SOB Flashcards
ID the 2 chains of cmd over multi-nat forces
National and Multinational
Coalition vs Alliance
C - Typically Ad-Hoc
A - Formal agreement, enduring, broad obj
Describe 3 basic cmd structure models for multinational forces
Parallel - No single cmmdr, lowest cooperation, best for pre-crisis, ISR, humanatarian
Lead Nation - One cmd, preserves national chain, best for rapidly changing environments
Integrated - highest cooperation, unity of command, less flexible, best for long term situations
Describe Jt Air Ops
Air ops performed w/air capes/forces made available by components in spt of a JFC
Purpose of Jt Doctrine
enhance op effectiveness of jt forces by providing fundamental principles that guide employment of US mil towards common objs
Describe Operational Lvl of cmd
links strat and tactics with op objs to achieve mil end states and strat objs
ID 3 fundies key to Jt Air Ops
Jt planning, operations, C2
3 Lvls of Jt Force Cmd
Unified Combatant Cmd (CCMD), Subordinate Unified Cmd, Joint Task Force
Distinction between Service Comp. Cmd and Function Comp. Cmd
SCC - Only cmd of single service
FCC - Cmd of two or more services sharing a domain
Describe Characteristics of 4 cmd relationship lvls of authority
COCOM - cannot be delegated, owns op and tac planning, budgeting, programming
OPCON - organization of forces (usually held by SCC)
TACON - Local direction and control (usually functional)
ADCON - logis, trng, readiness, mobilization (usually held by service comp.)
ID the 3 areas of law that affect military ops
International, foreign, and US domestic
State reason that JAGs are a specialty tm in the AOC
Provide JFACC, JAOC Div, and Tms legal advice
ID the basis of ROE
law, policy, and mil concerns
Define hostile intent
threat of imminent use of force against the US, forces, and sometimes US assets
ID the purpose of supplemental ROE
enable cmdrs to obtain or grant addtl authorities necessary to accomplish an assigned msn
ID the planning process for COMAFFOR & JFAC
Jt Planning Process for Air (JPPA)
ID the approver of the Air COA
ID the doc developed by the JFACC based upon the approved COA
Jt Air Ops Plan (JAOP)
List elements of the strat to task methodology in order
Op objs to Tac objs to Tac Tasks
Match 2 types of indicators commonly used by the jt forces w/what they assess
Measure of Performance (MOP) - friendly actions
Measure of Effectiveness (MOE) - desired change
List guidelines for indicator development
Relevant, Observable or Collectable, Responsive, Resourced
Define Airspace Control
Capes and procedures used to increase op effectiveness by promoting safe efficient and flexible use of airspace
ID 2 methods of airspace cntrl
Positive and procedural
ID the JFC’s airspace cntrl responsibilities
Responsible for airspace cntrl and AD
ID the ACA responsibilities
Establish Airspace Cntrl System (ACS)
Develop policy and procedures for airspace cntrl
Develop Airspace Cntrl Plan (ACP)
3 Standardized designs of the Army Brig Combat Teams
Infantry, Armored, Stryker
Define Msn Cmd
C2 that empowers subordinate decision making & decentralized execution
ID 5 essential functions of the Navy Maritime Strat
Deterrence*, Sea Control, Maritime Sec, Power Projection, Sea Lift
ID typical tailored force packages of deployed maritime forces
Carrier Strike Group (CSG), Surface Action Grp (SAG), Expeditionary Strike Grp (ESG), Amphibious Rdy Grp/Marine Exp Unit (ARG/MEU)
ID Msn Capes of Carrier Acft
FA-18, E-2, EA18G
ID how the Marines org for cmbt
Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF)
ID basic elements of a MAGTF
Command, Aviation, Ground, Logistics
ID types of MAGTFs
Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) - Div/Wg/Grp (60 days)
ME Brigade (MEB) - Reg/Grp (30 days)
ME Unit (MEU) - team/sq/battalion (2 weeks)
MEF Forward (MEFF), level between MEF/MEB
Special Purpose, no larger than a MEU, special built for a msn
ID org deployed structure for the Air Force
ID building blocks of an AETF
List three elements of an AETF
single cmder, appropriate C2 mechanisms, tailored and fully supported forces
ID 3 assigned msns of the USSF
Protect, Deter, Operate
ID the pri force provider of SFs and capes for the Jt Force
Space Ops Cmd (SpOC)
ID Purpose of a TSOC
sub-unified cmd within each CCMD (COCOM to USSOCOM, OPCON to CCMD)
ID Purpose of a JSOTF
temporary, formed to conduct a specific SOF msn
ID Purpose of a JSOAC
plans, directs, executes jt SOF aviation activities
ID the Divisions of the JAOC
Strategy, Cmbt Plans, Cmbt Ops, ISR, Air Mob
ID Primary Responsibilities of Strategy Div
Div - Long range planning of air ops
ID Prim Resp of Strat Plans Team
Long range planning
ID Prim Resp of Strat Guidance Team
op lvl to tac lvl guidance, produces the AOD
ID Prim Resp of Op Assessment Team
evaluate effectiveness & efficiency of air ops
ID Prim Resp of NK Team
Plan NKE in AO
ID Prim Resp of Cmbt Plans Div
near term (48 hr) planning for air/space/cyber ops
ID Prim Resp of Tgt Effects Team
tgt selection to build the JIPTL
ID Prim Resp of Master Air Attack Plan Team
plan for employment and allocation of resources, produces the MAAP
ID Prim Resp of C2 Plans Team
detailed execution plans and data link architecture, ACP/SPINS/ACO/OPTASKLINK