SM Flashcards
what are the most important service marketing characteristics and internal and external implication
discuss service triangle . what different types of marketing exist and who are the actors?
internal : company employees
exrernal : company customer
interactive : employee customer
describe service dominant logic and link to value in use creation model
service dominant logic is when we have
1 production
2 customer value creation
1+2= interaction
value in use : value is created when customer integrate with producer of service ( barber)
value in use by customer : driving skills
value in use by time and place: government restrictions
elaborate on traditional marketing mix for services and what extra marketing mix for services
marketing mix (4p)
product : quality management
price : depend on quality, demand and cost
promotion : WOM
place : decentralized
extra :
participants : customer and employee
physical evidence: furniture
process : the sequence of steps
explain Gap model
external and internal gap
external related to : conflict between customer expectation and customer perception
internal gaps need to solve external : GAP 1 : Knowledge gap GAP 2: Not translated to proper design or standard GAP 3 : delivery gap GAP 4: Communication gap
what type of qualities exist to distinguish products from services.. give example
- search qualities ( furniture vs insurance)
- experience qualities ( jewlery vs vacation)
- credence qualities ( haircut vs lawyer)
Discuss the service quality model according to Gronroos
Perceived service quality is comparison between :
- expected
- experienced
the perceiption is influenced by several factors ( company image )
also 2 aspects influence service quality
- Technical quality ( what is delivered)
- functional quality ( how is delivered)
provide the model that approaches services from a relationship marketing perspective what are the critical components
the overall satisfaction has a relationship with :
- trust
- commitment
these two determines :
- Loyalty
what variables measure loyalty in service context ?
- repurchase
- lower price sensitivity
what different types of services expectations exist . give examples
from high to low
- ideal expectation
- normative expectation ( should )
- based on experience
- acceptable expectation
- minimum tolerable expectation
what variables influence expectations patterns within service context ? clearly distinguish between different expectation level that exist for services
_ reliability ( high expectation level ) _tangibility ( low expectation level)
there are 2 expectation bounderies : upper level and low level
upper : desired service
middle : tolerence zone ( nothing goes wrong)
low: minimum adequate service
discuss different stages of consumer decision process , what are typical criteria that play important role within a service context
_ customer recognize the need _ customer look for information _evaluate alternatives _ purchase and consume _ postpurchase evaluation
how do satisfaction and service quality relate to one another ? how do they relate to profitability and what is major antecedentes
_ satisfaction is much broader concept _ service quality dimensions are just elements that impact satisfaction : tangible empathy assurance responsivness reliability
so service quality have an impact on customer satisfaction which influence customer loyalty which has huge effect on profitability.
what are the main service quality dimensions for e-service?
core service evaluation / recovery service evaluation
core : efficiency
recovery :
discuss major determinants of customer satisfaction for services ? what are sources of dissatisfaction ?
satisfaction : product or service feature consumer emotion attribution to service perception of equity and fairness consumer and family members
dissatisfaction recovery adaptability coping spontanueity
what are the 5 quality dimensions found by zeithaml
quality dimensions :
Reliability : providing service as promissed
Assurance : employee inspire trust and confidence
tangible: furniture . building and so
empathy : giving customer attention
responsivness : providing necessary information
what questions need to be asked to guarantee a successful implementation of critical incident technique. discuss the type of service enqouters
the critical incident technique is a qualitative method that allows customers and employees reconstruct enqounters of satisfaction and dissatisfaction
questions : _when have you had a satisfying or dissatisfying interaction with .. _when did incident happen _what did employee say or do _what could be done differently?
service enquonters: recovery / adaptability / coping / spontaneuity
Discuss the 3 problems suggested by groonros on the disconfirmation paradigm
1_ timing for measuring expectation : after experience it will be measuring experience not expectation
2impact of experience on expectation: even if you measure expectation before ,it is different from factors that you use to evaluate the service
3 impact of previos expectation on current expectafion : customer experience will be influenced by previous expectation
what are the main research objectives in the case of services and what type of methods can be used ?
