Small Cell Lung Cancer and Bronchial neuroendocrine tumor Flashcards
Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) accounts for what % of new lung cancer Dx in the United States? What % of lung cancer deaths?
14% (31,000 cases/yr) of new lung cancer diagnosed in 2017 is SCLC, accounting for ∼25% of lung cancer deaths annually.
What % of SCLC is linked to smoking?
Nearly all cases of SCLC are linked to smoking.
What is the median age of Dx of SCLC? What % of pts are >70 yo at Dx?
The median age of SCLC Dx is 64 yrs, with 25% of pts presenting at age >70 yrs.
What % of pts with SCLC presents with metastatic Dz?
67% of SCLC pts present with mets, most commonly to the contralat lung, contralat or bilat malignant pleural effusion, liver, renal, adrenals, bone, BM, and brain.
What are the pathologic characteristics of SCLC?
Small round blue cells of epithelial origin with neuroendocrine differentiation, ↑ mitotic count, and ↑ N/C ratio
What are the markers that characterize SCLC?
Markers that characterize SCLC include S100, synaptophysin+, chromogranin+, and neurotensin + EGFR–.
What pathology finding is often associated with SCLC?
Crush artifact
What are some common neurologic and endocrine paraneoplastic syndromes associated with SCLC?
Neurologic: Lambert–Eaton syndrome (antibody to presynaptic voltage-gated calcium channels), encephalomyelitis, sensory neuropathy (anti-Hu antibody)
Endocrine: Cushing Dz (↑↑ ACTH), SIADH (↑↑ ADH)
What is the most common chromosomal abnormality associated with SCLC but not seen with extrapulmonary small cell carcinomas?
Deletion of 3p (95% of cases, particularly 3p14–25 region, with inactivation of at least 3 tumor suppressor genes, including FHIT and RASSF1A)
What is the most common genetic alteration seen in SCLC?
Amplification of the bcl-2/C-myc family of oncogenes is most common but likely is not the initiating event. Other common abnormalities include loss of p16, loss of Rb, and mutation in p53.
How do pts with SCLC usually present?
Large hilar mass with bulky mediastinal LAD that causes cough, shortness of breath, weight loss, postobstructive pneumonia, and debility. Other common presentations include paraneoplastic syndromes such as Lambert–Eaton, SIADH, or ectopic ACTH production.
Classically, does SCLC present centrally or peripherally in the lung?
Classically, SCLC presents centrally in the lung.
What histology is most commonly associated with superior vena cava obstruction (SVCO) syndrome?
SCLC is most commonly associated with SVCO syndrome.
Do SCLC pts present with solitary peripheral nodules without mediastinal LAD? What % have true stage I dz (T1–2, N0) after mediastinal staging?
This presentation is very uncommon; <5% of pts have true stage I dz.
How should pts be managed whose FNA results cannot clearly differentiate b/w small cell and atypical carcinoid histology?
Surgical staging, with mediastinoscopy → surgical resection if the MNs are negative (NCCN 2018)
Once SCLC has been diagnosed in a pt who presents with a large hilar mass, what further workup is necessary besides the basic H&P and labs?
LDH levels, CT C/A/P +/– PET, MRI brain, bone scan if PET is not done, BM Bx (for pts with elevated LDH), thoracentesis with cytopathologic exam for pts with pleural effusion, and smoking cessation counseling
What % of pts with SCLC at the time of Dx present with brain mets, BM involvement, and bone mets?
Brain mets: 10%–15% (30% are asymptomatic)
BM involvement: 5%–10%
Bone mets: 30%
What is the latest AJCC system for staging SCLC?
The same as for non-SCLC, but this system is not commonly used.
How SCLC is most commonly staged?
SCLC is commonly staged using the International Association of Lung Cancer system, which is a modification of the VALCSG system. There are 2
stages: limited and extensive. Tumors are staged according to whether the Dz can be encompassed within an RT port. Limited stage Dz is typically
confined to the ipsi hemithorax, without malignant pleural effusion, contralat Dz, or mets; other presentations are usually extensive stage.
What % of pts present with limited-stage SCLC (LS-SCLC)?
∼33% of pts present with LS-SCLC.
