social class inequality 40 marker Flashcards
para 1 marx
happily accept society, rarely see themselves as exploited, ideological apparatus
para 1 super plus
basis of great wealth, lose control of their jobs, alienated
para 1 family
encourage class inequality, norms and values
para 1 bowles and gintis
social reproduction, extending cycle of class inequality, nothing outside notion proletariat serve the bourgeosie, limits ability experience high level education, social mobility
para 1 cotemp example 40%
department of education shows 40% gap between upper and lower social classes in GCSE attainment
para 1 Althusser
curriculum designed to polarise the bourgeosie and proletariat
para 1 cotemp example the guardian
working class children get less of everything including respect
para 1 hirsh
working class children lack material resources
eval 1 elite jobs
such as mps are privately educated, reproduction of class
eval 1 contemporary example 2/3
boris cabinat went to private school
eval 1 henry giroux
too deterministic, working class not entirely moulded by capitalist system
eval 1 paul wilis
boys went to school to have a laff
eval 1 , underestimating
importance of middle class, petite bourgeoisie
eval 1 braverman
white collar workers have more in common in terms of working conditions with proleteriat
para 2, relationship
superstructure and infrastructure relationship