Slovak-English Goldlist Flashcards
Armada porazila jej protivnika
The army conquered its enemy
Velku oddanost ona citi pre
Great devotion she feels for
On citi velky smutok
He felt great grief
Nase priatelstvo bolo obnovene
Out friendship wad restored
Burka ubudne/klesne
The storm subside
On rozprava vahavo
He speaks hesitantly
Akceptovat vinu
Take the blame
Sudca vyzval na podanie zaloby/staznosti
Judge called in a complaint
Herec smutne poznamenal
The actor ruefully remarked
Jeho zamestnavatel je lakomy a necinny
His employer is stingy and idle
On smutil za stratou
He mourn the loss of…
Ja som sa citil vinne/zahanbene
I felt ashamed about
Hlavny hrdina
Main protagonist
Pokusenie noveho zivota
The temptation of new life
Ang predsudky proti zahranicnim
English prejudice/preconceptions against foreigners