What are the most important adverse prognostic factors in SCLC? What additional factors are assoc. w/ poor prognosis in extensive- and limited stage
Poor PS; extensive-stage; weight loss (>5% in prior 6 mos); ↑ LDH; male gender; endocrine paraneoplastic syndromes (controversial), variant, or of mixed cell type; metastatic Dz. For extensive-stage: older age, poor PS, abnl Cr/LDH, >1 metastatic site. For limited-stage: male, age >70, abnl LDH,
>stage I.
What is the MS of untreated limited- and extensive-stage SCLC?
∼12 wks for limited stage and ∼6 wks for extensive stage, based on a VALCSG trial comparing cyclophosphamide to placebo.
What is the MS for pts with limited- vs. extensive-stage SCLC?
Limited stage: 20–30 mos
Extensive stage: 8–13 mos
What is the long-term survival rate in limited-stage SCLC treated with a combined modality?
26% long-term survival (5 yrs) (Turrisi A et al., NEJM 1999)
What additional workup should be considered for pts with carcinoid tumors of the lung?
Consider octreotide scan.
What is the Tx paradigm for pts with LS-SCLC?
LS-SCLC Tx paradigm: 4 cycles of EP chemo (etoposide [120 mg/m2, days 1–3] + cisplatin [60 mg/m2, day 1, q3wks]) + concurrent RT (only 1 cycle is concurrent). Current standard RT regimen is based on INT-0096: 45
Gy in 1.5 Gy bid × 30 fx.
What is the Tx paradigm for pts with T1–2N0M0 SCLC?
Lobectomy with mediastinal dissection and adj full course chemo. (NCCN 2018) This situation is seen in ∼5% of SCLC cases. The importance of adj chemo and PCI after complete resection for early-stage SCLC was highlighted in an NCDB analysis (Yang G et al., JCO 2016). If there are nodal involvement, consideration is made for adj mediastinal RT concurrent with chemo. PCI is also recommended. For more advanced
lesions, 2 randomized studies (LCSG 832 [Lad T, Chest 1994] and the MRC [Fox W et al., Lancet 1973]) showed no benefit to Sg over definitive RT.
For medically inoperable pts, consideration can be made for SBRT +consolidation full course chemo and PCI. Mediastinal staging with EBUS should be made prior to SBRT. This is based on a multicenter case series and NCDB analysis, demonstrating comparable outcomes as surgical series. (Verma V et al., IJROBP 2017; Stahl et al., Lung Cancer 2017)
What is the OS and LC benefit of adding RT to chemo in LS-SCLC?
There is an OS benefit of 5% based on Pignon J-P et al. meta-analysis (NEJM 1992), with LC benefit of 25%–30%. (Warde P et al., NEJM 1992 [meta-analysis])
What is the benefit of smoking cessation prior to Tx in pts with limited stage SCLC?
↓ Toxicity and ↑ survival, based on a retrospective review (Videtic GMM et al., IJROBP 2003)
What are the typical response rates seen after concurrent CRT for LS-SCLC?
Typical response rates are 80%–95% with CR rates of 40%–60%.
What is the median duration of response for pts with LS-SCLC after definitive Tx?
6–8 mos is the median duration of response.
What is the preferred Tx approach for elderly pts (age >70 yrs) with LS-SCLC?
Depends on PS. In pts with good PS, combined CRT is preferred; they were shown to have 16% absolute 3-yr OS benefit with addition of RT to chemo (Corso CD et al., JCO 2015). Otherwise, standard combination chemo is better than single-agent cytotoxic agents.
What is the MS of SCLC pts after recurrence if treated with salvage chemo?
4–5 mos is the MS for these pts.
Why is EP the preferred regimen in concurrent CRT for LS-SCLC?
EP causes little mucosal toxicity, offers low risk of interstitial pneumonitis, and has lower cardiac toxicity compared to doxorubicin.Full systemic doses can be administered with RT, and there is modest
hematologic toxicity. EP has a better therapeutic ratio over the older regimen of CAV (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and vincristine), but it confers no
survival benefit.
What are the benefits and disadvantages of substituting carboplatin for cisplatin in EP for Tx of SCLC? Is there a difference in efficacy?
Carboplatin is less emetic, neuropathic, nephropathic, ototoxic, but there is more heme toxicity. A meta-analysis found no difference b/w cisplatin vs. carboplatin regimens. (Rossi A et al., JCO 2012)
Is there a benefit to maintenance chemo after the initial 4–6 cycles in the Tx of SCLC?
