Small intestine Structure and Function Flashcards
What is the function of the duodenum? What glands and where?
Neutralisation, digestion, iron absorption
What is the function of the jejunum?
95% nutrients abssorption
WHich is the longest part of the small intestine?
Illium (3.5m/6m)
ROle of Ileum?
Mainly water and asalt resorption
What 3 features help icrease srface area for aborption?
Plicae folds (in the surface)
Villi (Folds in the epithelium)
Microvilli (folds in the cell surface membrane)
plicae circularis are what? What is their function?
Folds in the small intestine, work like a screw, to churn and move chyme around
Where is the myenteric plexus located?
Between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers
Where are the stem cells found in the small intestine?
At the bottom of the crypt
What is the lymph structure reunning up the villi?
What is the feature of the small intestine that increases the surface area the most?
What are the differenc ein function of the Villi and the Crypts?
Villi are for absorption and crypts are for secretion
Villi Absorption of:
Crypt secretion of Cl and Water
What molecules use Na+ coupled secondary active transport to get across the lumen?
monosaccharides (and galactose)
The small intestine secretes 1500ml/day. Which cells secrete this? How does it get into the lumen? Why is it important?
Crypt cells
Through active Chloride transport into the lumen pulling it in through osmosis
Maintains content in liquid state
helps enzyme mixing
helps presentation to absorbing surface
dilutes and washes away harmful substances
How does Cl get into the intestial lumen?
Through a Na K coupled transporter (1 Na and 1 K drive 2 Cl the cell)
What does adenylate cyclase do?
It turns ATP to cAMP
What regulatess the Cl channe?
A chain of reactions through Adenylte cyclase ATP-> cAMP -> PKA -> stiulates CFTR open -> Cl out
What happens in CF?
Fault in CFTR transporter, so no CHloride exiting cell, so no osmotic gradient for the water, so dried out digestiveness, -> malnourishment -> failure to thrive
When does segmentation tak eplace? What is it?
When eating, basically churning up of food in the intestine like a washing machine, contracing and relaxing so all is mushed up togethter
How are segmentation contractions genarated?
There is Basal peristaltic rhythm genarated by pacemaker cells in longitudinal muscle layer, but not enough to reach threshold. More AP =bigger contractions.
What determines the the segmentation frequency?
BER (Basic Electrical Rhythm, set out by the pacemaker cells in the longitudinal layer)
How does Chyme migrate to the large intestine through segmentation?
Because the BER decreases the further down the intestine you go, so it very slowly pushes the chyme down the way.
What nerve stimulates an increase in contraction of segmentation?
Vagus (PArasympathetic)
Symathetic NS decreases contraction
Does the nervous system affect the rhythm (basal segmentation)
No. Set by BER
What does peristalsis happen for? What is the mMC? WHen does peristalsis happen?
To chivy along the left overs from digestion into the large intestine and down to the rectum
MMC = Migrating Motility Compplex
Peristalsis happens after we’ve finished eating and nutrients have been absorbed
What does teh MMC act to do?
Limit amount of bact heading into small intestine. Move undigested material into large intestine.
MMC initiated by what?
Motalin (Hormone)
What is th elaw of the intestine?
That if a bolus of food is in the intestine,(causing expansion of smooth muscle) it will independantly (mediated by nerves in myenteric plexus) move the food towards the anus.
What is the Gastrolial reflex?
Opening and closing of iliocecal valve (Sphincter) due illium segmentation (opening) and distension of colon (closing)