Social Flashcards
3 types of self- Brewer and Gardener
Individual, relational and collective
Individual self
Personal traits which distinguish you from others
Relational self
Dyadic relationships that assimilate you to others (mum)
Collective self
Group membership (academic)
Psychological state, trait as some more self aware than others. Not born with self identification but fundamental part.
2 types of self and identity
Private and public
Private self
Thoughts, feelings, attitudes and what we would like to present to the world.
Public self
Can be seen and evaluated by others, belong to social standards of behaviour.
Chronic self-awareness
Stressful, constantly aware of how they are presented. Avoidance behaviour used- drinking and drugs, can lead to self harm and suicide.
Reduced self-awareness
Deindividuation, no monitoring of own behaviour- impulsive and reckless.
Chronically aware- Self conscious
Heightened private self- more intense emotion, accurate self perception and personal beliefs. Depression + neuroticism if negative thoughts.
Heightened public self- focus on perception of others, nervousness, loss of self-esteem, adhere to group norms. Concern of physical appearance.
Self knowledge
What we know about ourself and how we store/access it
2 self schemas
Self-schematic and aschematic
Self schematic
Important part of self concept- insult of something important to the person
Not important to you- insult won’t offend as no schema for something you’re not interested in
6 theories for self-schema development
- Control theory of self regulation
- Self-discrepancy theory
- Social comparison theory
- Self evaluation maintenance
- Social identity theory
- Self categorisation theory
Control theory of self regulation (Carver & Scheier, 1981)
Ability to alter our own behaviour, monitor and test ourself to meet standard and keep changing.
Effective self regulation required solid goal/standard which is well defined.
Self-discrepancy theory (Higgins, 1987)
3 types of self schema: actual, ideal and ought.
Differences between 3 will lead to change. Focuses on emotion and drive to change, failure to change leads to public emotions.
Social comparison theory (Festinger, 1954)
We develop ourself by comparing ourself to others, self-approval.
When comparing performance, use downwards comparison to put ourself in positive light- not always possible if smart group.
Self evaluation maintenance (Tesser, 1988)
Upwards social comparison, if bad at something, think of something else they are good at to put self in positive light