support for their belief, then they are more likely to resist the pressure to conform.

In another variation where a confederate gave a different, still incorrect, answer the conformity significantly dropped, not as much, to 9%.
— This shows that if you break or disrupt the groups unanimous position, then conformity is reduced significantly, even if the answer provided by the supporter is still incorrect.

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How does task difficulty affect the extent of conformity?


In Asch’s original experiment, the correct answer was always obvious. In one of his variations he made the task more difficult, by making the difference between the one lengths smaller and therefore appear closer together and more ambiguous.
— In this variation, Asch found the rate of conformity increased, although he didn’t report the percentage. This is likely to be the result of informational social influence, as individuals look to another for guidance when undertaking an ambiguous task.

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What is the meant by ‘conformity to social roles’?


When an individual adopts a particular behaviour and belief, while in a particular social situation.
Eg. At school your teacher adopt the behaviour and beliefs of a ‘teacher’, which may be very different to the behaviour and beliefs they adopt with their friends at the weekend.
— This type of conformity represents identification where a person changes their public behaviour and private beliefs but only while they are in a particular social role.

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What did research did Zimbardo (1973) conduct?


Zimbardo (1973) conducted an extremely controversial study on conformity to social roles called the Stanford Prision Experiment (SPE).

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Explain the Stanford Prison Experiment.


AIM: To examine whether people would conform to the social roles of a prison guard or prisoner when places in a mock prison environment. Furthermore, he wanted to examine whether the behaviour displayed in prisons was due to internal dispositional factors, the people themselves, or external situational factors, the environment and conditions of the prison.

1. Zimbardo’s sample consisted of 21 male university students who volunteered in response to a newspaper advert. The participants were selected from 75 volunteers on the basis of their physical and mental stability and were each paid $15 a day to take part.
2. Each participant was randomly assigned to one of two roles, prisoner or guard.
— Zimbardo wanted to make the experience as realistic as possible, turning the basement of Stanford Prison into a prison. Additionally, the ‘prisoners’ were arrested by real local police and fingerprinted, stripped and given a numbered uniform with chains placed around their ankles.
— The guarded were given uniforms, dark reflective sunglasses, handcuffs and a truncheon. They were intricate red to run the prison without using physical violence.
— The experiment was set to run for 2 weeks.

RESULTS: Zimbardo found that both the prisoners and guards quickly identifies with their social roles. Within days the prisoners rebelled, but this was quickly crushed by the guard, who then grew increasingly abusive towards the prisoners.
The guards dehumanised the prisoners, waking them during the night and forcing them to clean the toilets with their bar hands; prisoners became increasingly submissive, identifying further with their subordinate role.
Five of the prisoners were released from the experiment early, because of their adverse reactions to the physical and mental torment eg. Crying and extreme anxiety. Although the experiment was set to run for two weeks, it was terminated after six days.

CONCLUSION: Zimbardo concluded that people quickly conform to social roles, even when the role goes against their moral principles. Furthermore, he concluded that situational factors were largely responsible for the behaviour found, as none of the participants had ever demonstrated these behaviours previously.

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P: Zimbardo believed that conformity to roles was an automatic behaviour. This is, the guards’ sadistic behaviour was an automatic consequence of them embracing their roles, which in turn suppressed their ability to understand or see what they were doing was wrong.
E: Not all the guards responded in the same way. behaviour varied from fully sadistic to being ‘good’ guards. The ‘good’ guards did not degrade or harass the prisoners, and even did small favours for them like bringing in cigarettes.
L: Haslam and Reicher (2012) argue that this shows that the guards chose how to behave, rather than blindly conforming to their social role, showing individual differences in behaviour.

P: Banuazizi and Movahedi (1975) presented some of the details of the SPE experimental procedure to a large sample of students who had never heard of the study. The vast majority of these students correctly guessed the purpose/aim of the experiment, and correctly predicted the outcome.
E: Perhaps, the participants of the SPE guessed what the experimenters expected of them or how they wanted them to behave, and so behaved in a way to please them.
L: Therefore, the behaviour in Zimbardo’s guards and prisoners may not be due to their response to a ‘compelling prison environment’ but rather it was a response to powerful demand characteristics in the experimental situation itself.

