Smartbook (week 2) Flashcards
Who has the greater capacity to influence followers?
Leaders who have the ability to use rewards and punishments.
Many people admire Michael Dell and see him as a roles model. Which type of power does Dell have?
Referent power
What is the actual change in a target person’s attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors?
The status differential members of a group is called the:
Pecking order
The capacity to produce effects on others or the potential to influence others refers to:
As a result of his decisions in his personal life, Tiger Woods lost which type of power?
Referent power
An individual trying to assert power might do what?
Point his finger to reinforce a statement
Which of the following is NOT true?
Followers always have less influence over the rest of the group than the leader does
Power is a function of the leader, the follower, and the:
True or False: Stanley Milgram found that many people will obey an authority figure even when doing so is in conflict with their conscience.
Which type of power is most likely to be used in a crisis situation?
Legitimate power
Who has the greater capacity to influence followers?
Leaders who have the ability to use rewards and punishments.
True or False: An individual is likely to be perceived as taller when introduced as a professor rather than as a student.
Which power is the power of knowledge?
Expert power.
A coach is deciding who will play in a game is an example of which power being exercised?
Legitimate power.
Which of the following statements regarding referent power is NOT true?
Followers with little referent power usually find it easy to deviate from group norms
Coercive power can be thought of as being the opposite of which power?
Reward power.
An individuals formal or official authority is called:
Legitimate power.
The potential influence one has due to the strength of the relationship between the leader is referred to as what?
Referent power.
The potential to influence others due to one’s control over desired resources is which power?
Reward power
Cult leader Jim Jones is an example of a leader using which power?
Coercive power
A policeman giving a ticket is an example of what?
Coercive power
Which types of power are best for a leader to use?
It depends on the situation.
The Stanford prison experiment highlighted the role of the __________ in the leader power equation.
According to the text, how people vary in their motivation to influence and control others refers to what?
The need for power.
Studies by McClelland and also by Miner use which method of assessing the need for power?
Projective personality tests
Long-term success as a leader requires:
A high need for socialized power and a high need for activity inhibition.
True or False: Good leaders are open to being influenced by subordinates.
Which of the following is an effective team leader’s ideal job?
To create the conditions for the team to be successful.
Rational persuasion is:
When an agent uses logical arguments or factual evidence to influence others
Inspirational appeal is:
when they want to make a request or a proposal designed to arouse enthusiasm or emotions in targets
Which of the following is NOT one of the 6 composites that comprise of Miner’s motivation to manage?
Maintaining good relationships with subordinates
A minister establishes a committee of church members to help plan the layout and use a new church addition. In this scenario, the minister uses what?
Rational persuasion
A minister’s impassioned plea to members of a congregation about the good works that could be accomplished if a proposed addition to the church were built is an example of what?
Inspirational appeal
An agent influences a target by giving and taking favors. What is this?
Exchange tactic
When an agent attempts to get a target person in a good mood before making a request, ______ occurs.
Identify a feature of coalition tactics that is different from that of consultation.
They are used when agents seek the aid or support of others to influence a target.
An agent sees threats or persistent reminders to influence targets. Which influence tactic is this?
Pressure tactic
An agent asks another to do a favor out of friendship. Which tactic is this?
Personal tactic
Hard tactics are:
Legitimizing or pressure tactics
A soft tactic is:
A rational tactic is:
Two politicians agree to vote for each others pet legislation despite minor misgivings about each other’s bills. This scenario exemplifies an influence tactic called:
Which of the following is NOT true of female managers?
They are more likely to act out of self-interest
Several significant people in an alcoholics life, such as a spouse, children, employer, or neighbor, agree to confront the alcoholic in unison about the many dimensions of his or her problem. Which influence tactic is this?
Coalition tactic
Choosing an influence tactic thinking an act would improve an employees self-esteem or morale is:
Frequently associated with SUCCESSFUL influence attempts
Choosing an influence tactic because it followed company policy and choosing one because it was a way to put a subordinate in his place is:
Frequently mentioned as reasons for UNSUCCESSFUL influence attempts
Even in purely economic terms, in 2010 the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners estimated that businesses around the world lose ______ every year to fraudulent activity.
$2.9 billion
Which type of tactic is the example? When an influencer has the upper hand, when agents anticipate resistance, or when the other person’s behavior violates important norms.
Hard tactic
Which type of tactic is this? When agents are at a disadvantage, when the agents expect resistance, or when the agents will personally benefit if the attempt is successful.
Soft tactic
Which type of tactic is this? When parties are relatively equal in power, when resistance is not anticipated and when the benefits are organizational as well as personal.
Rational tactic
Leaders who show they understand the world as we see and experience it show what?
True or False: Male managers are more likely to involve others when developing strategy.
All of the following are true of Theory Y EXCEPT:
people are not naturally industrious
True or False: Effective leaders know how the influence tactics they use affects others.
Values that refer to modes of behavior are called:
Instrumental values
The four generations of values identified by Zemke include each of the following EXCEPT:
Principles of right conduct or a system of moral values:
Leaders who demonstrate their commitment to higher principles through their actions demonstrate strong:
Which of the following is an assumption of Theory Y?
