Social change , stability , religious beliefs practises + organisations Flashcards
What does religion acting as conservative force involve
-Building and maintaining social solidarity and social stability
-Protecting traditional values and existing state of affairs
-OR changing society to restore traditional values + way of life at risk of disappearing
What is religion acting as a force for social change
-Concerned w/ how religious beliefs can change society + move it forward rather than acting as conservative force or moving society backwards.
Religion as a conservative force : Durkheim (Collective conscience)
-Social order + stability could only exist if ppl were integrated into society by value consensus
–> Religion achieved this (providing uniting set of beliefs and values)
-All societies divide world into sacred + profane
-Sacred= things members of society regard as special (spiritual , holy , extraordinary)
-Profane = non-sacred unholy aspects of life
Totenism among central Australian Arunta tribe of aborigines :
-Totem is so so sacred because its worship of society
-Religious beliefs and rituals act as social glue (building bonds)
-Ppl develop moral ties , shared identity , commitment + belonging –> Collective conscience
-Regulates how members of community relate to each other + necessary to maintain social order
EXAMPLE - em’s religious beliefs often means for groups to maintain own cultural identity + traditions (Bruce , cultural defence)
-Religion plays key role in building collective conscience but believed supernatural dimensions would disappear and be replaced w/ civil religion.
Religion as conservative force : Bellah (Neo-functionalism) Civil Religion
-Civil religion promotes solidarity and collective identity by blending faith and patriotism.
EXAMPLES : American children pledging allegiance to god and flag .
-Strong association w/ royal family (public mourning of Princess Diana in the uk)
Bellah evaluation
“Americanism” as a religion stretches definition of religion too far
It is clear that patriotism/nationalism do functions as a form of belief system or ideology and that it may carry out some of the functions that Durkheim, Parsons or Malinowski ascribe to religion. However, is that enough for something to be considered religious, or does it not require some sort of supernatural, divine element to it? “Americanism” arguably does have this (“God Bless America!” etc.) but this is arguably the application of traditional religious belief to a political ideology, rather than being a religion in its own right
-Not all Americans are united equally into americanism : American muslims are ostracised
Religion as conservative force : Malinowski (Psychological functions)
-Agrees w/ Durkheim
-Looked at trobriand Islands New Guinea
eg. Islanders had rituals surrounding fishing when it was dangerous but none for fishing in lagoon
-Relig provides explanations and gives security in face of uncertainty
-Fulfils need for emotional security + relieves emotional stress (which threaten social stability + solidarity)
-Life crises may lead to tensions threatening the social solidarity (bitterness, uncertainty etc)
-example : High church attendances during war time
Malinowski evaluation
Positive : Marginalised groups are more religious (Lives more uncertain)
Negative : Overestimated use of rituals to create social solidarity (Tambiah looked at rituals surrouning yams used as change for wife, rituals surrounded prestige not solidarity)
Religion as a conservative force : Parsons
-Agrees w/ Malinowski : Religion provides mechanism of adjustment and comfort - providing means of emotional adjustment in face of crises
-‘Mechanism of adjustment’
-Creates+ legitimises society’s central values –> value consensus
-Moral beliefs and values become so deeply ingrained through socialisation having effect on daily behaviour
Parsons evaluation
Glock and Stark : Religion can cause major conflict e.g Northern Ireland
Criticisms of functionalist view of religion (3)
-Downplays social change
-Declining religiosity and secularisation
-Religion can a be disruptive and socially divisive influence
Religion as a conservative force : Stark and Bainbridge (Religion as a compensator) NEO FUNCTIONALIST
-People are naturally religious
-Meets needs of individuals when sense of social order is disrupted by economic hardship , loneliness , grief , accidents , disease and ill health
-SO demand for religion remains constant (even if varies)
-Human nature to seek rewards and avoid costs
-Religion acts as a compensator- belief acting in certain way will eventually be rewarded
-Contributes to maintaining of stability –> conservative force
-Cycle of religious decline –> some r’s decline others grow
Stark and Bainbridge evaluation
-Beckford - unsociological : Assumes ppl are naturally religious but doesn’t explain why
-Norris and Inglehart : High levels of religious is seen in Catholic Countries where the Church has a near monopoly, such as Ireland and Venezuela. By contrast, countries with religious pluralism such as Holland and Australia have low levels of participation.
-Bruce: He rejects the view that diversity and competition increase the demand for religion; statistics show that diversity is often accompanied by religious decline both in America and Europe.
Religion as a conservative force : Traditional marxist perspective
-Religion = source of oppression promising escape from suffering and offering hope of supernatural intervention e.g Armageddon - showdown between god and devil
-Provides religious explanation for inequality
EXAMPLE : Hindu caste system where ppl of diff castes have diff positions in hierarchy and therefore rules on their life . Ppl obey because they believe in recreation
3 role of religion: (Karl Marx)
-Legitimises inequality
-Disguises the nature of the exploitation
-Keeps the working classes passive and resigned to their fate
Religion as conservative force Karl Marx : Religion as Opiate
Religion does two interrelated things :
-‘Opium of ppl’ cushioning pain of oppression and explications
-Legitimized + maintained r.c power
-Opium: hallucinatory , pain relieving drug creating illusions amongst the oppressed
-Eased pain produced by poverty , exploitation and oppression + helped overcome the effects of alienation of individuals in capitalist society by providing control , purpose and meaning
How ?
-> Promises eventual escape from suffering and oppression
–>Offers hope of supernatural invention to solve all problems
–>Provides religious justification for inequality
-Lenin : rel = spiritual gin to creating a mystical fog that obscures reality
evaluation of Marx
Neo-marxists : Religion can be used as form of social change to overthrow capitalism
Religion can only perform the role they believe it can if it has any power. In Britain today religion has little institutional influence . Like functionalism , fails to examine secularisation.
Religion as conservative force Marxism - Althusser
-Religion is part of the ideological state apparatus –> passes on ideas that capitalism is God given
Evalutaion of Althusser
Feminists : religion acts to continue male patriarchal power not class power
Marxism - Hook
-Gives examples to back up Marxist theory
-Popes take a conservative view on issues such as abortion , contraception and homosexuality
-This is causing problems in the third world
-Wealth of church could be use more effectively to fight poverty
Criticism of marxism (ignoring positives)
-Ignores positive side of religion. Phemenologists argue ppl will always need comfort religion provides. Functionalists believe the social integration function of religion will always be essential.
3 main neo marxists
Religion as conservative force - The feminist view overview
-Although frminidts differ in their attitudes depending on their more general belief , most feminists focus on the way in which many existing religions are patriarchal .
-Religion acts as tool of oppression of women preventing any change in women’s position claiming that the inequality between men and women is due to Gods will.
Religion as conservative force : What are the key feminist thinkers
-De beauvior
-El saadawi
Difference between radical and liberal feminists
- Religion needs to be overthrown as patriarchal tool of oppression
-Religion was hijacked by men
-Religion serves to compensate women for second class status
Liberal Feminists
-Present religions are suitable for women - they need minor changes to empower women.