P: Abu Ghraib was a military prison in Iraq, notorious for the torture and abuse of Iraqi prisoners by US soldiers in 2003 and 2004. Zimbardo’s believed that the guards who committed the abuses were victims of situational factors that made abuse more likely.
E: He suggests that situational factors such as lack of training, unrelenting boredom and no accountability ro higher authority were present in both the SPE and Abu Ghraib.
E: These, combined with an opportunity to misuse the power associated with the assigned role of the ‘guard; let to the prisoner abuses in both situations.
L: Therefore, this research has real-world application as it has helped us to understand how seemingly normal people can behave in atrocious ways when they are conforming to social roles.

P: Zimbardo’s study was considered ethical because it followed the guidelines of the Stanford University ethics committee that has approved it.
E: There was, for example, no deception with all participants being told in advance that many of their usual rights would be suspended.
E: However, Zimbardo acknowledges that perhaps the study should have been stopped earlier as so many of the participants were experiencing emotional distress. Also, while participants did consent to take part, they did not consent to being arrested at their own homes.
L: He attempted to make amends for this by carrying out debriefing sessions for several years afterwards and concluded that there were no lasting negative effects.

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What is obedience?


Obedience is a form of social influence that is in direct response to an order from another person.

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Explain Milgram’s (1963) study.


AIM: To investigate whether ordinary people would obey an unjust order from an authority figure and inflict pain and injure an innocent person.

METHOD: Milgram’s sample consisted of 40 male American participants recruited through a newspaper advertisement. The participants were all volunteers who were paid $4.50 to take part.

  1. They were all invited to a laboratory at the prestigious Yale University, where they met the experimenter and another participant (who were both confederates).
  2. They ‘drew lots’ to see who would be assigned to each role within the study but this was fixed so that the real participant was always assigned to the role of ‘teacher’ and was in structured by the experimenter to administer an electric shock of increasing strength to the ‘learner’ every time he made a mistake when recalling a list of word pairs.
  3. The participant was required to test the learners ability to recall pairs of words. Each time the learner got an answer wrong the teacher was required to administer an electric shock of increasing voltage, starting at 15 volts to 450 volts.
  4. At 300 volts (intense shock) the learner would bang on the wall and complain. After 315-volt shock was administered there were no further responses heard from the learner. The experimenter continued until either the participant refused to continue, or the maximum level of 450 volts was reached.
    — If the teacher tried to stop the experiment, the experimenter would respond with a series of verbal prods for example ‘the experiment requires that you continue’

RESULTS: Milgram’s found that all of the participant went to at least 300 volts and 65% continued and administered the full 450 volts. In addition to this quantitative data, qualitative observations were also made which report that participants showed signs of distress and tension; for example sweating, stuttering and trembling.

CONCLUSION: Milgram concluded that, under the right situational circumstances, ordinary people will obey unjust orders from someone percieved to be a legitimate authority figure.


EVALUATION : Milgram (1963)


P: One criticism of Milgram’s study s that it broke several ethical guidelines.
E: Milgram deceived his participants aa they believed that they were taking part in a study on how punishment affects learning, rather than on obedience. They were also deceived by the rigging of the role allocation that was in fact pre-determined.
E: Due to the nature of the task, Milgram did not protect the participants from psychological harm. Since many of them showed signs of real distress during the experiment and may have continued to feel guilty following the experiment, knowing that they could have harmed another human being. Some critics of Milgram believed that these breaches could serve to damage reputation of psychology and jeopardise future research.
L: Therefore, a limitation of this study is that it is unethical and may hinder further research in the field of psychology.