No. Maintenance chemo only produces minor prolongation of response without improving survival and increasing cumulative toxicity.
Is there a benefit of irinotecan compared to etoposide when added to cisplatin in the Tx of SCLC?
No. A Japanese RCT demonstrated a survival benefit with irinotecan, but this was not reproduced in 3 larger trials conducted outside Japan. However, a phase III trial found slightly improved OS with irinotecan over oral etoposide with carboplatin (Hermes A et al., JCO 2008), so irinotecan + carboplatin is an option. (NCCN 2018)
What is the optimal sequence of combining chemo with RT?
Concurrent is better than sequential (JCOG: Takada M et al., JCO 2002): MS 27 mos vs. 20 mos; 5-yr OS 30% vs. 20% (10% OS benefit)
What evidence supports early concurrent CRT over late RT with induction CT → CRT?
NCIC data (Murray N et al., JCO 1993): phase III, 308 pts. 5-yr OS was 20% (early RT) vs. 11% (late RT). Yugoslavia data (Jeremic B et al., JCO 1997): an early vs. late RT trial showed better MS (34 mos vs. 26 mos) and 5-yr OS (30% vs. 15%) for early. Meta-analysis of 7 trials (Fried DB et al., JCO 2004): early (<9 wks) vs. late (>9 wks) after chemo. There was 5.2% better 2-yr OS with early RT.
What is the recommended RT dose in CRT for LS-SCLC?
45 Gy in 1.5 Gy BID or 60–70 Gy in 2 Gy QD (NCCN 2018)
CONVERT (European phase III trial) comparing 66 Gy/2.0 Gy QD vs. standard 45 Gy/1.5 Gy BID showed similar OS and toxicity (Faivre-Finn Cet al., Lancet Oncol 2017)
CALGB 30610 is currently testing 70 Gy/2.0 Gy QD vs. standard 45 Gy/1.5 Gy BID. Previous RTOG 0712 regimen of 61.2 Gy in 5 wks (1.8 Gy qd × 16 fx → BID) was d/c in CALGB trial although it was not more toxic than the 7-wk regimen.
What randomized trial demonstrated a clear superiority of altered fractionation with chemo compared to qd RT in the Tx of SCLC?
INT-0096 (Turrisi AT et al., NEJM 1999): phase III, 381 pts, EP × 4 cycles + RT at 1st cycle; randomization with 1.5 Gy bid × 3 wks vs. 1.8 Gy qd × 5 wks (both to 45 Gy); all rcvd prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) to 25 Gy.
There was better 5-yr OS (26% vs. 16%) and LC (64% vs. 48%) in the bid arm. There was increased grade 3 esophagitis (27% vs. 11%) in the bid regimen, but not in the grade 4 toxicity. Criticism: 45 Gy qd is not biologically equivalent to the accelerated hyperfx of 45 Gy in 30 fx.
Do any studies support dose escalation with conventional fractionation rather than traditional bid approach?
CALGB 8837 (Choi H et al., JCO 1998): phase I MTD in 50 pts of 2 RT regimens: 1.5 Gy/fx bid or 2.0 Gy/fx qd; MTD of bid was 45 Gy, whereas MTD of qd regimen was >70 Gy. Updated survival results were that 6-yr OS
was better in the qd regimen compared with bid (36% vs. 20%). CALGB 30610 is an ongoing phase III trial comparing 45 Gy in 3 wks (arm A: INT-0096) vs. 70 Gy in 35 fx (arm B: CALGB regimen). (Arm C, 61.2 Gy in 5
wks (1.8 Gy qd × 16 fx → bid, as in RTOG 97–12, was dropped.)
Describe classic RT targets for LS-SCLC?
Gross tumor, ipsi hilum, bilat MN from T inlet (1st rib) down to 5 cm below the carina. CTV = GTV + 1.5 cm (and elective hilum and MN regions + 8mm), PTV = CTV + 1 cm.
What T RT field arrangements are classically used for treating LS-SCLC?
Minimize contralat lung exposure with AP/PA to 15 Gy (1.5 Gy bid × 5 days) with oblique field to 45 Gy (AP/PA in AM and obliques for PM sessions).
Should elective nodal irradiation be performed?
