Soc 197 exam 1 terms Flashcards
The study of the mind and behavior
The systematic study of social behavior and human groups
The systematic study of peoples’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in social contexts
Social psychology
The three ways to use sociological imagination
Seeing the general in the particular, seeing the strange in the familiar and seeing the influence of structure and agency
Seeing the general in the particular
We tend to focus on particular problems or see our problems as particular to ourselves
Seeing the strange in the familiar
It is easy for us to point out aspects of our social life that are familiar or normal to us. But really, when we think about things from an outsider’s point of view, many aspects of our social world can be considered strange
Seeing the influence of structure and agency
We can make our own choices about how to look (agency), but the media is a powerful structure that clearly tells us what looks or body types are considered beautiful in our society (structure)
Individual actions and choices
Social relationships and institutions that constrain or condition our choices and actions
3 elements of culture
Symbols, norms, values and beliefs
Anything that carries a specific meaning recognized by people who share a common culture
A system of symbols that allows people to communicate with one another
Rules and expectations for behavior maintained by society
Culturally defined standards that people use to decide what is desirable, good or beautiful and that serve as broad guidelines for social living
Specific ideas that people hold to be true
The practice of tuning in to how the social world works
sociological mindfulness
Having a mental inclination to see the world and things in it in a particular way
The failure to see the social world as humanly made; the tendency to see the human made world as having a will and force of its own apart from humans
Exists only because of ideas and ways of doing things devised ages ago by human beings struggling to survive
Made of patterns of activity
The social world
Ways we act that are followed from before our time, learned ways to act
The world is created based on things that have been followed or made rules by people, everything is created by people, things are the way they are because of people
Socially constructed
We connect with others the way we do because of the context in which we do it. If we are sociologically mindful, we see that we cannot go through the world disconnected from others, no matter how alone we might feel at times
The way we see things, the way others see things
Points of view
Ways in which people interact and communicate with each other
Social interactions
A person’s inability or unwillingness to think critically about, or even perceive the social world
Blind spots
How to think about or perceive reality, learning to see the world as it is for the people themselves in their different categories
The logic of or process of classification
The process of us as humans putting together and separating things we experience into distinct categories; two different types: lumping and splitting
“Islands of meaning”
Grouping “similar” items together in a single mental cluster or category
Separating in our mind “different” mental clusters from one another