Social Development Flashcards
Explain the Mirror Test (Lewis & Brooks-Gunn, 1979)
- 16 infants each in 6 age groups
- Compared “No-rouge” & “Rouge” conditions
- Childrenunder 2yo still unaware of self in the mirror
- The ability to recognize oneself in the mirror is often held as evidence of self-awareness.
When does full temporal sense of self develop?
After 3 years of age
Explain Povinelli et al.’s (1996) experiment related to temporal sense of self
- Sticker unobtrusively placed on head
- Videos and photos taken of 2-4 yrs old
- Showed them videos/photos after delay
- Older 3 & 4 yo reached for sticker
- Younger children did not
What is person permanence?
Internal representation of a social being
When does person permanence develop?
18 months
Explain Lewis & Brook-Gunn’s (1979) social dimensions findings
- Different behaviour to familiar vs strange adults (7-9 months)
- Familiar vs strange peers (10-12 months)
- Discriminate children and adults (6-12 months)
- Use verbal age labels by 18-24 months
- Discriminate between female and male strangers (9-12 months)
- Use verbal gender labels around 19 months
Explain the production of emotional development
- After birth: Positive and negative affect
- Few months: Basic primary emotions (joy, interest, anger, sadness)
- 7 months: Fear responses, anger vs pain
- 2-3yo: Secondary emotions (embarrassment, pride, shame)
Explain how emotion recognition develops
- Discriminate emotions early on from 10 weeks (Haviland & Lelwica, 1987)
- Social referencing:
*Gauge response from caregiver before reacting
*Wary reactions to strangers (and toys) -> More positive when mother reacts positively
*Visual cliff
How do caregivers’ presence and behaviour influence a baby’s infant?
- Babies take cues from how their caregivers (parents, family, guardians) respond to something in order to form their right-wrong’s, decisions, etc
- In the visual cliff example, the babies do not cross the “cliff” when their mothers show a fearful face and yet they cross when their mothers show a happy/encouraging face
What is emotional intelligence?
- Learn to regulate emotions
- Emotion regulation and coping mechanism
- Emotion regulation and social competence
Explain emotional intelligence: learn to regulate emotions
Switch from external to internal management
Explain emotional intelligence: emotion regulation and coping mechanism
Achieve well-being
Explain emotional intelligence: emotion regulation and social competence
Accuracy in recognising emotions = better acceptance by peers
Explain the Harris (1989) study on understanding another’s mind
Precursors to this understanding:
- Self awareness at 18-20 months (verbally express emotional states (2yo)
- Capacity for pretence at 2-3yo (Pretend something in world is sth else)
- Distinguishing reality from pretence at 3-4yo
Combine these to start understanding other people’s emotions, desires, beliefs
Explain the concept of Theory of Mind
Other people have a mental representation of the world different from our own (beliefs, feelings, etc.)
- “theory” -> cannot see or touch the mind; have to infer
- crucial to success in social world
- not innate; develops with age
Explain findings from Wimmer & Permer’s (1983) False-Belief task
- only those aged 5 and above could answer the false belief task correctly
- asked the Q of “Where will Maxi look for the chocolate?”
Explain findings from the Sally-Anne Task (False-Belief task)
- In the 3yo’s eyes, everyone thinks the same; shares the same thoughts
- For 4yo’s, they can better understand different people have different beliefs
Explain how ToM develops, specifically distinguishing mental states in language
- 2yo use words about internal states (want)
- 3yo use cognitive terms (know, remember)
Explain how ToM develops, specifically understanding the relationship between seeing and knowing
By 3-4yrs, they can understand that seeing something means knowing about
Explain how ToM develops, specifically the appearance-reality distinction
- 3yo have difficulty understanding 2 representations of an object at the same time
- Flavell et al (1986): what it looks like and what it is can be different
Explain how ToM develops, specifically in predicting behaviour
- 2yo understand that people have desires (e.g. Sam and his rabbit)
- 3yo understand that people have beliefs (e.g. Amy and the books) BUT they don’t yet understand that others can act on inaccurate beliefs
When is ToM achieved?
Wellman et al (2001) review of false belief studies revealed
- Very few 2yo
- Minority 3yo
- 4+ yo usually passed
Explain Southgate & Vernetti’s (2014) False Belief task
- It measured activation in motor cortex of adults (which will be activated when the actor has false belief that ball is in the box)
- 6mo infants showed the same activity
- Conclusion: infants make action prediction based on the agent’s belief
How does language impact development?
- Children who perform better on false belief tasks tend to have better language abilities
- Children with caregivers who use more mental state terms earlier perform better
How does interaction with peers/family impact development?
- Those with older siblings do better
- Larger families, more interaction with adults and siblings also do better
How does ToM look in children after 4yrs? (understanding surprise & deception)
Understanding surprise:
- 5yrs chose the correct surprise face over neutral face
- Ex. lie about preferred sticker to puppet to avoid losing it
- 5yo could lie from beginning; 4yo got better over trials; 3yo never learnt to lie
Explain the Ambiguous Drawing Task (Carpendale & Chandler, 1996)
- The children were given an ambiguous drawing which could be interpreted in two different ways
- 5-8yo: All succeeded on false-belief task
- Make sure child can see both interpretations
- “What will Ann see?”
- 5yo could not give a good answer
- Even some 8yo had trouble
What did Osterhaus & Bosacki (2022) find on Advanced Theory of Mind from middle childhood?
- Found very diverse definitions
- Individuals with diff AToM related to inhibition and language skills, NOT empathy
What are the theories on how ToM develops?
- Conceptual change between 3-5yo
- Develop concept of (meta)representations
- Mental states aren’t direct reflections of reality, but can be inaccurate
- Evidence: differences between 3-4yo on traditional false belief tasks - Understanding of ToM develops gradually
- You can’t suddenly acquire the concept
- “Realist” tendency overrides understanding of beliefs
- Other cognitive abilities mask understanding
- Evidence: tasks reducing complexity/cognitive demands show success at younger ages