SOBs Flashcards
Describe the three characteristics of a profession according to Samuel P. Huntington.
- Expertise
- Responsibility
- Corporateness
Explain the country’s expectations of its officers.
- Patriotism
- Honor
- Integrity
- Loyalty to service above all else
- Competence
- Self-sacrifice
Explain why the United States has its officers take an oath to support and defend the Constitution.
- More stable than a person
Differentiate among the Air Force Core Values.
- Integrity first o Single most important o Willingness to do what’s right even when no one is looking o Not shifting blame o Acting with confidence o Self-determination o Courage o Accepting criticism o Delivering criticism o Self-control o Humility - Service before self o Enduring commitment o Selfless dedication to duty at all times in all circumstances o Willingness to set aside self o Putting in time to properly execute with precision o Non-indulgence in self-pity, discouragement, anger, frustration, or defeatism o Keeping faith in the system - Excellence in all we do o Professional and moral responsibility o Team excellence o Protect and manage human & material assets o Continuous innovation o Seek out and complete education o Physical, mental, and moral shape o High standards – meet or exceed expectations
Identify the importance of Air Force Core Values to Airmen.
Summarize the impact of Air Force Core Values on personal and professional growth.
- Personal growth and development
- Professional growth and development
- Human relations
Describe the three tiers of the enlisted force structure.
Airmen Noncommissioned Officers - Work without supervision - Understand complex job-related problems - Train subordinates Senior Master Sergeant & Chief -Master Sergeant Ranks - Opened up promotions - Promote highly qualified NCOs
Identify the special positions a senior noncommissioned officer (SNCO) can hold.
- First Sergeant
- Command Chief Master Sergeant
- Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force
Identify the types of pay
Basic o Based on grade and time in service Special o Individuals who use specialized skills or assigned to specific locations Incentive o Individuals who perform dangerous activities Toxic fuel handlers parachuters
Recognize the different types of allowances
BAH o Designed to help offset cost of housing o Based on: Grade Dependency status Geographic location BAS o Subsistence allowance for officers’ food Uniform and Equipment o $400 one- time payment for officers o Annual payment for enlisted FSA: Family separation allowance o FSA I – stationed overseas o FSA II – TDY over 30 days o Comes in paycheck - Not taxable (except CONUS COLA) Travel Allowances: - mileage o $.23 per mile - $129 per diem o 75% dependents over 12 o 50% dependents under 12 Dislocation Allowance - Designed to offset expenses associated with relocating the household - Automatic lump sum payment - Nontaxable - Flat rate TDY allowances - $0.575 per mile Station Allowances - To defray costs in certain situations o Overseas TLA Temporary lodging allowances – for example, staying in a hotel before moving into new house
State how leave is accrued and used
Earn 2.5 days of leave per month
Must be used by 30 September
o use or lose: 75 day carryover
Define “servant” in terms of being a servant of the nation
To make a voluntary choice to place the Nation’s needs above one’s personal desires
Describe the relationship between servitude, the Constitution, and our second Core Value of Service Before Self.
Swearing to uphold the constitution makes us servants and constitutes service before self
List the rights on which the Declaration of Independence is based.
- Life
- Liberty
- Pursuit of happiness
Describe the purpose of each article of the Constitution
- Article I: The Legislative branch
- Article II: The Executive branch
- Article III: The Judicial branch
- Article IV: Full Faith and Credit
- Article V: Amendment
- Article VI: Supremacy
- Article VII: Ratification
Describe the benefits and potential problems of a diverse workforce.
Potential problems: o Overprotection of women o Difference consequences for different actions o Failure to train and coach o Language barriers Benefits o Creativity and innovation o Broad range of skills o Better service to diverse customers o Ability to recruit best talent from entire labor pool
Explain the importance of managing diversity in the military
- Increase productivity and mission accomplishment
- Recruiting pool more diverse
- Competition with corporations for workers
- Reduce instance of discrimination
- Overseas operations
Explain the purpose, application, and scope of Air Force Doctrine Volume II—Leadership
- Purpose: establish doctrinal guidance for leadership and force development
- Application (total force)
o Active duty
o Air force reserve
o Air National Guard
o Civilians - Scope:
o Baseline for all AF leaders
o Essential for mission success
o Describes proper use of air and space forces in military operations
o Guide to exercise professional judgment rather a set of inflexible rules
Identify the different types of leave a military member can take
Ordinary - Convalescent o Does not come off leave balance - Emergency - Paternity leave o Does not come from leave balance
Describe the fundamental elements of Air Force leadership
Airmen – Execute and accomplish the mission
Mission – Why we are here!
Primary Task
Motivate, influence, and direct people to carry out the mission
Institutional Competencies: Qualities coupled with occupational skill sets that Air Force leaders develop as they progress along levels of increased responsibility
Summarize the components of Air Force leadership
As leadership level goes, up, institutional competencies are more organizational and less personal
[Personal Leadership Competencies] - Embodies Airman Culture - Ethical Leadership - Followership - Warrior Ethos - Develops Self [Communicating] - Speaking and Writing - Active Listening [Organizational] - Employing Military Capabilities - Operational and Strategic Art - Unit, Air Force, Joint, and Coalition Capabilities - Non-adversarial Crisis Response - Enterprise Perspective - Enterprise Structure and Relationships - Government Organization and Processes - Global, Regional, and Cultural Awareness - Strategic Communication [Organizational] - Managing Organizations and Resources - Resource Stewardship - Change Management - Continuous Improvement - Strategic Thinking - Vision - Decision-Making - Adaptability [Leadership Actions – Decisive actions leaders use to influence and improve their units in order to accomplish their military mission] [Influence] [Communication] {Motivation] [Standards] [Decisiveness] [Improve Development and Learning] [Accomplish - Enhanced by influence & improvement]
Summarize the objective of the Eight-Step Problem-Solving Process.
