Social Construction of crime Flashcards
What is the definition of “Crime”?
An illegal act punishable by law that, if detected, can result in formal consequences.
Define “Deviance.”
Behaviour that does not conform to society’s mainstream norms and values and is likely to receive informal reactions or consequences.
What is meant by “Social Control”?
Social control refers to methods that persuade or force individuals to conform to the main social norms and values learned through early socialization. It prevents deviance and can be formal (e.g., institutions like school and law) or informal (e.g., peers and family). Sanctions, positive or negative, enforce social control.
Name examples of agencies for Formal Social Control.
Agencies specifically set up to ensure conformity, such as police and courts, enforce social control through punishments like prison time or fines.
Identify examples of agencies for Informal Social Control.
Groups like parents, the education system, and the workplace sanction behaviours but are not primarily involved in enforcing social control.
What is the role of the police in ‘Conflict Policing’?
Conflict policing, according to Marxists, sees the police not as part of the community but as a hostile outside force working directly in the interests of the ruling class against the proletariat. They often avoid certain neighbourhoods or show a heavy, armoured presence when present.
What is the perspective of Consensus Policing?
Consensus policing, as seen by Functionalist sociologists, considers the police as coming from and working on behalf of the community they police. Their presence is welcomed, reassuring, and involves following up on reported crimes while being known members of the community.