Small Engines Test bank A Flashcards
What is the correct order of the strokes in a 4-stroke cycle engine?
a. intake, exhaust, compression and power
b. compression, power, exhaust and intake
c. intake, compression, power and exhaust
d. intake, power, compression and exhaust
On the __________ stroke of an engine, the piston is going down, one valve is open and the other valve is
closed and air and fuel are being drawn into the cylinder.
a. intake
b. exhaust
c. power
d. compression
On the __________ stroke of an engine, the piston is going up, one valve is open and the other valve is closed
and the fumes are leaving the cylinder.
a. intake
b. exhaust
c. power
d. compression
On which two strokes are both valves closed?
a. intake and exhaust
b. compression and power
c. intake and compression
d. power and exhaust
The intake valve is cooled by:
a. incoming air/fuel mixture
b. air circulation
c. radiator
d. oil
The exhaust valve is difficult to cool because of:
a. the spark plug being placed directly above
b. incoming fuel mixture
c. hot water surrounding it
d. high temperature exhaust gases
The exhaust valve is made of:
a. a very special steel
b. copper
c. brass
d. carbide
A single cylinder Briggs and Stratton engine has:
a. 1 valve
b. 4 valves
c. 2 valves
d. 3 valves
Valves have a direct effect on:
a. compression
b. displacement
c. compression ratio
d. horsepower
If the intake valve fails in a one-cylinder engine, the engine will:
a. run poorly
b. stop
c. idle high
d. back fire
What is the most common angle on a valve face?
a. 30 degrees
b. 60 degrees
c. 50 degrees
d. 45 degrees
If a valve has a 45 degree face, then the seat would be:
a. 45 degrees
b. 46 degrees
c. 90 degrees
d. it doesn’t matter
If a valve has a 30 degree face, then the seat would be:
a. 30 degrees
b. 31 degrees
c. 60 degrees
d. it doesn’t matter
The valves open and close in a one-cylinder engine in as little as:
a. 1/50 of a second
b. 1/10 of a second
c. 1/2 of a second
d. 1 second
Valve tappet clearance is measured by using a:
a. rule
b. micrometer
c. feeler gauge
d. caliper
When checking the valve tappet clearance, the piston should be at the top of the __________ stroke and then a 1/4” down from there.
a. intake
b. compression
c. power
d. exhaust
On L-head engines if the valve tappet clearance is too small, the proper clearance is obtained by:
a. grinding on the valve face.
b. grinding on the valve head.
c. grinding on the end of the valve stem.
d. grinding on the end of the tappet.
On L-head engines if the valve tappet clearance is too big, the proper clearance can be obtained by:
a. refacing the valve
b. recutting the seat
c. lapping the valve
d. any of the above
On overhead valve engines the valve clearance is corrected by:
a. clearance does not have to be checked
b. using a wrench and turning the adjusting
c. grinding on the end of the valve stem
d. grinding on the end of the tappet
When checking the valve clearance on OHV engines, the clearance is checked between the valve stem and the
a. tappet
b. lifter
c. rocker arm
d. push rod
Too little valve clearance can cause:
a. valve burning
b. a dished valve
c. a rich fuel mixture
d. a higher compression ratio
Which of the following is not a part of a valve:
a. head
b. margin
c. face
d. tail
Which of the following is a part of a valve?
a. lobe
b. stem
c. leg
d. tail
The valve with the biggest size head is the:
a. intake valve
b. exhaust valve
c. compression valve
d. they are all the same size
Valve springs must be replaced if they:
a. are bent
b. are not square
c. do not meet tension specifications
d. all of the above
The camshaft opens and closes the:
a. intake valve
b. exhuast valve
c. intake and exhaust valves
d. reed valves
The thickness of the margin on a new Briggs & Stratton valve is:
a. 1/64”
b. 1/32”
c. 1/16”
d. 1/8”
Briggs & Stratton recommends that valves be replaced when the margin measures less than __________.
a. 3/64”
b. 1/16”
c. 1/32”
d. 1/64”
Which of the following is not a type of valve failure?
a. necked
b. dished
c. burned
d. swollen
Why are the valves more important in a one-cylinder engine than a multi-cylinder engine?
a. They are not more important in a onecylinder engine.
b. If the valves fail in a multi-cylinder engine
you only lose a portion of the power, but if
they fail in a one-cylinder engine you lose
all power.
c. The one-cylinder engines cost more.
d. The one-cylinder engines are more
What causes valves to stick?
a. gum accumulation
b. old oil
c. wrong viscosity of oil
d. air filter clogged
__________ is a process where the valve face is rubbed against the valve seat using an abrasive compound in
order to produce a particular type surface.
a. honing
b. boring
c. seating
d. lapping
Valve overlap is when both valves are:
a. closed
b. open
c. both a and b
d. neither a nor b
A machined hole in the block through which the valve stem passes in order to align the valve and assure
accurate raising and lowering in relation to the seat is called the
a. valve tunnel
b. valve passage
c. valve guide
d. valve insert
A ____________ must be used on each valve to hold it firmly against the seat.
