Small Group Parasites 1 Flashcards
Outline the life cycle of the Plasmodium species that cause malaria.
bite by anophelus- will transmit sporozoites that travel to the liver and reproduce assexually before invading the RBC, reproduction causes RBC to rupture. some develop into gameocytes which require uptake by mosquito for sexual reproduction
Describe how transmission of malaria parasites occurs.
bit by female anopheles mosquito
Discuss the significance of identifying the geographic origin from which the infection
was acquired and the species of the infecting parasite.
strain and resistance can be prodicted from geographical origin of the infection
Describe 2 proposed hypotheses to explain the pathogenesis of cerebral malaria.
Two hypotheses: 1) the mechanical hypothesis - parasitized and uninfected erythrocytes sequester in cerebral capillaries causing anoxia, ischemia, and acidosis; 2) the inflammatory hypothesis - parasites induce immunopathological responses involving cytokines.
Discuss immunity to malaria in terms of duration, specificity, and the problems
encountered while attempting artificial immunization.
Immunity in context of malaria refers to lack of signs or symptoms despite presence of parasites, immunity to malaria is not durable or long-lasting
Describe the measures that can minimize the risk of acquiring malaria.
Permethrin-impregnated bednets; long sleeves and pants; DEET or picardin repellents; avoid outdoor activity during peak time of mosquito feeding – nighttime for anopheline mosquitos; (midgut of infected mosquito covered with
oocysts); working and living areas screened
drug prophylaxis based on the most recent resistance patterns
Outline the life cycle of Giardia lamblia.
guard cyst are resistant forms that are transmitted through contaminated water or foods, in the small intestine the excystation releases trophozoites which multiply and attach to the intestine, encystation occurs as the parasites transit toward the colon and are passed in feces
Discuss the pathology of giardiasis.
protozoans cause decreased expression of brush boarder enzymes, morphological changes to the microvillus and programmed cell death of small intestinal epithelial cells (no invasion of guard trophozoites)
alteration of villi leads to inability to absorb nutrients and water, resulting in diarrhea, bloating, flatulance etc.
List possible sources of infection and explain how infection may be prevented in each one.
hiking and drinking contaminated water
spread often in daycares
adequate chlorination of domestic water supplies does not reliably eliminate guard, cryptosporidium or entamoeba from drinking water (requires boiling or filtration through sand/membrane filter)
good hand hygienic procedures important for daycares
Discuss how a diagnosis of giardiasis is made.
(1) giardia antigen test in stool samples using ELISA, (2) ova and parasite contraction from stool, (3) direct fluorescent antibody procedure also
tx with tinidazole or nitazoxanide, paromomycin in pregnant women
Outline the life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii.
cats are the definitive host for Toxo and unsporulated oocysts that are shed in cat feces can sporulate and become infectious to humans
after ingestion, tachyzoites localize in neural and muscle tissue and develop cysts
Discuss the pathology of toxoplasmosis.
bradyzoites or sporozoites penetrate the intestinal cells and spread locally to lymph and distant organs via lymph and blood, focal areas of necrosis may develop in a variety of organs– lead to fever, headache, muscle pain, anemia and sometimes lung complications
transmission during pregnancy can lead to 60% subclinical infection, 30% encephalitis/hydrocephalis/ retinochorodiditis or abortion 10%
Discuss the significance of serology in the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis.
IgG positive means previously exposed
IgM means active infection, maybe
check IgG avidity if IgM is possitive
if negative retest in 3 weeks
Discuss the impact of toxoplasmosis on human beings in utero and extending to old age.
transmission during pregnancy can lead to
60% subclinical infection,
30% encephalitis/hydrocephalis/ retinochorodiditis or
Describe how toxopalsmosis can be prevented.
infection in humans can occur through
eating undercooked meat with tissue cysts
food or water contaminated by feces (gardening)
blood transfusion or transplantation
transplacentally mother to fetus
cook/freeze meats, wash vegetables and prevent infection in pregnant women by care with gardening and caring for cats (use gloves and change litter daily), TMP/sulfa prophylaxis in immunocompromised patients to prevent reactivation
screening in women is only done if there is abnormality in the prenatal ultrasound
Describe the life cycle of Cryptosporidium and how it is transmitted.
transmission via ingestion of infected water containing oocysts, after encystation in intestine organism reproduces sexually and asexually, oocysts are excreted from host
Describe how a diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis is made.
stool ELISA, DFA; acid fast stain for oocytes in stool or O&P testing
Describe the characteristics of diarrhea caused by cryptosporidium.
profuse watery diarrhea that is not bloody
What blood smear findings would you expect with P. falciparum infection?
more than one ring stage within RBC, very high parasitemia, presence of banana-shaped gametocyte
Why is P. falciparum a more severe infection?
RBCs infected with P. falciparum adhere much more and are sequestered in small capillaries of the brain, lung, kidney and placenta which decreases the ability of the reticuloendothelial system to clear infected RBCs