social class inequalities key terms / statistics Flashcards
The ruling class who own the means of production i.e. factories and businesses
Employed by the ruling class to produce goods and services
Middle class…
Non-manual workers who depended on educational qualifications and mental skills to earn higher incomes than the working class
Hope-Goldthorpe classification - service class…
Higher professionals, managers of large companies, lower professionals, small business managers
Hope-Goldthorpe classification - intermediate class…
Routine non-manual workers, self-employed craftsperson’s, lower-grade technicians
Hope-Goldthorpe classification - working class…
Skilled manual workers, semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers
Poorest members of society i.e. unemployed, lone parent families, chronically sick/disabled people who can’t work. These groups are largely dependent on state benefits.
National Statistics Socio-Economic Classification…
Used to classify people by social class in official statistics such as Census or government surveys
Great British Class Survey - Elite…
Most privileged group in the UK, distinguished from other classes by their wealth.
Great British Class Survey - Established middle class…
Second wealthiest group. Is the largest group.
Great British Class Survey - Technical middle class…
Small group identified as prosperous but with low levels of social and cultural capital.
Great British Class Survey - new affluent workers…
Young class group with medium levels of economic capital and are socially and culturally active.
Great British Class Survey - traditional working class…
Has low levels of all types of capital but are not the poorest group.
Great British Class Survey - emergent service workers…
Not well off but have high levels of social and cultural capital.
Great British Class Survey - precariat…
The poorest class, are the most deprived, have low scores for social and cultural capital.