Social Cognition - Learning through play Flashcards
Naive Psychology
Infants find people interesting and pay attention to them, learning an impressive amount in the first year
Tests on what infants prioritise, a new goal or a new path - will look longer on new goal trials than new path
Emergence of initial action understanding
Ability to produce and understand the intention of grasp changes
Sticky mittens intervention
Equal understanding of object interactions through active and observational tasks
Intentional vs accidental
By 14 months, infants imitate intentional but not accidental actions
* Can tell the difference through inotation
Imitation tasks
By 18 months, infants complete the failed actions of other people
* Children watching an adult do a complete or partial task completed the task
* Children watching an adult or a machine doing a complete or partial task, only children watching adult completed the task
Theory of mind - 2 years old
Understand the connection between other people’s desires and their specific actions but show little understanding that beliefs are also influential
Theory of mind - 3 years old
Understand that desires and beliefs affect behaviour but have difficulty understanding why
Self other desire distinction
At 18 months know what they prefer but don’t at 14 months
* Shown through experimenter sharing food
Measuring false beliefs
False belief problems (like Sally’s ball) are a sophisticated test of the understanding that other people will act in accord with their own beliefs
What prevents children from passing false belief tests?
- Language demands too taxing
- Executive functioning demands are too high
- Social factors facilitate perspective taking
Core knowledge theory
Humans possess a brain mechanism devoted to understanding others
Sociocultural theories
Children with siblings may do better on false-belief tasks
Information processing theories
Understanding other peoples minds places demands on information skills so social knowledge as information processes increase with age
Lowering task demands of false belief tasks
Using violation of expectation and anticipatory looking infants pass before 2 years of age
Humans aren’t unique in their understanding of others
Dogs can learn basic information about associations and rewards but they struggle to get a complex or generalised understanding
Monkey see, monkey do
Mistakenly found that same cells are activated when a monkey does an action and when seeing the same action be done by someone else
- Mirror system in infant brain is also relevant in humans
Beyond the mirror system
Posterior superior temporal sulcus
This area of the brain is more active when viewing social stimuli vs non social stimuli and is active for adults in faces, bodies, social interaction