Social Cognition- Errors, Biases, Heuristics Flashcards
automatic processing
fast, outside conscious awareness
controlled processing
slower, effortful, within conscious awareness
confirmation bias
tendency to seek and pay attention to information that confirms our attitudes and beliefs and ignore info against them
illusory correlation
overestimate relationship we between two variables that are only slightly related
base rate fallacy
tendency to ignore base rate info
false consensus effect
overestimate extent to which other people share our opinions, values, beliefs
gambler’s fallacy
people believe a particular chance event has affected previous events and chance will even out
counterfactual thinking
imagine what might have happened but didn’t and could be better or worse
illusory controls
people believe they can influence events outside their control (superstitious)
mental shortcuts
representativeness heuristic
make judgements about frequency or likelihood of an event
availability heuristic
base judgments on frequency of event (ex overestimate shark attacks)
anchoring and adjustment heuristic
estimate on value at beginning, such as initial starting price at a garage sale