SMM exam Flashcards
SM definition
online means of communication, conveyance and collaboration and cultivation among interdependent and interconnected network of people, communities and organizations
digital change
horizontal revolution, flows of information no more top-down, co-creation of content with customers = loss of marketer control and customer empowerment
tidal wave of information about every subject
more and more complicated
consumers have less and less time
informational value decrease to the benefit of entertainment value
Definition marketing + 5Ps
marketing is the activities, set of institutions and processes of creating, communicating, exchanging and delivering offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners and society at large
product, price, promotion, place, participation
social media marketing = use of social media technologies, channels and softwares
SM Zones and their uses
social communities : building brand, consumer-relationship, promoting presence, marketing research ➩ paid = ads ; owned = controlled profiles ; earned = conversations, shared content, impressions and engagement, influence
social publishing : blogging, sharing branded content, advertising, reshaping ➩ paid = endorsement, branded channels in media sharing ; owned = corporate blogs, brand controlled MSS
social entertainment : enabling play, branding entertainment ➩ paid = ads in game ; owned = advergames ; earned = in game interactions
social commerce : buying and selling, servicing, managing, converting to transaction ➩ paid = sales, promotions ; owned = social storefronts ; earned = reviews and ratings, recommendations, social shopping
Organizational structures (5)
central : central group supervise the small units business, funnel up the social strategy, specially for industries with heavy regulations about their communication strategy. + = coordinated, consistent customer experience ; - = inauthentic
organic : large companies where control is difficult to enforce, different sets of employees who are not directly connected to each others. Encourage a blogging culture for all employees. + = authentic, close to customers with centralized resources. - = not coordinated, inconsistent
coordinated / hub and spoke : central group helps to provide equal experiences to other business units. One hub set rules, best practices, procedures but business units can undertake own efforts. + = holistic experience to customers with centralized resources. - = costly, executive support and programs management needed. Most companies.
dandelion : each business units may have semi-autonomy but with a tie to a central group. Similar to coordinated but across multiples brands and unit (e.g Unilever). + = individual freedom, common experience is shared. - = requires constant communication, ++ cultural and executive buy in, dedicated staff.
honeycomb : each individual in the organization is socially enabled yet in a consistent, organized pattern. Everyone is in customer service and supports employees who wants to be socially enabled. Employees = ambassadors of the brand, can speak on behalf of it. + = tap in entire workforce. - = executive must let go, communication ++
Marketing plan and the 4 aspects
Marketing plan = written and formal plan about the product, pricing, promotional, distribution strategies
situational analysis : internal and external environment, SWOT
setting objectives
marketing strategies : select target markets and positioning, product strategies, pricing strategies, promotional strategies, supply chain strategies
implement and control : action plan, responsibility, time line, budget, measurement and control
Different marketing phases and steps
trial phase = experimental use of social media platforms ; transition phase = still trying but with social activities which are less random, appearance of a systematic way of thinking ; strategic phase = reliance on a formal process to plan social media marketing activities with clear objectives and metrics Situational analysis and SWOT Objectives Targeting the audience Select the social media channels and vehicles Decide on the hashtag strategy Consider influencer marketing Develop content strategy Execute and measure the campaign
Special features of SM for B2B
smaller and different target groups
social media platforms = additional instrument
long buying process
high financial risks
long term customer relationship
can : help raise awareness, increase traffic, communicate, customer loyalty, lead generation, employer branding
Segmentation of the market
geography (region, country, market size, market density, climate)
demographics (age, gender, income, ethnic background…)
psychographics (lifestyle, personality, perception)
behavior (in which communities do people participate? what activities do they engage online? what role social technology play in their lives?)
Different types of user gorups
creators = create content by publishing on blogs, web pages etc
conversationalists = talk thought social media, update status
critics = react to content, interact socially, create «augmented content», rating, reviews, comment
collectors = efficient and organized users of social content, use RSS feeds, vote for websites online, add tags
joiners = maintain profile
spectators = consume content of others but keep own identity at distance
Why are technographcs important
It helps you understand the needs of your target audience and to adapt your strategy/find tactics that fit target user group. The goal is that the strategy match how the target market uses social media. The focus should be put on creators + try to reach joiners and collectors.
Customer targeting in B2B (groups and needs)
There are users which are the one needing and using the product, they are more demanding and rational than regular customers. They need testimonials of other users, insights into instructions and technical data, counseling via chat.
Procurement = the group of people that gets and rates offer, they have broader needs than users. It represents a lot of responsibility and risks because the product must be cost-effective, compatible, sustainable and safe. They thus need cost comparison and efficiency calculation.
Decision makers = CEO or CTO. They need short non-technical but strategic information. Emphasis on the long-term impact.
Customer personas
Customer personas are archetypes of individuals that are at the center of a business target market. A persona is a composite sketch of a key segment of your audience. It helps deliver content that will be most relevant and useful to the audience. Based on psychographic information (values and motivations) as well as demographic information (age and location). You need to know what experiences will motivate your target audience to engage more with your content.
Demographics, background, social media use, goals, challenges, how we help
What are passive and active participation and what are their effects on one’s well-being?
Passive participation in social media is the consumption of content, mainly scrolling through friends/news feeds, browsing the web without uploading own content. It has mostly a negative impact on one’s well-being : less satisfaction in life, reduced happiness, increased envy, social loneliness, depressive symptoms
Active participation in social media is the creating and uploading of content : posting, sharing, commenting and liking. It has a positive impact on well being : increase life satisfaction, subjective happiness, self esteem, reduced loneliness
Anatomy of envy on FB
There’s an unprecedented amount of informations shared on SNS, people easily share verbal and visual content, they have large numbers of friends through which they can reach other people. People spend more time observing than producing content on FB.
«Similarity» with friends = you may make new friends thanks to current friends bc you have sth in common e.g you went to the same high school/come from the same small town
There’s an exaggerated positivity as people only upload content to impress peers and be socially accepted, negative feelings or conflicting views are rarely shared
The shared content is supposed to be relevant = people are interested in seeing it, people portray themselves under their «best features»