SOC281 - Class + Status Groups Flashcards
Compare and contrast “class” and “status groups.” How are these concepts used to study culture and inequality?
- Status groups:
- members of status groups know importance of maintaining lifestyle that contributes to social status + power, + actively work on lifestyle + on its conversion into social standing, power + life chances
- forms of status groups struggles for social prestige parallel to class struggles
- extensive social relationships with each other
- Ppl in socially recognized life course stage constitute a status group (teenagers, seniors, etc.)
Compare and contrast “class” and “status groups.” How are these concepts used to study culture and inequality?
- Class:
- Weber distinguish class from status group, Bourdieu analyzes classes + occupations as though they were status groups.
- Classes develop distinctive lifestyles + come to seem based on those lifestyles, not on the underlying positions in hierarchies of power + privilege.
- stress key elements of aspects of their own lifestyles that serve as critical bases for their claims to high social status.
Compare and contrast “class” and “status groups.” How are these concepts used to study culture and inequality?
•difficult training, high levels of demonstrable skill + value of their work to others, bases for claims to a high level of honour + hence to claims for high rewards related to life chances
•monitor performances of other members, criticizing any who endanger claims to honour
Each class/occupation has distinctive lifestyle
Compare and contrast “class” and “status groups.” How are these concepts used to study culture and inequality?
- Weber: purely determined by economy - owners (bourgeoisie) own + control the means of production, managers (control everyday work of the company), supervisors (limited control of small number of workers they directly supervise),employees (trade labour power for wages + take orders)
- resources one brings to marketplace, that shape one’s chances of doing well there.
- emphasizes importance of ownership - differences in skill levels among the non-owners who can only sell their labour power.
- consist of ppl who have similar kinds of market resources + hence similar life chances
Weber: resources one brings to marketplace, that shape one’s chances of doing well there.
•emphasizes importance of ownership - differences in skill levels among the non-owners who can only sell their labour power.
•consist of ppl who have similar kinds of market resources + hence similar life chances
- owners (bourgeoisie) own + control the means of production, managers (control everyday work of the company), supervisors (limited control of small number of workers),employees (trade labour power for wages)
- More higher up = more autonomy, more economic capital
- Weber distinguish class from status group, Bourdieu analyzes classes + occupations as though they were status groups.
- Classes develop distinctive lifestyles + come to seem based on those lifestyles, not on the underlying positions in hierarchies of power + privilege.
- stress key elements of aspects of their own lifestyles that serve as critical bases for their claims to high social status.
- difficult training, high levels of demonstrable skill + value of their work to others, bases for claims to a high level of honour + hence to claims for high rewards related to life chances
- monitor performances of other members, criticizing any who endanger claims to honour
- Each class/occupation has distinctive lifestyle
Status group
- members know importance of maintaining lifestyle that contributes to social status + power, + actively work on lifestyle + on its conversion into social standing, power + life chances
- extensive social relationships with each other
- Ppl in a socially recognized life course stage (teenagers, seniors)
- Class based status groups: occupations, gender, ethnic groups, age groups
Status group
- socially ranked + defined by specific lifestyle
- Serious about maintaining characteristic lifestyle: base for claim for honour
- Serious about internal policing
- Ppl with disapprove and put pressure on you to conform
- Trying to maintain reputation
- level based on lifestyle which is recognized as good