_ discover customer expectation
_ monitor and track performance
_ asses overall company performance compared to competitors
_asses gaps between customer expectation and perception
methods to use : critical incident technique / survey / complains
explain the concept of net promoter score
it is a simple measurement through questionnaire
_ how likely you recomment to friend
1 …… 10
we destinguish 3 profiles
detractors / passive / promoters
discuss how development of relationships within service context evolve over time.
what major benefits of relationships both from a firm and customer perspective?
evolution of customer _ customer is stranger _customer as acquaintances _ customer as friend _ customer as partner
benefits on customer :
_confidencs benefits
_social benefits
_ special treatment benefits
benefits for firm:
_ economic benefit
_customer behavior benefit (WOM)
_ HR benefit ( easy job for employees)
when building a relationship with customers, different type of bonds are important , explain what type of bond exist
_ financial bond
_social bond
_ customization bond
_structural bond
what types of innovations can be distinguished in case of services ? example
_major and radical innovation ( ebay)
_ start up business ( online banking)
_ new service for currently served market ( COMIN selling insurance online)
_ service line extention ( proximus extra netflix offer on package)
_ service improvement ( hotel hyat)
_style change ( Fedex change logo)
discuss the concept of blueprinting: what process dimension and strategic orientation exist?
blueprinting is a tool that let us visualize the complexity of innovation and visualize the process from customer perspective
it is divided into 3 lines : customer interaction/ on stage contact / backstage contact
process dimensions are : Complexity / divergence
strategic orientation :
more divergence = more costumization ( creative services)
less divergence = standard ( hotel service)
more complexity = market penetration (professional service)
less complexity = specialization ( gas)
what type of strategy does company like ryanair apply? explain in term of blueprinting dimension
ryanair has a strategy that is very low in divergence and low in complexity
since there is less interaction betwern customer and onstage contact but more online reservation which reduce the cost for ryanair.
unlike the hotels where there are lot of interactions and higher complexity
discuss the model of bitner in which the impact of servicecape on customer and employee behavior is visualized . what type of variable determine the enviroment user relationships within service organizations
model variables are :
_physical enviroment ( tempreture, music, lightning, furniture) _internal response ( congitive, emotional, physcological) _behavior : employee( commitment, exploration) _ customer ( stay long and spend more)
what types of servicescape can be distinguished within service context ? explain and give examples?
servicescapes are elements that customer and employees engage during the journey
can be divided into 2 :
physical : (external: parking and building / internal ( furniture and lightning / other tangible: business cards )
virtual : Web page / AR and VR
why are service blueprints so important ? how can service/company managers use them?
blue printing is a tool that visualize the complexity of the process from a customer perspective
going through 3 lines : ( line of interaction / line of visibility “on stage” / line of internal interaction “ back stage”)
blue printing is important because : _it provide a platform for innovation _recognize roles and function _facilitate strategic innovation _helps understand ideal customer experiencd
service marketers can use : designing servicd system and promotions
managers can use: quality control/ training system/ manage fail points
discuss the framework of service profit chain and its integrating elements?
what is the main philosophy underlying this framework ?
service framework link the internal enviroment with external enviroment
internal= satisfied employees ( more productive) external= satisfied customer (loyalty)
both lead to profitability
components of framework: quality/relationships/value/ loyalty
they are all linked together
what different role of services employees can be performed?
what are the major challenges ?
the role of employees is linked to service culture ( corporate culture) which is the way we do things here .
culture that exist inside organization ( shared values and employees behavior inside organization)
there are 3 concepts related to service culture:
exhibiting: CEO should demonstrate same values as employees
Developing : through trainings and programs
Transporting: transporting the culture ( disney and Macdo)
challenges :
_when a service is provided through franchise the service would face so many issues
_ the service is intangible and therefore you cannot store it. this lead to difficulties in supply and demand management.
what different roles can service customers perform during service delivery?
