Small Ruminant Repro Management Flashcards
What does it mean that small ruminants are seasonally polyestrous?
They have multiple estrous cycles restricted to a certain period of the year
- they are short day breeders and the onset and length of the breeding period is variable according to photoperiod, latitude and climate, food availability, breed, presence of a male, breeding system, physiological stage
T/F: the closer to the equator sheep are the longer their breeding season will be
Describe the physiology of the seasonal estrous cycle
When in season, eye detects decreased light, which decreases firing of retinal nerves and excitation from superchiasmic nucleus–> inhibition of pineal gland resulting in increased melatonin
- increased melatonin generates GnRH, FSH and LH pulsatility to initiate cycling
-opposite in the mare
What factors influence the start of puberty in small ruminants?
Age, nutritional status, season, breed, exposure to male
What age do rams/bucks usually go through puberty? Does? Pigmy goats? Ewes?
Rams/Bucks: 4-6 months
Does: 6-8 months
Pygmy goats: 3 months
Ewes: 6-9 months
At what percent of adult body weight should a small ruminant be prior to breeding?
Why are ewes usually bred via laproscopic AI?
They have a very tortuous fibrocartilaginous cervix
- they have 6-8 cervical rings vs goats that have 4
How long is the cycle of goats and sheep? How long is estrus?
Sheep: 14-19 days (average 17), estrus 30-36 hrs
Goats: 18-22 days (average 21), estrus 24-48 hrs
- pigmy goats can vary from 18-24 days
T/F: Goats and sheep have an increased frequency of short cycling (silent heats) in the middle of the breeding season
False- more common at beginning and end, as well as postpartum
-more commonly seen in goats than sheep
-influenced by photoperiod or nutrition
What is the theory behind why small ruminants have the short cycle?
Thought to synchronize the group and bring them all into heat around the same time
How many follicular waves do sheep tend to have during each cycle?
3-4, compared to the 2-3 in cattle
How long after the LH surge does ovulation occur in small ruminants?
20-26 hours after LH surge
What are some of the estrus signs in small ruminants?
Swollen vulva, mucoid discharge turning cloudy, tail flagging, mounting/immobilization reflex
What are some of the indications for estrous cycle manipulation in small ruminants?
-induction of estrus in transition periods and during winter anestrous
-allows for distribution of milk and meat production throughout the year (breed selection is important)
-allows for synchronization within the season (labor saving for breeding and kidding)
What are some of the ways the estrous cycle can be manipulated in small ruminants?
-adapted nutrition
-photoperiod manipulation (artificial lighting, melatonin implants)
-hormonal treatments (most drugs are not approved for use in the US on goats)
-male effect
-combo of all of these
Describe the male effect.
After 30 days of no contact with the male he is reintroduced which will induce a silent heat and a visible heat during the next cycle
How can you manipulate the cyclicity of sheep during the breeding season? during the transitional season? Out of breeding?
Breeding season: Prostaglandins or progestin source for 14 days (CIDR)+/- gonadotropin (GnRH agonist)
Transitional season: Ram effect, progestin source for 8-14 days + gonadotropin up to 48 hours before removal, progestin source for 8-14 days + ram effect at removal
Out of season: progestin source for 8-14 days + gonadotropin up to 48 hours before removal, manipulation of lights, melatonin administration
How can adapted nutrition aid in fertility of female small ruminants?
Flushing females before breeding increases nutrition, which can increase ovulation rate and lambing/kidding rate
-affected by age, body condition, time of year
-best response with marginal body condition (2.5-3/5)
-supplement with 0.14-0.45 kg og a 10-12% crude protein grain/head per day starting 2 weeks pre breeding until 2-3 weeks into breeding season