a. grinding compound
b. valve spring
c. valve tappet
d. valve push rod
Valves should be cleaned with a power wire brush and then:
a. cleaned with soap and water
b. cleaned with gasoline
c. honed
d. inspected for defects
The difference in the angle between the valve seat and the valve face is called a/an:
a. tri-angle fit
b. angle fit
c. interference fit
d. compression fit
Which of the following is not a part of the valve system?
a. keeper
b. retainer
c. spring
d. ring
What is another name for a valve tappet?
a. valve lifter
b. valve lobe
c. valve shaft
d. valve pin
What pushes against the valve tappets to make them move?
a. cam gear
b. cam lobes
c. crankshaft
d. connecting rod
Valves that are used in a 4-stroke cycle engine to open and close the port openings are called:
a. head valves
b. reed valves
c. port valves
d. poppet valves
The valve __________ consists of all of the components that work together to transform the rotation of the
crankshaft into the opening and closing of the valves.
a. parts
b. alignment
c. assembly
d. train
What are the 3 main types of valve train configurations used in small gasoline engines?
a. straight valve, overhead valve, overhead
b. L-head, poppet valve, reed valve
c. L-head, overhead valve, overhead cam
d. stem valve, overhead valve, reed valve
The L-head engine is also known as the ____________ arrangement.
a. valve-in-block
b. straight
c. overhead
d. valve and spring
In the ____________ arrangement, the camshaft is located in the crankcase and the valves are located in the
cylinder block, directly above the camshaft lobes.
a. overhead valve
b. overhead cam
c. straight valve
d. L-head
In the ____________ arrangement, the camshaft is installed in the crankcase and the valves are installed in the cylinder head.
a. overhead valve
b. overhead cam
c. straight valve
d. L-head
In the ____________ arrangement, both the camshaft and valve assemblies are installed in the cylinder head.
a. overhead valve
b. overhead cam
c. straight valve
d. L-head
When referring to a type of engine, OHV stands for:
a. overhead vertical
b. overhead valve
c. outside horizontal valve
d. overhead voltage
When referring to a type of engine, OHC stands for:
a. overhead cam
b. overhead crankshaft
c. outside horizontal cam
d. overhead carburetor
In an overhead valve configuration, ____________transfer motion from the valve lifters to one end of the
rocker arms.
a. tappets
b. pushrods
c. valve stems
d. valve levers
In an overhead valve configuration, where are the rocker arms installed?
a. in the block
b. to the crankshaft
c. in the cylinder head
d. in the crankcase
The rocker arms operate like:
a. gears
b. springs
c. lifters
d. levers
When one end of the rocker arm is pushed up, the other end pushes down on the ____________.
a. camshaft
b. crankshaft
c. valve stem
d. valve head
In an overhead cam design, the camshaft may be positioned directly over the valves or they may be offset. If
the camshaft is offset, ____________ are added to the design to transfer motion from the camshaft to the
a. pushrods
b. lifters
c. rocker arms
d. springs
The camshaft in an overhead cam design is usually driven by either a ________ or ________.
a. chain or gear
b. chain or belt
c. belt or gear
d. gear or shaft
The overhead valve design as comapared to the L-head design can increase fuel efficiency by as much as
a. 5%
b. 10%
c. 25%
d. 50%
Which part of the engine must be removed before the push rods can be removed?
a. rocker arms
b. valves
c. valve springs
d. piston
If the push rods are bent they must be:
a. sanded
b. measured with a micrometer
c. straightened
d. replaced
Which of the following types of engines have valves and springs that are capable of being removed with your
hands without the use of tools?
a. straight valve engines
b. 2-cycle engines
c. L-head engines
d. OHV engines
Which of the following statements is true?
a. Most valve face angles are 60 degrees
b. To adjust the tappet clearance on OHV
engines, the valve stem must be ground.
c. Valve guides can be replaced.
d. If valves are warped they can still be used.
The basic purpose of a carburetor is to:
a. eqaulize atmospheric pressure
b. clean the air entering the engine
c. regulate the amount of fuel entering the engine
d. regulate the mixture of air and fuel
The ideal air to fuel ratio by weight for a small engine is:
a. 10:1
b. 15:1
c. 20:1
d. 25:1
A flexible piece in the carburetor that pulsates when a vacuum is created in the engine and draws fuel into a
chamber of the carburetor is called a:
a. venturi
b. diaphragm
c. spring
d. float
Which part of the carburetor controls engine speed?
a. throttle
b. venturi
c. choke
d. float
Gum deposits which clog the carburetor and other fuel system parts are caused by:
a. overheating
b. stale gasoline
c. inadequate operating speeds
d. stalling
If black smoke is coming from the exhaust when the engine is operating at 3000 rpm’s, the most probable
cause is:
a. a lean air-fuel mixture
b. an improperly installed breather
c. improper set ignition points
d. a rich high speed air-fuel mixture