P: Internal validity is whether the results were due to manipulation of the independant variable rather than other factors sich as extraneous variable or demand characteristics.
E: Orne & Holland (1968) claimed that participants in psychological studies have learned to distrust experimenters because they know that the true purpose of the study may be disguised. in Milgram’s study, despite the fact that the learner cried out in pain, the experimenter remained cool and distant. This leaf the participant to suppose that the ‘victim’ could not really be suffering any real harm.
E: Perry (2012) discovered that many of Milgram’s participants have been sceptical at the time about whether the shocks were real. One of Milgram’s research assistants has divided the participants into what he called ‘doubters’ (believing the shocks were fake) and ‘believers’. He found that the ‘believers’ were more likely to disobey the experimenter and give only low intensity shocks.
L: Milgram responded by saying that participants believed it was real. they showed physiological signs of distress eg. Sweating, clenched fists etc.

P: Commonly assumed women would be more susceptible to social influence than men (Eagly. This means that there may be gender differences in obedience.
E: Milgram had one condition in which participants were female - he found that self-reported tension in women that went to the maximum shock level was significantly higher than was for men but that their rate of obedience was the same as men in a comparable condition.
L: Blass (1999) studied nine replications of Milgram’s study that had both male and female participants and found no evidence of any gender differences in obedience.

P: Some people consider a situational perspective on the Holocaust offensive because it removes personal responsibility from the perpetrators.
E: To suggest that Nazi executioners of Jews were ‘only doing their duty by obeying orders’ implies that they were also the victims of situational pressures, and that anyone faced with a similar situation would have behaved in the same way. it runs the risk of trivialising genocide.
L: Many Nazis on trial for war crimes attempted to use the explanations that they were just following orders to defend themselves after the war.


What are social-psychological factors?


Social-Psychological factors are internal factors that affect the likelihood that someone will obey orders. They act independently in an autonomous state.


Explain what is meant by the Agentic State.


The Agency theory suggests that we are socialised from a very young age to follow the rules of society. But, in order for this to happen, a person needs to surrender some of their free will.
— When a person is acting independently this is called the autonomous state.

The opposite of this being the agentic state, which occurs when an individual carries out the orders of an authority figure and acts as their ‘ agent’, with little personal responsibility and reduced moral strain for their actions.
— To shift from autonomy to ‘agency’ is referred to as the ‘agentic shift’


Explain what legitimacy of authority means in perspective of obedience.


Milgram believed that, by focusing on the procedure and following the instructuions that were given y the experimenter, the participants were recognising the legitimate authority of the researcher.
— in Milgram’s original research, which took place at Yale University, the percentage of participants administering the full 450 volts was 65%
— However, when the experiment was replicated in the a rundown building in Connecticut, obedience levels dropped to 48%

This change reduced the legitimacy of authority, as participants were less likely to trust the experiment, and the power of the authority figure was diminished.


What are situational explanations of obedience?


Situational explanations for obedience focus on external factors that affect the likelihood that someone will obey orders. Examples of situational factors are: proximity, location and uniform.


What is proximity and how does it affect obedience?


Proximity is a situational variable affecting obedience which refers to how close you are to someone or something.
— In Milgram’s experiment, proximity worked on numerous levels: how close the teacher as to the learner, and how close the teacher was to the experimenter.

In order to test the power of proximity, Milgram conducted a variation where the teacher and learner was seated in the same room. In this variation, the percentage of participants who administered the full 450 volts dropped from 65% to 40%.
Here obedience levels fell, as the teacher was able to understand the learner’s pain more directly.

Milgram also found that when the experimenter left the room and gave instructions over the telephone, obedience levels dropped to 21%.


How does location affect obedience?


Milgram conducted his original research in a laboratory of Yale University. In order to test the power of the location, he conduced a variation in a rundown building in Connecticut.
In this variation the percentage. Of participants who administer the full 450 volts dropped from 65% to 48%, highlighting the importance of location in creating a prestigious atmosphere generating respect and obedience.




P: There is research support for the role of the agentic state in explaining Migram’s high obedience rates.
E: Blass and Schmitt (2001) asked students to watch the original footage and suggest who was responsible for the ‘harm’ caused to the learner, they named the experimenter.
E: It was thought that the experimenter, as a scientist wearing a white coat, was at the top of the social hierarchy and therefore had legitimate authority over the situation and outcomes.
L: This shows that obedience can be affected by the appearance of the researcher whether they seem like a legitimate authority or not.