Historically, clinically uninvolved MNs were included. However, several modern studies showed that omission of ENI results in very low rates of isolated nodal recurrences of <5% if PET staging used. The CALGB 30610 and CONVERT trials have omitted ENI.
Should you cover the pre- or postinduction systemic therapy Dz for the tumor and nodal volumes?
In pts who have systemic therapy before RT, the tumor GTV can be limited to the postchemo volume, based on 2 trials comparing pre- vs. postchemo volumes (Kies MS et al., JCO 1987; Hu X et al., Cancer 2011). The nodal
GTV should include prechemo involved nodes but does not need to cover the entire extent of prechemo Dz.
Are there circumstances where IMRT may be beneficial?
Consider IMRT if V20 >30% or FEV1 <1 L.
What PTV margins should be used with/without 4D-CT simulation?
PTV is CTV + 0.5 cm if daily setup imaging is used and if ITV assessment is done during simulation and the planning process (either breath-hold or 4DCT
imaging). If a free-breathing non-ITV approach is used (non–4D-CT simulation), the PTV is CTV + 1.5 cm (sup–inf direction) and 1.0 cm in the axial direction. If a breath-holding non-ITV, PTV is CTV + 1.0 cm (sup–inf direction) and 0.5 cm in the axial direction.
Is IMRT associated with worse outcomes compared to 3D-CRT?
Retrospective review of MDACC experience demonstrated no difference in LC or OS when IMRT was compared to 3D-CRT. PEG tube placement was
significantly lower in IMRT cohort. (Shirvani SM et al., Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2013)
What is the role of PCI in LS-SCLC? Is there an OS benefit with it?
Auperin meta-analysis of 7 RCTs (NEJM 1999) compared PCI vs. no PCI after CR following induction chemo +/– RT and no evidence of brain mets before randomization. There was ↓ 3-yr incidence of brain mets (33% vs.
59%) and 5.4% better 3-yr OS (20.7% vs. 15.3%) and improved DFS. There was a trend to a better outcome with ↑ doses and RT <4 mos from the start of chemo.
What PCI dose is now standard for LS-SCLC?
25 Gy in 10 fx is now the standard dose for PCI for LS-SCLC. (RTOG 0212-Intergroup: Le Pechoux C et al., Lancet Oncol 2009)
For pts with LS-SCLC what PCI doses were compared in RTOG 0212?
Standard doses (25 Gy in 10 fx) vs. higher doses (36 Gy in either 18 fx qd or 24 fx bid). There was no difference in the 2-yr incidence of brain mets, but there was an OS and chest relapse advantage for the standard arm (42% vs. 37%, p = 0.05) d/t greater cancer-related mortality in the high-dose group. There was higher 1-yr chronic neurotoxicity in the higher-dose arm (∼85%–90% vs. 60%). (Le Pechoux C et al., Lancet Oncol 2009; Wolfson AH et al., IJROBP 2011)
What is the effect of PCI timing after the initiation of chemo for SCLC?
Based on Auperin meta-analysis, there was a ↓ in risk of brain mets with earlier PCI (<4–6 mos vs. >6 mos) without an effect on risk of death.
Are there data demonstrating greater neuropsychologic complications after PCI for SCLC?
No. The data actually demonstrate no difference with or without PCI in a randomized trial addressing the question of neuropsychologic changes after PCI (Arrigada et al., JNCI 1995). Most pts (97%) actually have abnl neuropsychologic testing after chemo and before PCI, without a difference after PCI. (Komaki R et al., IJROBP 1995)
What is the recommended adj Tx for SCLC if the MNs are found to be involved after attempted surgical resection?
Concurrent CRT directed at the MN (per NCCN 2018); if node–, adj chemo alone
What is the Tx paradigm for pts with extensive-stage SCLC?
Extensive-stage SCLC Tx paradigm: multiagent chemo regimen including EP. Consider consolidation RT to the thorax for pts who achieve a CR to distant Dz after initial chemo (Jeremic B et al., JCO 1999). Also, PCI found
to offer survival benefit even if extensive-stage Dz. (Slotman B et al., NEJM 2007)
How many cycles of chemo should be given for extensive-stage SCLC?
4–6. Giving >4–6 cycles only modestly prolongs response duration and does not improve survival, while increasing cumulative toxicity.
What additional chemo agents, when added to EP, have been shown to modestly improve the survival of pts with extensive-stage SCLC?
