Soci327 Prisons Flashcards
What is argot?
A language shared in used by prisoners
Inmates subculture
What is the prisonization process?
The manner in which an individual that simulates into inmate subculture by adhering to norms of behaviour, sexual conduct and language
What are the effects of incarceration on inmates
The caustic stigmatizing and morally debasing psycho somatic impact of experiencing incarceration which leaves a long-term impact often undercutting Ex prisoner efforts to desist from crime and we settle back into their communities
Describe the pains of imprisonment
Sykes 1958
Loss of liberty(loss of freedom and citizenship rights Deprivation of goods and services Loss of heterosexual relationships Deprivation of security Deprivation of autonomy
What is the prison code
System of social norms and values established inmates to regulate their own behaviour while serving time,
Group solidarity
Norma of masculinity related to appropriate behaviour and demeanour
Give some rules of the prison code
Don’t interfere with inmates interests don’t rat
Don’t lose your head refrain from emotional displays with other inmates keep your cool
Don’t exploit other inmates
Be tough, don’t lose your dignity
Don’t be a sucker don’t make a fool of yourself
How is the in the code produced and reproduced?
Deprivation model
Importation model
Integration model
Describe the Deprivation model
Need to adapt- adaptation and creation of the code due to restrictive nature of prison
When incarcerated prisoners are challenged by a lack of autonomy, powerlessness toward authority and lack of material goods
This lack of resources and freedom you will need to create a social culture within a prison environment
Criticism of this model present prison culture as a closed system
Describe importation model
Views prisoner behavior as ‘ imported from their “street views” values and motives
Individual characteristics and experiences prior to incarceration( eg. Socio-economic status, violent experiences)
Quality of contact prisoners have with outside world while in prison
Cleared expected life chances post incarceration
Describe the Integration model
Environmental conditions and individual characteristics both play a role in the inmate code of conduct
Prison dynamics are neither produced in an institutional vacuum nor in isolation of contextual factors
What are the two models that continue to be supported?
Importation and deprivation models
Researchers generally agree that the attributes of prisoners and the prison environment play a role in the Adjustment processes of inmates and the development of an inmate code - integration model
Prisoner adoption of code and incarceration is a function of the intersecting and conflicting relationship btwn institutional living and biographical experience
Erosion of the prison code-
Give contemporary Canadian correctional example
Research- parolees in Canadian federal prison sentence to two years+
Status is tied to criminality and fear concern what prisoner has done and what they are capable of, risk posed to other prisioners
Explain the Prison social hierarchy
Based on criminality
Solid charges =higher status
Lower status to sex offenders/pedophiles
Those at top feel unsafe (others want them dead or hurt)- doing to can improve another’s social status
Despite security in prision, no one feels safe
Men at bottom most risk due to prision culture and norms
What is the difference of intimate feelings between minimum security and maximum-security prison’s
In minimum-security prison’s men felt at risk of being falsely accused of violence as a result sent back to higher security institutions
In higher security men knew that anything could happen at any time it didn’t matter in their cell on the range in the yard or even in the shower
How was the prison code updated?
Basic principle still apply but risk assessment is more central
Code rules
Describe ratting and snitching
Rating and snitching is very bad
The power of the anti rat sentiment pushed injured men to risk house rather than seek medical attention to avoid being labelled as a rat
Don’t get too friendly with staff- prisoners do not speak to Correctional officer’s or they will be viewed as rats only short conversations
Having family in corrections or policing was problematic can get a guy killed
Code rules
Explain the importance of dependability
Be dependable - value placed on being adependable someone who repays their debt or there when needed
You only have your word
Failure to repay debts tarnishes one’s word and solid status
Dependability is critical in prison to reduce risk of altercations and increase safety
Follow the daily rules and behaviour or else
Prison code rules
Avoiding altercations
To avoid altercations prisoners had to demonstrate respect defined as respecting the space and privacy of other prisoners
Unwritten rules such as not reaching over other people’s food don’t touch other people stuff etc.
Prisoners value cleanliness clean up after yourself or get beat up
Parolees from high or medium security institutions I contact is a violation of the rules- I contact is considered a challenge
Prison code rules
Mind your own business and keep your mouth shut
Neither see nor hearing in prison extended to not being able to assist hurt or dying as a challenge for parolees
Parolees described ignoring or step over dying or hurt prisoners even friends
Not as though it was inhumane but had no choice helping others put your own life at risk
Prison code rules
Be fearless or at least act tough
Losing fights and backing down lowers status in the hierarchy
Being weak could make someone a target a future victimization example theft
Winning an altercation could make inmate up in rank or status on the hierarchy
Overall inmate code dictates that once incarcerated one will have to fight yet for inmates despite feeling they had to fight most didn’t want to fight but had no other option