SLR 1.6 System security Flashcards
What is ‘malware’?
Malware is a word made up from two others: MALicious softWARE. It is any form of software designed to cause harm on a computer.
List four different types of Malware
Adware Scareware Ransomware Trojans Worms Viruses
What is Adware?
Adware is a form of malware designed to automatically deliver advertising (adware is short for advertising supported software)
What is Scareware?
Scareware is a form of malware designed to trick a user into buying and downloading unnecessary and potentially dangerous software, such as fake antivirus protection
what is Ransomware?
Ransomware is a form of malware designed to lock files or even a complete computer system until a ransom is paid to unlock it.
What is a Trojan?
A Trojan is a form of malware designed to look like harmless software but which actually gives remote access to a computer. (see the story of the Trojan horse which the ancient Greek army used to get into the city of Troy).
What is a worm?
A worm is a form of malware which can spread without the need for a host file. Worms can be used to deliver a payload of code designed to steal data, delete files or create a botnet.
What is a virus?
A virus is a form of malware which requires a host file to spread. Once inside a computer a virus will replicate itself and attempt to spread to other computers on a host file. They can be used to control or damage a computer.
What is a botnet?
A botnet is a roBOTic NETwork of computers which can be controlled remotely. These could be used in a Denial Of Service attack
Explain what is meant by the term ‘phishing’
- An online fraud technique.
- To disclose personal information.
- By disguising as a trustworthy email/website.
Give three examples of common signs of phishing
- Although allegedly from a trusted source the e-mail address / web address is incorrect
- A generic greeting is used e.g. ‘Dear valued customer’
- Poor spelling, punctuation or grammar
- A threatening tone
- A sense of urgency / deadline to comply
Explain what is meant by the term ‘SQL injection’.
- An attack on a database.
- Code entered into a text box…
- …that is executed by the server.
- Outputting, changing, adding or deleting records.
People are often regarded as the ‘weak point’ in secure systems. Explain what is meant by this term.
- Human actions often result in vulnerabilities in secure systems e.g. :
- not installing operating system updates.
- not keeping anti-malware up-to-date.
- not locking doors to server/computer rooms.
- not logging off.
- leaving sensitive information lying around.
- writing passwords on sticky notes by computer.
- sharing passwords.
- using easy to guess passwords.
- not encrypting data on portable media.
- not applying security to networks e.g. VPN, WPA2.
- having poor / badly understood network policies
- not training staff e.g. how to avoid phishing scams
How can you protect yourself from malware?
- install trusted anti-malware software
- only open attachments you are expecting from a trusted source
- keep your system up-to-date
- back-up all data regularly
Explain what is meant by the term ‘denial of service attack’
- Flooding a server with useless traffic.
* Preventing legitimate requests being processed.
What is ‘penetration testing’?
• Attempting to hack your own systems to identify vulnerabiltiies.
What is a ‘brute force attack’?
A ‘trial-and-error’ method of guessing passwords or similar which does not use logic e.g. a dictionary hack - guess at each word in turn to see if it is the pasword.
How can you protect against a brute force attack
Only allow 3 attempts at a password before locking the account
What is the role of a firewall?
A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a defined set of security rules.
What are network diagnostics?
software is designed to help user and network administrators in scanning, diagnosing and identifying problems within a computer network. They can be used in network forensics to analyse whether a network is running correctly e.g. is there any issue with bandwidth being restricted or is a Denial Of Service attack possibly happening?
What can network managers in schools and businesses do to prevent attacks on their network?
- install a firewall
- keep all software and operating systems up-to-date
- backup all data
- run network diagnostics regularly
- train all users about how to keep themselves and the network secure
- ensure all users sign an Acceptable Usage Policy (and stick to it!)