P: There are differences in the degree to which authority figures are seen and accepted as legitimate in some cultures.
E: Kilman and Mann (1974) replicated Milgram’s original study procedures in Australia but found that only 16% of the participants shocked the learner at the maximum voltage level of 450v whereas Mantell (1971), on the other hand, showed that it was 85% when conducted in Germany.
E: This cross-cultural comparison shows that different societies follow alternative hierarchal structures and children may be socialised differently from a young age to be more, or less, obedient towards figures who are viewed within that specific culture.
L: This, again, shows that there are differences in what each culture perceives to be a legitimate authority and have different reactions when faced with one.

P: There has been research support for the role of the situational variable of uniform affecting obedience rates.
E: Bickman (1974) conducted a field experiment in New York where confederates stood on the street and asked members of the public who were passing by to perform a small task such as picking up a piece of litter or providing a coin for the parking meter. The outfit that the confederate was wearing varied from a smart suit jacket and tie, a milkman’s outfit or a security guard’s uniform.
E: It was found that in this final condition that members of the public were twice as likely to obey the order given by the ‘security guard’, which supports Milgram’s idea that a uniform adds to the legitimacy of the authority figure and is a situational variable which increases obedience levels.

P: Milkgram’s methodological approach to systematically changing one variable at a time in his experiment investigating the effect of variations on obedience can be praised for having high reliability.
E: Since Milgram had high control over these variations it was possible to closely monitor the effect each was having on obedience rates. All procedures followed standardised methods, with variables being kept as consistent as possible.
E: In total over 1000 participants took part across all studies, providing a weight of evidence not seen in other areas of social influence research.


What is the definition of an authoritarian personality?


A person who has extreme respect for authority and is more likely to be obedient to those who hold power over them.


What is Adorno’s belief on how an authoritarian personality is developed?


Adorno et al. (1950) believed that the foundation for an authoritarian personality were laid in early childhood as a result of harsh and strict parenting, which made the child feel that the love of their parent was conditional and dependent upon how they behaved.
— It is argued that it creates resentment within the child as they grow up and, since they cannot express it at the time, the feelings are displaced onto others that are seen as ‘weak’ or ‘inferior’, as a form of scapegoating.


Explain the study carried out by Adorno et al. (1950).


Adorno et al. (1950)
AIM: Conducted a study using over 2,000 middle-class, Caucasian Americans to find out their unconscious views towards other racial groups.

METHOD: Adorno and his colleagues developed a number of questionnaires including one called the F-scale, which means fascist tendencies, as fascism (an extreme right-wing ideology) is thought to be at the core of the authoritarian personality.

Examples of terms from the F-scale include:
— “There is hardly anything lower than a person that does not feel great love, gratitude and respect for his parent”
— “Obedience and respect for authority are the most important virus children should learn”

FINDINGS: Individuals who score highly on the F-scale and the other questionnaires are self-reported identifying with ‘strong’ people and showed disrespect towards the ‘weak’. In addition, those high on the F-scale were status-conscious regarding themselves and others, showing excessive respect to those in higher power.
Adorno and colleagues also found that authoritarian people had a particular cognitive style, which categorised other people into specific stereotypical categories leading to a strong positive correlation between authoritarianism and prejudice.

CONCLUSION: Individuals with an authoritarian personality were more obedient to authority figures and showed an extreme submissiveness and respect. The are also uncomfortable with uncertainty, with everything being see as either right or wrong with ‘no grey areas’ inbetween, demonstrating an inflexible attitude. They, therefore, believe that society requires strong leadership to enforce rigid, traditional values.


EVALUATION : Authoritarian Personality


P: A strength of Adorno’s theory on the authoritarian personality is that there is research to support this.
E: Milgram and Elms (1966) conducted a post-experimental interview with participants who were fully obedient in Milgram’s original study, to see if there was a link between high levels of obedience and an authoritarian personality.
E: It was found that the obedient participants scored higher on the F-scale in comparison to the disobedient participants. Furthermore, the obedient participants were less close to their fathers during childhood and admired the experimenter in Milgram’s study, which was quite the opposite for the disobedient participants.
L: Therefore, since we can see that there was a correlation between the obedient participants in Milgram’s study and a high score on the F-scale we can see that this theory is valuable.

