SLR 1.7 Systems software Flashcards
What is an input device?
Any peripheral device that can accept data, presented in the appropriate machine-readable form, decode it and transmit it as electrical pulses to the CPU
Name three input devices
keyboard, mouse, keypad, card reader, barcode scanner, proximity sensor, foot-mouse, puff-suck switch,, etc.
What is an output device?
Any peripheral device that translates signals from the computer into a human-understandable form, into a physical action, or into a form suitable for reprocessing by the computer at a later stage.
Name three output devices
screen, printer, speaker, plotter, motor, actuator, etc.
What does OS stand for?
Operating System
What is an Operating System?
A collection of systems software that manages the computer. Usually supplied with the computer. Most common operating systems are Windows, Linux, Unix, MacOS, iOS.
What is ‘main memory’?
Random Access Memory (RAM)
What is memory management?
The process of organising the flexible use of the computer’s main memory (RAM).
What is a utility?
A systems program that performs some specific task in the operation of the computer, for example file backup, virus checking or a compression program.
What is the purpose of systems software?
To provide a platform on which users can run programs to accomplish tasks, and maintain the computer system.
What are the two types of systems software?
The operating system and utility software
What is a user interface?
A user interface is the means by which the user and a computer system interact, in particular the use of input devices and software.
What does GUI stand for?
Graphical User Interface
What are the features of a Graphical User Interface?
Windows Icons Menus Pointers Easy to use Visual Intuitive Optimised for mouse or touch gesture input
What is a natural language interface?
A spoke user interface such as those provided by Siri, Cortona, Alexa etc.