Socail Influence Flashcards
Social roles
The parts people play as members of various social roles groups
Aim of zimbardos study
Do prison guards behave because they have sadistic personalities, or is it situation that creates such behaviour
Can people conform to become bad
Procedures of zimbardos study
25 male volunteers
Study into prison life
Randomly allocated prisoner or guard
Referred to by numbers
Supervised at all times
Given work shifts
Guards were allowed to make the rules up
Findings of zimbardos study
Expriment was slow at the first but guards soon changed their behaviour
They behaviour became a threat to prisoners psychological and physical health
Only 1/3 Enforced rules and punished them another 1/3 applied fair rules and helped prisoners
Most Guards were able to apply fair rules despite situational pressure to conform to a role
Draw backs of zimbardos study
Didn’t give informed consent
Participants Humiliated
Ends do not justify what they did to participants
Affect participants mental health mainly prisoners
People say it lacks realism (validity)
Is yielding to group pressure (majority influence )
Compliance is where an individual publicly , but not privately aggressive with the group . In order to gain approval and avoid ridicule . This is temporary and only shown in the presence of the group
Internalisation is where an individual accept the groups beliefs as their own . They change both their public and private views . It is permanent change as they continue to think this even when not in the group .
Identification is where an individual publicly and privately accepts the majority influence . In order to gain acceptance . However doesn’t always privately agree with the majority group
Informationalsocial influence
Agree with majority and believe it’s right
Wnat to be right
Cognitive process
Public and private
Normative social influence
Agree with the opinion of the majority
Need for acceptance
Gain social approval /be liked
Emotional process
Public and private views differ - compaliance
Aim of aschs line study
was to investigate how social pressure from a majority group could influence and individual to conform
He wanted to see if participants would be pressured to answer incorrectly when confedrates did so it is their own perception would out weigh socail pressure
Method of aschs line study
Laboratory experiment with an independent group (8 people )which judge line lengths by saying out loud which comparison line (1,2,3) matched the standard line
Each group contained 1 participant and the rest confedrates ( real participant went last or close )
They did it 18 times and participants also did a version in isolation
Findings of aschs study
In teh control trail as the wrong answer was given 0.7% of the time
In the critical trails participants conformed to majority 31% of the time and 75% conformed at least once
Draw backs of aschs study
Group size
Socail support - when the was another person governing the right answer conformity rates dropped
Task difficulty
Lacks ecological validity
Not a naturalistic sistuation
Reasons why people conform
Distortion of perception- came to see the lines in the same way as the majority
Distortion of judgment - felt doubt about the accuracy of their judgment
Distortion of action - contained to trust their own judgment and perception but changed behaviour to avoid dissopraval
Minority influence
Is a form of socail influence in which the minority of people persuade others to adopt their beliefs