smy̓may̓ 00/01: iʔ syilx naʔɬ iʔ tm̓xʷúlaʔxʷsəl̓x / qipčm̓ (iʔ sʔaʔúm) Flashcards
side / beside
need something
in those days
catch fish
pray for something
to bud
The syilx and their land
The Syilx are a beautiful people and their land is beautiful.
It [their land] has rivers and lakes.
They lived in valleys between mountains covered in many trees (forests).
A long time ago, whatever the Syilx needed, it was there to be had.
Salmon, ling cod, and many different kinds of fish filled the rivers and lakes.
The bitterroot and biscuit root grew well there in the meadows.
And everywhere the people’s food berries were growing.
The Syilx hunted deer, mountain sheep, caribou, and bear.
There were many animals for them to hunt.
They gathered plants that grew for their medicine, which grew everywhere.
In those days, life was not easy, but we had everything that we needed to live.
Now many things have changed in the land of the Syilx, but the Syilx still live there.
We still catch fish, and gather roots and berries
We hunt
We still gather and make our medicine.