-it is a transformation of cultures, institutions, and functions
- is the social creation and institutionalization of new ideas, products, processes, or structures
- is the spread of innovations from one social setting to another. It occurs when one group borrows something from another group such as norms, values, food, clothing, and other innovation. This process can lead into Acculturation.
- is the process where some of the dominant communities cultural aspects are absorbed in such a manner that the home culture get mitigated or lost
- this arae the concepts and ideas believed to disturb and be against the norms and standard of a society
Social Contradictions and Tensions
- is the unusually rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature over the past century primarily due to greenhouse gases
Global Warming
- is the long-term alteration of temperature and typical weather patterns in a place
Climate Change
- the spread of products, technology, information, and jobs across national borders and cultures
- a process where individuals and groups establish connections and networks across national boundaries often involving a dual or multiple-country sense of belonging
- the movement of either people or animals from one area to another. Migration can be used for the journey from one place to another or act of movement
- often used to refer to Filipino migrant workers, people with Filipino citizenship who reside in another country for a limited period of employment
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW)
Effects of Change in Society
- Change or mode of living and lifestyle
- Development
- Modernization
-was inspired by Charles Darwin’s work in biological evolution
-it implies that societies evolve from the simple and primitive to the more complex and advanced form
Theory of Evolution
Types of Evolutionary Theory
Unilinear Theory
Multilinear Theory
Conflict Theory
Functionalist Theory
- Karl Marx, the pioneer of this theory, did not agree that each stage of society development presents an improvement over the previous stage
Conflict Theory
- change can occur in several ways and does not inevitably lead in the same direction (Gerhard Lenski, Jr.)
Multilinear Theory
- each aspect of society depends on each other and each contributes to the overall stability and functioning of that society
Functionalist Theory
All societies pass through the same sequence of stages of evolution to reach the same destiny (A. Comte, H. Spencer & E. Durkheim)
Unilinear Theory