Smidige metoder Flashcards
What is Agile methodology?
Agile methodology is an approach to software development that focuses on adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, continuous improvement, and collaboration among team members.
What is Scrum?
Scrum is an Agile project management and development methodology that uses short development cycles called Sprints, daily standup meetings, and roles such as Scrum Master and Product Owner to manage software projects.
What are the main roles in Scrum?
The main roles in Scrum are the Scrum Master, who facilitates the process and manages the team, and the Product Owner, who represents the voice of the customer and ensures the team delivers value to the business.
What is Kanban?
Kanban is an Agile method that focuses on continuous, unstructured work sprints and uses lead time as a key metric to measure team capacity.
How do Agile and DevOps relate to each other?
Agile focuses on making developers and development cycles more efficient, while DevOps brings the operations team into play to enable continuous integration and continuous delivery. Agile is a methodology, and DevOps is a culture; together, they form the “Agile DevOps” culture.
What is REST?
REST (REpresentational State Transfer) is an architectural style for designing APIs that provides standards for communication between computer systems on the web using a standardized interface and protocol.
What are microservices?
Microservices are an architectural approach to building applications that breaks an application down into its core functions, allowing individual services to be built and deployed independently and function (and fail) without negatively affecting others.
What are the benefits of using microservices?
Microservices enable rapid development of new application components, improve scalability and resilience, and are optimized for DevOps and CI/CD processes.
Hvilke metoder og prinsipper brukes i dag i systemutvikling?
XP (Extreme Programming)
TDD (Test-Driven Development)
Domain-Driven Design
Hva er hovedutfordringene med vannfallsmodellen?
Tung modell
Sekvensielle faser og forskjellige folk i hver fase
Mye dokumentasjonsoverlevering mellom faser
Endringer underveis blir vanskelige og dyre
Mange prosjekter feiler
Hva er hovedelementene i Unified Process?
Iterasjoner for å takle endringer underveis
Rational og RUP (Rational Unified Process)
Dokumentmalene definerer hvilke modeller som skal brukes
Faser: inception, elaboration, construction, transition
Hva er noen av hovedprinsippene for smidig utvikling?
Agile = smidig, rask
Fleksibilitet for endringer på krav underveis
Mindre fokus på store mengder dokumentasjon
Hva er noen av hovedprinsippene for Extreme Programming (XP)?
Nyskapende prinsipper, inkludert TDD
Nesten ingen dokumentasjon og modellering
29 regler, inkludert par-programmering og enhetstester før koding
Hva er noen av hovedprinsippene for Test-Driven Development (TDD)?
Videreføring av XP, men mindre rigid
Fokus på enhetstesting og akseptansetesting
Fokus på refaktorering og kodekvalitet
Tester og krav er en og samme ting (enhetstester og user stories)