Ifosfamide or cyclophosphamide + an anthracycline have been shown to modestly improve survival.
Is there evidence to support consolidative RT to T Dz in extensive-stage SCLC?
Yes. 2 RCTs supported this.
A European multicenter trial (Slotman et al., Lancet 2015) randomized 498 extensive-stage SCLC pts who had any response to 4–6 cycles of platinumbased chemo (70% had PR) to T RT (30 Gy in 10 fx) + PCI or PCI alone.
The primary endpoint, 1-yr OS, was not significantly improved (p = 0.07), but the 2-yr OS was improved in those receiving T RT (2-yr OS 13% vs.3%, p = 0.004). There was a 50% reduction in intrathoracic recurrences,
improved 6-mo PFS, but no difference in progression at any site. T RT was well tolerated with no severe toxicity. The benefit of consolidation T RT was mostly limited to the pts who had residual Dz after systemic therapy.
Jeremic et al. (JCO 1999) enrolled 210 extensive-stage pts. All rcvd EP × 3. The subset of 109 pts who achieved a CR at all distant sites was randomized to rcv consolidative RT (accelerated hyperfx to 54 Gy) with
concurrent carboplatin/etoposide or not. In both arms, pts rcvd PCI and consolidative EP. Consolidative CRT improved 5-yr OS (9.1% vs. 3.7%) and MS (17 mos vs. 11 mos). There was a trend in favor of LC but not
DM-free survival.
What are some salvage chemo agents used at the time of recurrence for SCLC?
Oral topoisomerase I inhibitors are standard for postchemo failure. (Topotecan was tested in RCTs showing doubling of survival [26 wks vs. 14
wks] compared with supportive care; irinotecan as a single agent was not tested.) Paclitaxel, docetaxel, TMZ, nivolumab +/– ipilimumab, vinorelbine, oral etoposide, gemcitabine, and CAV are some others.
What seminal study demonstrated a survival benefit with PCI in pts with extensive-stage SCLC with any response to chemo? What are some main criticisms of this study?
EORTC 08993 RCT (Slotman BJ et al., NEJM 2007): 286 pts with extensive-stage SCLC treated with chemo; primary endpoint was time to symptomatic brain mets; pts randomized to +/– PCI after any response to
chemo; most PCI pts given 20 Gy in 5 fx. PCI lowered the risk of symptomatic mets and improved DFS and OS (5.4 mos –PCI vs. 6.7 mos+PCI). 1-yr OS nearly doubled (13% –PCI vs. 27% +PCI).
Criticisms: Pre-Tx brain imaging is not required. The RT group was more likely to rcv chemo at the time of extracranial progression (68% vs. 45%). Only about half (59%) of pts in the control group rcvd WBRT for
intracranial progression of Dz.
Is there a benefit of PCI for extensive-stage pts who have a (negative) staging brain MRI?
Controversial, but likely not. Although the EORTC 08993 trial showed OS benefit with PCI for extensive-stage SCLC, the trial did not require pre-Tx brain imaging. The Japanese phase III randomized trial of PCI vs. no PCI in extensive-stage SCLC pts who had a negative staging brain MRI, closed early d/t futility of PCI after 163 pts were enrolled. There was no improvement of OS for PCI vs. no PCI; in fact, there was a trend toward a negative impact on median OS. (10.1 mos [PCI] vs. 15.1 mos [no PCI], p =0.09). (Takahashi T et al., Lancet Oncol 2017)
What was the greatest QOL alteration after PCI in the EORTC trial for extensive-stage SCLC?
3-mo QOL assessment showed that the largest negative impact of PCI was fatigue and hair loss. Worsening role, emotional, and cognitive function were also seen after PCI. (Slotman BJ et al., JCO 2009)
What PCI dose should be given for extensive-stage SCLC?
The preferred dose is still 25 Gy in 10 fx, similar to LS-SCLC, however a shorter course (e.g., (20 Gy in 5 fx) can be considered for selected pts, such as those with less than a CR (most pts rcvd 20 Gy in 5 fx in the Slotman
What is the current recommendation for PCI in pts with SCLC?
Indicated for limited stage and considered for extensive stage (NCCN 2018), CR/PR after chemo +/– consolidation RT, +/– MRI brain, PS of ECOG 0–2, within 3–6 wks of last cycle of chemo, 25 Gy in 10 fx. Also rcvd
for pts who have had a complete resection. In pts with less than a CR, PCI is at the discretion of the treating physician.