P: A limitation of this theory is that individual differences contribute to the development of the authoritarian personality.
E: Research by Middendorp and Meleon (1990) has found that less-educated people are more likely that well-educated people to display authoritarian personality characteristic.
E: If these claims are correct, then it is possible to conclude that it is ot authoritarian characteristics alone that lead to obedience, but levels of education.
L: Therefore, this is a limitation of the study if authoritarian personality doesn’t emerge solely from your upbringing.

P: A limitation with this study is that there are methodology criticisms associated with the measures used to determine authoritarian personality traits.
E: It is possible that the F-scale suffers from response bias or social desirability, where participants provide answers that are socially acceptable. For example, participants may appear more authoritarian because they believe that their answers are socially “correct” and consequently they are incorrectly classified as authoritarian when they are not.
L: This therefore reduces the internal validity of the questionnaire research method used in determining the degree of authoritarianism.

P: It is argued that the F-scale may in fact represent a political bias.
E: Christie and Jahoda (1954) highlight a weakness in the F-scale for only measuring extreme right-wing ideologies, thus ignoring the role that authoritarianism has also played historically in left-wing politics such as Chinese Maoism and Russian Bolshevism, for example.
L: This identifies a bias in what is believed to be at the core of the authoritarian personality and therefore poses a limitation of Adorno’s theory, since the F-scale cannot account for obedience to authority across the diverse political range.


What are the two explanations od resistance to social influence?

  1. Social support
  2. Locus of Control (LOC)

What is the idea of social support?


A reason that people can resist the pressure conform or obey is if they have an ally (someone supporting their point of view). Having an ally can build confidence and allow individuals to remain independent.

Individuals who have support for their point of view no longer fear being ridiculed, allowing them to avoid normative social influence. Although Asch reports that if this dissenter then returns to conform then so does the naive participant, meaning that the effect may only be short-term.
— Furthermore, individuals who have support for their point of view are less likely to obey orders and feel better able to resist the pressure if there is another person present who also doesn’t obey.


EVALUATION : Social Support


P: A strength in this theory is that there is research support for social support in reducing pressure to conform.
E: In one of Asch’s (1951) variations, one of the confederates was instructed to give the correct answer throughout. In this variation the rate of conformity dropped to 5%.
E: This demonstrates that if the real participant has support for their belief (social support), then they are more likely to resist the pressure to conform.
L: This suggests that social support lowers the pressure of the group making it easier to demonstrate independent behaviour.

P: There is research support for social support in reducing pressure to obey which comes from Milgram (1974).
E: In one of Milgram’s variations, the real participant was paired with two additional confederates, who also played the role of teachers. In this variation, the two additional confederates refused to go on and withdrew from the experiment early.
E: This time, the percentage of the real participants who proceeded to the full 450 volts dropped from 65% (in the original) to 10%.
L: This shows that if the real participant has support for the desire to disobey, then they are more likely to resist the pressure of an authority figure.


What is the idea of the Locus of Control?


Rotter (1966) proposed an idea of locus of control, which is the extent to which people believe they have control over their own lives.

+ People with an internal locus of control believe that what happens in their life is largely the result of their own behaviour and that they have control over their life. These people are therefore more independent and find it easier to resist pressure to conform or obey.
+ Individuals with an external locus of control believe that what happens to them is controlled by external factors and that they do not have complete control over their life. This means that they are more likely to succumb to pressure to conform or obey and are less likely to show independent behaviour.


EVALUATION : Locus of Control


P: There is research to support the idea that individuals with an internal locus of control are less likely to conform.
E: Spector (1983) used Rotter’s locus of control scale to determine whether locus of control is associated with conformity. From 157 students, Spector found that individuals with a high internal locus of control were less likely to conform than those with a high external locus of control, but only in situations of normative social influence, where individuals conform to be accepted.
E: There was no difference between the two groups for informative social influence.
L: This suggests that normative social influence, the desire to fit in, is more powerful than informational social influence, the desire to be right, when considering locus of control.

