SLSNZ Theory Flashcards
What does RICE stand for?
R est
I ce
C empress
E levate
What does SAFER stand for?
S pot the hazard
A sses the risks
F ix the problems
E valuate the results
R record your SAFER actions
D anger
R esponsive
S end for help
A irway
B reathing?
D efib
Relax and float
Raise your hand
Ride the rip
(In rip)
Basic principles
What does FAST stand for?
F ace. Ask them to smile
A rms. Can they reuse both arms
S peech. Is their speech jumbled?
T ime. If so call 111 immediately
8 patrol roles
- Patrol captain
- Vice patrol captain
- Flag duty
- IRB driver and crew
- Tower
- First aid
- Roaming patrol
- Patrol support
What are NSOPs?
National Standard Operating Procedures
What is CSOP?
Club Standard Operating Procedures
Three factors that can affect the size of waves
The DISTANCE the wind blows -> Fetch
How HARD the wind blows -> Velocity
The LENGTH of time it blows-> Duration
Six identifying features of a rip
- Calm patches in the surf with waves breaking either side
- Rippled or crisscrossed water
- Debris floating in the water
- Discoloured or sandy water
- Foaming or sandy water extending beyond the surface zone
- An obvious channel or deeper darker coloured water
What is this scanning pattern
Connect the dots
What is this scanning pattern?
Head count
What is this scanning pattern?
What is this scanning pattern?
What is this scanning pattern?
Signs that some one is drowning
Hair in eyes, facing the shore, arms flailing, climbing the ladder, clinging to an object
If you are alone with an adult who is unresponsive and not breathing normally, what should you do?
Place them in recovery position, establish open airway then go find help
A man develops chest pain while talking to friends, and a minute later he collapses. He is unresponsive and not breathing normally. What are the TWO most important steps?
Start chest compressions and ventilation, get a AED/defib on the patient ASAP (after monitor for shock)
What should you always do after dealing with a patient who has a a traumatic experience or injury
Monitor them for shock
An older male has suffered from deep laceration in his arm. Bleeding stopped with pressure, and you placed a dressing and bandage on the wound. Blood has now soaked through both. What is the correct treatment?
Remove all the dressings and reapply firm, direct, prolonged pressure until bleeding has stopped
A few minutes ago a 4 year old child steeped on a bee and was stung. Their parent has brought them to you in the surf life club. The child now has a rash over their entire body and their lips and Tounge are severely swollen. Their voice is raspy and they are panicked. What is the most important action you can take?
Call and ambulance have the patient lie flat or sit down, remove bee stinger, use epi pen if needed
Offshore or onshore?
Offshore or onshore?
What does this signal mean
To attract attention
What does this signal mean
Message understood
What does this signal mean
Return to shore
What does this signal mean
Proceed in the direction indicated
What does this signal mean
Proceed further out to sea
What does this signal mean
Remain stationary
What does this signal mean
Pick up swimmers
What does this signal mean
Ok signal
What does this signal mean
Shore signal received and understood
What does this signal mean
All clear
What does this signal mean
Assistance required
Five types of reports
- Patrol captain report
- Incident report
- Patient report
- IRB operations log
- RWC operations log