3 levels of roles :
_ productive resources : customers are partial employees because they take over some of employees roles ( transporting furniture)
_ contribute to quality satisfaction: by asking questions and complaining
_ competitors : they can compete with service provider ( cooking at home instead of restaurant)
in what way can service customers increase the service performance gap ?
- lack of understanding their role ( not able to install an ikea product)
- not willing or being able to perform their role ( at fitness some customer dont know how to excersise)
- no rewards for good performance ( no one will reward you for doing great job installing ikea product)
- interfering with another customer ( making queue at shops)
what types of customer involvement exist within service context
levels of participation:
Low: low cost airline and motels ( only the presence of customer is required)
moderate : haircut ( some participation is required)
high: marriage consultation or personal training ( require high engagement )
discuss the overall strategies service firms can adopt to align capacity and demand
there are 2 types
_shift demand : used by airlines and hotels
they will shit demand to match capacity (low price when no demand / full price on high demand)
_adjust capacity : when hospitals use maximum capacity a lot of organization can join by sharing facilities and person / or hire extra persons temporarily.. while when there is no demand , they can send employees on trainings .
explain the concept of revenue management, under what circumstances it is appropriate to implement revenue management? provide examples
revenue management is the process of allocating the right type of capacity to the right kind of customer at the right time at the right price … so as to maximize revenue
it profitable when : _ fixed capacity _different market segments _low marginal cost ( extra booking cost is very low) _product sold in advance
what is the impact of service recovery and what factors determine switching behavior customers within a service enviroment?
impact of service recovery:
service recovery effects: WOM/loyalty/satisfaction
recovery paradox: dissatisfaction / complain
switching behavior : high prices/ found better service with competitors/ inconviniece hour or location/ ethical problem like cheating / no response to business failure.
in what ways can customer complain and what type of complainers exist?
2 ways
customer do not complain : ( exit / stay)
customer comlain: ( negative WOM and eWOM/ third party action/ call service provider) 》 exit / stay
type of complainers :
passives: dont complain, dont believe in outcome
voices: contact service provider and not engage in negative WOM
Irates : frustrated people , they spread negative WOM
Activists: firm believer of complaining , they go all the way , spread negative WOM and complain to third party
provide a couple of characteristics of effective advertising in the case of services
_address service intangibility : ( tripadvisor use image to focus on tangibles and enhance WOM)
_Manage service promises : ( create strong service brand )
_ managing customer expectations ( make realistic promises and offer service guarantee)
_managing customer education ( improve customer education clarifying expectation after sale)
_Manage internal marketing communication ( vertical and horizontal communication/blueprinting)
what are the major challenges for developing an integrated communication plan for services marketeers ? explain in detail the diverse components of an integrated communication strategy in the case of services
to develop integrated communication plan the goal is to have a service delivery greater or equal to promises :
_address service intangibility : ( tripadvisor use image to focus on tangibles and enhance WOM)
_Manage service promises : ( create strong service brand )
_ managing customer expectations ( make realistic promises and offer service guarantee)
_managing customer education ( improve customer education clarifying expectation after sale)
_Manage internal marketing communication ( vertical and horizontal communication/blueprinting)
communication tools : website /SEO/ Social media/ viral marketing
explain the three basic marketing price structures and challenges for servies
pricing types
- cost based pricing (minimely covering cost) . challenges : difficult to make estimation of cost / cost is not equal
- competition based pricing ( based on competitors) . challenges: extremely difficult to compare
- demand based pricing (based on the value that customer percieve). challenges (monetary price must be adjusted to reflect value of non monetary cost)
what different aspects regarding pricing illustrate the typical differences between products and services
_dynamic pricing: flights and hotels
_adapting the price: launching at low price / attracting hunters looking for discount
what is the critical incident technique, under what circumstances and what type of problems can this method be used the best?
it is a typical qualitative method that learn us about the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of customers ( mention service enqounters)
regarding circumstances , it can be used whenever there is a dissatisfied customer and to identify common service failure points