People are intrinsically motivated by their work.
Which of the following is NOT one of the 4 qualities of leadership identified by Bennis and Goldsmith?
Successful managers typically subscribe to what?
Theory Y
Plato and Kant believed moral judgement was a _____ process:
Rational process
Deciding how to balance spending time with your children vs. making a bigger commitment to your career is an example of which type of dilemma?
Short-term vs. Long-term
_____ doubt the wisdom of traditional racial and sexual categorizing and seeking teamwork, security, and work-life balance as they move onto the workplace:
Which type of thinking can be characterized as ‘following the honest principle or duty’?
Which of the following is true about the dual-process theory of moral judgement proposed by Joshua Greene?
Moral judgements concerned primarily with “rights” and “duties” are made by automatic emotional responses.
The question of whether you should tell authorities that your spouse has a highly contagious and dangerous disease or protect her privacy is an example of which ethical dilemma?
Individual vs. community
Prejudice that occurs without the individual’s awareness refers to:
A manager who chooses a job applicant who is more like herself rather than another applicant who is not like her is demonstrating:
In-group favoritism
Thinking that is characterized as ‘do what’s best for the greatest number of people’ is referred to as ______ thinking:
Ends-based thinking
Hume and Smith argued that _____ are central to moral judgement:
When we overestimate the quality of our own work and contributions to our team, we are showing which type of bias?
Over-claiming credit
True or False: Although most people purport to judge others by their merits, research shows that implicit prejudice often distorts their judgement.
True or False: One’s ethical judgements are negatively affected by conflicts of interest.
When an individual shows a systematic pattern of acts of kindness towards people who are like them, they are demonstrating:
In-group favoritism
True of False: Studies show that predictions of ethical behavior are generally consistent with actual behavior.
An individual who uses cosmetic words to defuse or disguise the offensiveness of their behavior is demonstrating:
Euphemistic labeling
Which type of bias is present when an individual encourages his client to purchase a product that may not be right for the client, but that would earn the individual a hefty sales commission?
Conflict of Interest
Moral _____ refers to an individual’s belief in his capacity to mobilize various personal, interpersonal, and other external resources to persist despite moral adversity.
Moral efficacy
Which type of approach should subordinates use when assessing managerial integrity?
Dubious reputation
Research shows that the relationship between how we think we should act and our actual behavior is
often inconsistent
Fighting in a war and to kill is an example of what?
Moral justification
True or False: Avolio and his associates have defined ethical leadership as having 8 core components.
False. there are only 2
True or False: One’s ethical judgements are negatively affected by conflicts of interest.
The fortitude to face risk and overcome fears associated with taking ethical actions refers to what?
Moral courage
Leaders who try not so much to avoid doing ‘wrong things’ but always do ‘right things’ are known are:
Authentic leaders
A researcher who asks subordinates to speculate whether they think their manager would be likely to act unethically is using what approach to measure leader integrity?
Dubious reputation
Which type of leadership can best be described as literally involving serving others?
Servant leadership
Which of the following is NOT describe a servant leader?
The leader’s primary role is to communicate with others.
A boss who exaggerates her anger at an employee’s mistake to ‘teach a lesson’ is demonstrating what?
Inauthentic leadership
Which of the following is a criticism of servant leadership?
Suggests that serving others is an to itself rather than a means to their organizational needs.
Which of the following is NOT true regarding personal values and organizational values?
An individual leader’s personal values are unlikely to play a significant role in determining team values
Which of the following is NOT one of the 4 general categories of attitudes and behaviors associated with ethical leadership and ethical role models?
personal behaviors
An organization in which ethical standards have been clearly and persuasively communicated and embraced and enforced by leaders have which type of organizational climate?
Ethical climate
All of the following EXCEPT which are characteristics most often associated with servant leadership?
True or false: Servant leadership has been hailed across the board as the most promising leadership style.
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a cult?
A lack of common culture.
_____ ______ represents an organizations purpose, guiding principles, basic identity, and most important, values:
Core ideology
All of the following EXCEPT which describe the interpersonal behaviors of ethical leaders?
They articulate a consistent ethical vision
“The first imperative is to be a trustworthy person, and that depends on both one’s character and competence.” This belongs to the ______ level of Covey’s principle-centered leadership model.
This refers to leadership enacted by individuals who take action to maintain ethical standards in the face of questionable moral behaviors by higher ups:
Upward ethical leadership
Which of the following is NOT a benefit of having a strong ethical climate?
Increased organizational costs and complexity
Banners proclaiming Enron to be the ‘world’s leading company’ are an example of which element of the cult-like culture at the company?
A compelling and totalistic vision
Which of the following is NOT one of the ‘fronts’ of leadership actions important to establishing an ethical organizational climate?
Structural realignment
Over ___ is currently invested in mutual funds that focus on companies that demonstrate commitment to the environment, ethics, and social responsibility.
$2 trillion
The direction of communication at Enron can best be described as: