SLR 25 - Algorithms 1 Flashcards
What are some of the techniques and methods you could use to help you design and write algorithms?
- Psuedocode
- Abstraction
What are the two standard sorting algorithms you need to know?
- Bubble sort
- Insertion sort
What are the two standard searching algorithms you need to know?
- Linear search
- Binary search
How does a linear search work?
The program will go through every item in a list in order checking if its the item youre looking for
What is the code for a linear search?
found = False
index = 0
While found == False and index < len(items):
if items[index] == item_to_find:
found = True
index = index + 1
How does a binary search work?
This search starts at the middle of the list and repeatedly divides the list in half until it reaches the desired item
What is the code for a binary search?
found = False
first = 0
last = len(items) - 1
While first <= last and found == False:
midpoint = (first + last) // 2
if items[midpoint == item_to_find:
found = True
if items[midpoint] < item_to_find:
first = midpoint + 1
last = midpoint - 1
How does a bubble sort work?
The program will run through the list item by item and compare adjacent items and swap them if they arent in the required order.
What is the code for a bubble sort?
n = len(items)
swapped = true
while n > 0 and swapped == True:
swapped = False
n = n - 1
for index in range(0,n):
if items[index] > items[index+1]:
temp = items[index]
items[index] = items[index=1]
items[index+1] = temp
swapped = True
How does an insertion sort work?
An insertion sort inserts each item into its correct position in a data set one at a time
What is the code for an insertion sort?
for index in range(1,n):
current = items[index]
index2 = index
while index2 > 0 and items[index2 - 1] > current:
items[index2] = items[index2 -1]
index2 = index2 - 1
items[index2] = current