P: However, there is contradictory evidence, since not all research supports the link between locus of control and resistance to social influence.
E: Twenge et al (1967) conducted a meta-analysis of studies spanning over four decades and found that, over time, people have become more external in their locus of control but also more resistant to obedience, which is incongruent to Rotter’s original suggestions.
L: This challenges the established link between external locus of control and higher obedience.


What are the 3 different factors that can enhance the effectiveness of minority influence?

  1. Consistency
  2. Commitment
  3. Flexibility

What is consistency and how can it enhance minority influence?


Consistency refers to the way in which minority influence is more likely to occur when a minority member shares the same belief and retain it over time.
— This then draws the attention of the majority group to the minority position.
— One of the most influential experiments investigating minority influence was conducted by Moscovici (1969).


Explain the study carried out by Moscovici (1969) on minority influence.


Moscovici (1969)
AIM: To see if a consistent minority could influence a majority to give an incorrect answer, in a colour perception task/

METHOD: His sample consisted of 172 female participants who were told that they were taking part in a colour perception task. The participants were placed in groups of six and shown 36 slides, which were all varying shards of blue. They were then asked to state out loud the colour of each slide.
— Two of the six participants were confederates and in one condition (consistent) the two confederates said that all 36 slides were green.
— In the second condition (inconsistent) the confederates said that 24 of the slides were green and that 12 were blue.

FINDINGS: Moscovici found that in the consistent condition, the real participants agree on 8.2% of the trials, whereas in the inconsistent condition, the real participants agreed only on 1.25% of the trials.

CONCLUSION: Moscovici’s results show that a consistent minority is almost 7% more effective than an inconsistent minority and that consistency is an important factor in exerting minority influence.


What is commitment and how can it enhance minority influence?


On occasion, minorities sometimes engage in very risky or extreme behaviour in order to draw attention to their views. In psychological terms, it is important that these behaviours place the minority at risk in order for them to demonstrate commitment to their cause.
— This is called the augmentation principle

The majority then in turn pays more attention to the actions being taken and is therefore more likely to integrate it into their personal viewpoints, augmenting its importance, due to the personal sacrifice made by the minority.


What is flexibility and how can it enhance minority influence?


Flexibility refers to the way in which minority influence is more likely to occur when the minority is willing to compromise. This means they cannot be viewed as dogmatic/rigid and unreasonable.


Explain the study carried out by Nemeth (1986) on flexibility in minority influence.


Nemeth (1986)
AIM: She believed that consistency was not the most important factor in minority influence, suggesting that it can often be misinterpreted as a negative trait. She set about investigating the idea of flexibility as a key characteristic of successful minorities who exert pressure.

METHOD: Participants, in groups of four, had to agree on the amount of compensation they would give to the victims of ski-lift accident.
One of the participant in each group was a confederate and there were two conditions:
1) When the minority argued for a low rate of compensation and refused to change their position (inflexible).
2) When the minority argued for a low rate of compensation but compromised by offering a slightly higher rate of compensation (flexible).

RESULTS: Nemeth found that in the inflexible condition, the minority has little or no effect on the majority, however, in the flexible condition, the majority members were much more likely to also compromise and change their view.

CONCLUSION: Nemeth’s research highlights the importance of flexibility, and questions the idea of consistency, suggesting that striking a balance between the two is the most successful strategy for a minority to adopt.


EVALUATION : Minority Influence


P: Nemeth (2010) claims that it is still difficult to convince people of the value of dissent.
E: People accept the principle only on the surface i.e. it appears democratic and tolerant. However, they quickly become irritated by a dissenting view that persists and they also fear the lack of harmony within the group by welcoming dissent.
E: As a result, we attempt to belittle the dissenting view or try to contain it. People are encouraged to ‘fit in’ and made to fear repercussions, including being marginalised by ridicule by being associated with a ‘deviant’ point of view.
L: This means the majority view persists and the opportunities for innovative thinking associated with minority influence are lost.

