Social and Politcal Vocabulary Flashcards
a person or group of people in a society that elects its own representative to parliament,
who are likely to support a person, an idea or a product;
one of the parts of something that combine to form the whole
constituency, n
constituent, adj/n
synonyms: element, division, component, portion, ingredient
synonyms(2): citizen, official, electoral
suggest or hint (something bad) in an indirect and unpleasant way,
slide (oneself or a thing) slowly and smoothly into a particular place.
_something that you risk losing, especially money, when you try to predict the result of a race, game, etc., or when you are involved in an activity that can succeed or fail
_a wooden or metal post that is pointed at one end and pushed into the ground in order to support something, mark a particular place, etc.
_a situation that can be won or lost, depending on the success of a particular action.
_to bet;
_to to clearly mark the limits of something that you claim is yours
_to state your opinion, position, etc. on something very clearly
stake, v
_stake on something, bet
_stake up something, support
_stake something/claim out, state your opinion or your possession
the state or condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status.
supreme, adj
supremacy, n
synonyms: prodominance, primacy, dominion
a great success, achievement or victory and milestone
triumph, n
triumphant, adj
triumph, v
(at triumph)
(triumph over something)
a sustained and enthusiastic show of appreciation from an audience, especially by means of applause.
ovate, v
ovation, n
not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse. (of a insecurity)
precarious, adj
precariousness, n
synonyms: unsteady, unstable, uncertain, insecure
ethnic, adj
related to a race; belonging to a nation of a culture
(indigenous to a place or an area; native)
ordeal, n
difficult and unpleasant experience
strange or odd
discrete, v
to separate because it’s independent than other ones of the same type
suppress, v
to prevent from expressing, publishing or developing
to decide, judge that, or order officially
censure, v
to criticize somebody for something severely; rebuke
insinuate, v
to imply something unpleasant;
to suit yourself into a position to gain success or a physical place
surrender, v
to give up resisting, hand out an object;
to give in something
illicit, adj
illegal, or unapproved
jinx, v
to bring bad luck
surrogate, n/v
a substitute;
to stand in for, deputize
malign, v
to say something bad publicly about somebody;
litigate, v
to take a claim or disagreement to court
risqué, n
shocking comment, joke or something because usually it’s about sex
premiere, n
first public performance of something
fare well/better/badly
to be or get on successful or unsuccessful
lump, v
consider comparing
eavesdrop, v
to listen secretly to what other people are saying
illicit, adj
a person who provides blood, an organ, or semen for transplantation, transfusion, etc.
reprimand, v
expressing disapproval
see: affirmative
discrepancy, discrepant
large lack of compatibility between two things
a journey or visit, an attach or an attempt to be involved
(of a medicine or medical treatment) reducing pain without curing its cause
(of a medicine or medical treatment) reducing pain without curing its cause
antimony: heterogeneous