- Remove waste and inefficiencies
- Increase
o Productivity
o Asset availability - Improve
o Response time
o Energy efficiency - Sustain safe and reliable operations
Explain the Eight-Step Problem-Solving Process
- Observe
- Orient
- Decide
- Act
Identify the steps in the Problem-Solving Process
- Clarify the problem
- Break down problem
- Set improvement target
- Determine root cause
- Develop countermeasures
- See countermeasures through
- Confirm results and process
- Standardize successful processes
Describe the five personal conflict management styles
- Forcing
o High assertiveness, low cooperation (high concern for self, low concern for others) - Accommodating
o Low assertiveness, high cooperation (little concern for self, high concern for others) - Avoiding
o Low assertiveness, low cooperation (little concern for self, little concern for others) - Compromising
o Medium assertiveness, medium cooperation
o Best way? - Collaborating
o High assertiveness, high cooperation
Identify sources of conflict
- Personal differences
- Informational deficiencies
o Instructions interpreted differently - Role incompatibility
o Different entities have different goals
o A common superior usually has to mediate - Environmental stress
o Shortage of resources
o uncertainty
Distinguish between the five needs in Maslow’s hierarchy
- Safety o Physical safety o Psychological Job, healthcare, security, savings - Belonging o Love, acceptance, approval, friendship - Esteem o Recognition, worth, status, respect Simply say “great job” - Self-actualization o Self fulfillment, personal growth, realizing potential o People strive to reach their ultimate potential … have a sense of doing their best o More internal than external
Identify ways to motivate people using Maslow’s needs theory
- Lower level needs to be satisfied before the next one becomes important
- Figure out which level of needs aren’t being met
Distinguish between McGregor’s three motivational approaches
Theory X: external motivation (Knuckleheads)
o People don’t like to work
o Lack ambition and must be coerced or forced o work
o Prefer to be told what to do
o Resist change
o Hard approach:
o Soft Approach
Satisfy desires
• Relaxing standards (apparently relaxing standards)
• Permissive attitude
Theory Y: interior motivated
o Create environment
Positive atmosphere
Participation in decisions and goal setting
Integration of personal/organizational skill
Opportunities for increased responsibility
Identify ways to motivate people using McGregor’s theory Y approach
- Recognize achievements
- Don’t make promises you can’t keep
- Be a good role model
- Remove roadblocks
- Make the task clear
Explain the concepts of efficiency and effectiveness as they relate to management
– Effectiveness: accomplishing the mission
– Efficiency: minimizing resource costs
Identify the four basic management functions
- Planning
- Organizing
- Leading
- controlling
Differentiate between the three primary roles of managers
Interpersonal o Figurehead Symbolic routine duties o Leader o Liaison Informational o Monitor – seeks and receives veriety of info, acts as nerve center o Disseminator – transmits information received to o Spokesperson Decisional o Entrepreneur – search for opportunities o Disturbance handler o Resource allocator - o Negotiator
Explain the universality of the manager’s job
- Level in the organization
- Profit/non-profit
- Transferability across borders
- Making decisions and dealing with change
Identify examples of general managerial skills
o Conceptual: mental ability to coordinate interests + activities
o Interpersonal: understand, mentor, motivate
o Technical: tools, procedure, technique
o Political: build power base & est. connections
Identify examples of specific managerial skills
o Controlling organization’s environment and resources o Organizing and coordinating o Handling info o Provide growth and development o Motivate and handle conflicts o Strategic problem solving
Define Sexual Assault as defined by the Department of Defense
- Intentional sexual contact characterized by use of force, threats, intimidation, abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent
- Includes rape, forcible sodomy, and other unwanted sexual contact that is aggravated, abusive, or wrongful (to include unwanted, inappropriate sexual contact) or attempts to commit these acts.
- Consent: words or overt acts indicating a freely given agreement to the sexual contact where competent person (lack of consent through words or conduct means there is no consent)
o Cannot give consent under threats of violence
o Cannot give consent under age
o Cannot give consent if unconscious or asleep or incapacitated - A current or previous dating relationship does not by itself or manner of dress by victim does not constitute assent
Describe the roles of perpetrator, facilitator, bystander, and victim
- Perpetrator: assaults
- Facilitator: enables or encourages perp
- Bystander: observes the situation and chooses whether to act (or not)
- Victim: assaulted by the perpetrator
Explain the significance of a Wingman as related to sexual assault prevention and response
- Help others to lead the air force core values
- Combat sexist jokes
- Support responsible drinking
- Listen empathetically with them
o Make and maintain eye contact
o Avoid distractions and fidgeting
o Use open body language
o Ask questions and encourage the speaker to articulate their feelings
o Keep an open mind and reserve judgment
o Let go of the idea that you need to be right - Reserve judgment
- Refrain from gossip
- Ride above idle talk