P: Miscovici used a bias sample of 172 female participants from America.
E: As a result, we are unable to generalise the results to other populations, for example male participants, and we cannot conclude that male participants would respond to minority influence in the same way.
E: Furthermore, research often suggests that females are more likely than males to conform.
L: Therefore further research is required to determine the effect of minority influence on male participants to improve the low population validity of this experiment.

P: A limitation is that there is research who argues that the views of the minority do not get processed more than majority opinion.
E: Mackie (1987) argues that the views of the minority do not necessarily lead to greater processing, but rather it is the majority who are more likely to create greater message processing, as we tend to believe that the majority of group members share similar beliefs to ours.
E: If the majority express a different one from the one we hold, we must consider it carefully to understand why this is the case.
L: On the other hand, people tend not to waste time trying to process why a minority’s message is different, therefore it tends to be less rather than more influential.

P: Nemeth (2010) argues that dissent in the form of minority opinion ‘opens the mind’.
E: As a result of exposure to minority opinion, people search for information, consider more options and make better decisions, and are more creative.
E: Dissenters liberate people to say what they believe and they stimulate divergence and creative thought even when they are wrong.
L: Van Dyne and Saavendra (1996) support this, as they studied the role of dissent in work groups, finding that groups have improved decision quality when exposed to a minority perspective.


What is the definition of social change?


Social change refers to the ways in which a society (rather than an individual) develops over time to replace beliefs, attitudes and behaviour with new norms and expectations.


Explain the real-world example of social change caused by Rosa Parks.


Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to white male passenger in the 1950s and was arrested for violating the US law.
— This event helped trigger the civil rights movement to end racial segregation laws in America.
— The case of Rosa Parks demonstrates that people who are willing to make a sacrifice (in her case being arrested) to show their commitment to their cause and asa a result are more influential in bringing about social change.


Explain the real-world example of social change by the suffragettes.


The suffragettes were consistent in their view and persistently used educational and political arguments to draw attention to female rights.
— They remained consistent for many years and despite the opposition continued protesting until they convinced society that women were entitled to vote.
— Many of the suffragettes made significant sacrifices for their cause, risking imprisonment and even death through extended hunger strikes and thereby making their influence even more powerful.


EVALUATION : Social Change


P: Bashir et al investigated why people so often resist when they agree it’s necessary.
E: They found that their participants were less leikly to behave in environmentally friendly ways because they didn’t want to be associated with stereotypical minority environmentalists.
E: They rated environmental activists and feminists in negative ways describing them as “tree huggers” and “man haters”.
L: The researchers’ advice to minorities hoping to create social change is to avoid behaving in ways that reinforce the stereotypes because this will always be off-putting to the majority they want to influence.

P: Nolan (2008) investigated whether majority influence led to a reduction in energy consumption in a community: the researchers hung messages on the front doors of houses in San Diego, California every week for one month.
E: The key message was that most residents were trying to reduce their energy usage.
E: As a control, some residents had a different message that just asked them to save energy, but made no reference to other people’s behaviour.
L: Findings showed significant decreases in energy usage in the group that were informed ‘most residents’ were trying to reduce energy usage showing how conforming to a majority group can lead to social change.

P: Methodological issues may undermine the links drawn between social influence processes and social change.
E: For example, many of the research studies providing an explanation for social change, such as those conducted by Asch, Milgram and Moscovici, can themselves be criticised for issues in their methodology ranging from low generalisability to demand characteristics.
L: This means that there are doubts about the validity of some of the processes involved in social influence and social change due to the research informing the theories.

P: Maass et al (1982) investigated the idea of group membership and found that a minority of heterosexual men were more liekly to convince a heterosexual majority about gay rights, in comparison a minority of homosexual people.
E: Maass concluded that ‘straight’ men have more persuasive power when discussing gay rights with other straight men, in comparison to gay men.
L: This supports the idea that similarity in terms of group membership is an important factor for minority influence and social change.