Słówka zestaw 7 Flashcards
tentative [tentetyw]
- The two companies have announced a tentative deal.*
- a child’s tentative first steps*
wchodzić na pokład
zacząć podróż!
+ przeciwieństwo
to embark [ymbark]
Before we embark… I think we should give this beauty a name.
przeciwieństwo: DISembark
Visitors are only allowed in exceptional circumstances.
wspomnieć o
to mention
- I’ll mention your ideas to Caroline.*
- She didn’t mention her daughter.*
- [+ (that)] He mentioned that he liked skydiving.*
nie mówiąc o / nie wspominając o…
not to mention…
The resort has great hotels and restaurants, not to mention some of the best skiing in the region.
natknąć się na
to encouter
- We encountered quite a few problems at the beginning.*
- They constantly encounter a range of obstacles.*
Today the majority of us view the concept of demonic possession to be a little far-fetched.
nie pasować do siebie
to be mismatched
I always thought Chris and Monique were mismatched, so I wasn’t surprised when they got divorced.
- Interjection from Mr Helmer: ‘Absolutely no!*
- That was an interesting interjection from Mr Daul.*
to subside
- The violence seems to be subsiding at last.*
- The pain in your heart will subside if you confide in others.*
petulant [petjulent, na 1]
You’re behaving like a petulant child.
do pewnego stopnia / w pewnym zakresie
to a certain extent / degree
- And he was right to a certain extent.*
- He would be a threat to the public to a certain extent.*
siedzieć “rozwalonym”
rozciągać się (w sensie budynki pokrywają powierzchnię)
to sprawl
- He sprawled out on the sofa.*
- sprawling suburbs*
odsunąć od władzy
to oust [ałst]
- [often passive] He was ousted from power by a military coup.*
- They need a two-thirds majority to oust Conrad.*
odciąć / przerwać część ciała
lub zerwać kontakt
to sever [sewer]
- to sever an artery*
- [often passive] Two of her fingers were severed in the accident.*
- I may as well sever all ties with Sandy.*