SNOMED Flashcards
What are the 3 components?
Concepts, Descriptions, Relationships
What are concepts organised into?
Hierarchies which get more granular the further down they go
What are examples of SNOMED data returns
Yellow Card Scheme, Emergency Care Dataset, Mental Health Dataset, Community Services Dataset and Quality and Outcomes Framework
What are the 5 main hierarchies?
Body structure
Clinical finding
Situation with explicit content
Other examples with hierarchies
Environment and geographical location
Physical object
What is a Fully Specified Name?
A clear and unique description of the concept
What are the 2 types of relationship of a concept
Is-A, Attribute
What is the concept of an Is-A relationship
It describes the relationship between a concept and its parent. The child concepts are more granular than their parent one. Some child structures have single parent ones.
What is the purpose of an attribute relationship
It defines a concept to provide more detail and further clinical links
What is the direction of classification maps?
Unidirectional from SNOMED to ICD10/OPCS
How many map types are there
What are the map types
One to one, one to many, and two more complex ones (one-to-an-unordered-sequence and one-to-several-options)
Define one-to-one
One SNOMED code translates to one ICD10 code
Define one-to-many
One SNOMED CT code sequences to a particular ordered sequence of ICD 10 codes
Define other 2 relationships
One goes from single SNOMED code to a dagger and asterisk code and one goes from a single SNOMED code to a choice of codes where a modifier can differ them completely
What are the concepts that cannot be mapped?
High level, unclassifiable, eponym