SOAN 361 Exam Flashcards
the systematic study of the natural world through observation and experiment
academic disciplines that study human culture
identifying patterns in how humans think, behave, and organize
in-depth written descriptions of cultures
an aim to offer a broader (more culturally relativistic) perspective on human life
humanistic aim
an aim to influence policy
applied aim
studied geology and zoology of places they visited; from finches on Galapagos, he began to speculate that the finches began to diverge into new species after their arrival to the Galapagos; wrote Origin of Species and The Descent of Man
Charles Darwin
believed in degenerationism which is that “primitive peoples” under the influence of Satan had falled from a higher state of civilization; wrote On the Natural Variety of Mankind in 1795 that declared there were 5 races and coined the term “Caucasian”
Johan Blumenbach
geologist; found that slow geological processes caused changes leading to a much older Earth; subscribed to uniformitarianism
Charles Lyell
slow, gradual change happening over millions of years; the Earth’s physical features are the result of imperceptible natural processes (erosion, deposition of sediments)
concept of evolution applied to societies and cultures; cultures “evolve” over time from primitive to civilized states; rejected religiously-based explanations of difference (i.e. degenerationism); people from all cultures were capable of rational thought; all races were of a single species, had a common origin
unilineal evolution
extensive fieldwork on kinship systems; fieldwork among the Iroquois; unilineal evolutionist; he identified patterns that led him to seek out a larger unilineal evolutionary framework; argued for monogenesis; proposed that Native Americans came from Asia (not the Lost Tribes of Israel); had a theory of savagery –> barbarism –> civilization
Lewis Henry Morgan
first professor of Anthropology at Oxford; influenced by Charles Lyell and Charles Darwin; applied concepts of uniformitarianism and evolution; unilineal evolutionist; race does not explain cultural differences; wrote about the religious stages of societies (animism –> polytheism –> monotheism)
Edward Burnett Tylor
PhD in physics; expedition to Baffin Island to study the Inuit; hired by BAAS to study Kwakiutl in Pacific Northwest; insisted on participant observation fieldwork; rejected unilineal evolution; argued for cultural relativism; defined the four subfields of anthropology; groundbreaking research on race (1911 race study);
Franz Boas