SN1 - Intro to pharma - Flashcards
Classify the following, what they are used for and the (organ) elimination of :
Glycosides used in atrial fibrillation:
Digitoxin - eliminated by liver (useful in kidney failure)
Digoxin - eliminated by kidney
Morphine and Buprenorphine
Effects and uses
Morphine - opiate alkaloid and produced synthetically. Binds to opiate receptors (delta, mu, kappa) - analgesia, euphoria, sedation, respiratory depression.
Buprenorphine: to treat opiod addiction and acute/chronic pain.
What is a sulphonamide?
Name semi synthetic drugs
Amoxicillin, ampicillin, doxycycline
Name a biosynthetic drug
Recombinant human erythropoetin
What is bromhexaine
What is Omeprazole
Reflux / ulcer
Kaolin uses
inhibitors of cell wall synthesis example
inhibitor or bacterial protein synthesis- example
Therapeutic use of a caustic and give example
Silver nitrate - derides granulation tissue
What is a demulcent and give example
Eg zinc oxide - causes a soothing film over mucous membrane
Dropsy - meaning
old term for edema
Artemisins what is it and used for
Natural alkaloid - used as antimalarial
what happens in preclinical stages
In vitro assays, then experiment on animals - clinical trials move to humans