Social-Cognitive Flashcards
Not alert to mother with special interest
Red flag 2-3 mo
Not searching for dropped object
Red flag 6-7 mo
No interest in peek at boo
Red flag 8-9 mo
object permanence
8 mo
Red flag 12 mo
No interest in cause and effect games
Red flag 15-18 mo
Does not categorize similarities
Red flag 2 yo
Does not know own full name
Red flag 3 yo
Cannot pick shorter or longer of two lines
Red flag 4 yo
Cannot count sequentially
Red flag 4.5 yo
Does not know color or any letters
Red flag 5 yo
Does not know own birthday or address
Red flag 5.5 yo
Not smiling socially
Red flag 3 mo
Not laughing in playful situations
Red flag 6-8 mo
Hard to console, stiffens when approached
Red flag 1 yo
Kicks bites and screams easily and without provocation
Red flag 2 yo
Rocks back and forth in crib, no eye contact or engagement with other children
Red flag 2 yo
In constant motion, resist discipline, does not play with other children
Red flag 3-5 yo
Stares at own hand
4 mo
Bangs two cubes
8 mo
Egocentric symbolic play (pretends to drink from cup)
12 mo
Uses stick to reach toy
17 mo
Pretend to play with doll
17 mo
Preferential turning to mother’s voice
0-2 mo
Follows light
Follows moving object
1 mo
Excited at sight of food
4 mo
Peek a boo
10 mo
Waves bye bye
10 mo
Hatching socially, looks at other people (instead of mother)
4 mo
Explore their own bodies
2-6 mo
Stranger anxiety
9 mo
Identify at least one body part
18 mo
Feeds self
18 mo
12-18 mo
12-18 mo
Symbolic play
12-18 mo
Increased clinginess
18-24 mo
Separation anxiety
18-24 mo
Uses transitional object
Appreciates mirror
18-24 mo
Beginning of conscience
18-24 mo
End of sensory motor period
Emergence of verbal language
18-24 mo