How do you treat SCLC pts who present with a limited number brain mets?
Whole brain radiotherapy (30 Gy in 10 fx). SRS should not be offered outside a clinical trial since these pts tend to develop multiple CNS mets, although may be considered if pts have rcvd prior PCI in selected pts.
(NCCN 2018)
In SCLC pts with SVCO, cord compression, or brain mets, what regimen is preferred as upfront palliative Tx: RT or chemo?
In a chemonaive pt presenting with SVCO, RCTs have shown a similar symptomatic response rate with chemo compared with RT. But in a chemorefractory pt, RT is the preferred regimen. In pts with cord compression/brain mets, RT is standard (in both chemonaive and
chemorefractory pts).
How is palliative RT delivered for SVCO syndrome in pts with SCLC?
Generally, a few large fx upfront (3–4 Gy × 2–3) → more definitive dosing in conventional fractionation (qd or bid regimen)
What fractionation scheme is optimal for pts with lung cancers treated with palliative RT for Sx such as hemoptysis, cough, pain, and shortness of breath?
Conventional is probably no better than hypofractionation. In a Norwegian RCT, Sundstrom et al. tested 30 Gy in 10 fx vs. 17 Gy in 2 fx (1 wk apart) vs. 10 Gy for 1 fx. All achieved similar levels of palliation. (JCO
How should a tumor characterized as a high-grade neuroendocrine carcinoma, or as large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, is managed?
Treat per non-SCLC guidelines (NCCN 2018)
How should a pt with a carcinoid tumor of the lung be managed?
Sg is 1st line if it is resectable. Some centers will treat atypical carcinoid per the SCLC paradigm (nonsurgical).
Per NCCN 2018:
1. Stages I–IIIA typical carcinoid tumor can be observed after R0 resection.
2. For unresectable or medically inoperable stage IIIA or IIB, RT +/– EP is rcvd for atypical carcinoid, and can be considered for typical carcinoid tumors.
3. For atypical carcinoid tumors, resected stage I–II can be observed. However, for resected stages IIIA tumors, adj chemo (EP) +/– RT is recommended.
How should stages IIIB–IV or unresectable carcinoid of the lung be managed?
Systemic therapy (EP), or octreotide if octreotide scan positive or symptomatic from paraneoplastic syndrome (NCCN 2018)
What is the recommended f/u schedule for SCLC pts?
SCLC f/u schedule: H&P, CT chest/liver/adrenal, and labs at each visit (visits q3–4mos for yrs 1–2, q6mos for yrs 3–5, then annually). PET scan should be considered whenever CT findings suggest recurrence or mets.
What is the total lung V20 dose–volume constraint for RT alone and concurrent CRT in definitive lung cancer Tx?
RT alone: V20 <40%
CRT: V20 <35%
What is the recommended MLD constraint with definitive RT for lung cancer?
MLD is <15 Gy ideally but not >20 Gy.
What is the max cord dose allowed on INT-0096 (“Turrisi regimen”)?
On INT-0096, the max cord dose was 36 Gy (but max dose is 41 Gy in ongoing CALGB 30610 trial).
What is the main toxicity associated with using bid RT as done in the Turrisi regimen?
Grade 3–4 acute esophagitis: 27% (bid) vs. 11% (qd). Other toxicities (myelosuppression, nausea) were the same as the qd regimen. This is much less in modern era using 3D or IMRT approaches, with no difference b/t QD vs. BID Tx per CONVERT trial (19% in both arms).
What is the distinction b/t grade 2 and 3 pneumonitis (per the RTOG)?
Grade 3 pneumonitis: dyspnea at rest or oxygen supplementation needed
Grade 2 pneumonitis: symptomatic and not requiring oxygenation
What is the heart dose–volume constraint for RT alone vs. concurrent CRT?
According to CALGB 30610, the following limits are also acceptable: 60 Gy less than one-third, 45 Gy less than two-thirds, and 45 Gy <100%.
What is the esophageal dose–volume constraint for RT alone vs. concurrent CRT?
RT alone: V60 <50%
CRT: V55 <50% (ideally, keep the mean dose to <34 Gy per RTOG 0538)