Slides Flashcards
What is a traditional military concept used within the operational design of the military?
Line of Operation
What publication defines LOOs?
Joint Publication 5-0
What are the types of DCO?
- Internal Defensive Measures
- DCO Response Actions
- Countermeasures
What are the 5 objectives of OCO?
- Deny
- Degrade
- Disrupt
- Destroy
- Manipulate
What are the critical purposes of joint planning?
- Strategic level (provide president and secdef options)
- Operational level (ties operations of joint forces to the achievement of military objectives
What are the steps in the Joint Planning Process?
Step 1 - Planning Initiation
Step 2 - Mission Analysis
Step 3 - Course of Action Development
Step 4 - COA Analysis and Wargaming
Step 5 - COA Comparison
Step 6 - COA Approval
Step 7 - Plan or Order Development
What criteria are used to test the validity of COAs?
- Adequate
- Feasible
- Acceptable
- Distinguishable
- Complete
What are the two types of planning?
Deliberate planning and crisis action planning
What are the types of SAPs?
- Acknowledged
- Unacknowledged
- Acquisition
- Apportioned
- Intelligence
- Operations & Support
- Waived
The overarching formal process of management of SAPs?
Integrated Joint Special Technical Operations (IJSTO)
What are the Join Staff components?
- Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Joint Staff
- Military Departments
What are the geographic combatant commands?
What are the functional combatant commands?
What are the authorities?
Combatant Command
Operational Control
Tactical Control
What are the levels of warfare?
What are the five parts of a mission?
What the directorates of the joint staff?
J-1 Manpower and Personnel
J-2 Intelligence
J-3 Operations
J-4 Logistics
J-5 Plans
J-6 Communications System
What is the planning directive that initiates the development and evaluation of military COAs?
Who has the authority to approve and direct the initiation of military objectives?
The president and the secdef
What is the format of an OPORD?
Admin & Logistics
Command & Communication
What is the overarching document addressing CDR AFCYBER’s foundational strategy and is published semiannually?
Cyberspace Operations Plan (CyOP)
What unit publishes SPINS?
616 OC
A window of opportunity and direction for a tactical commander to conduct
tactical operations.
Vulnerability window
The exact timing directed by the tasking authority specified in the tasking
order to execute a mission.
Time-over-target/Terrain (TOT)
Cyberspace forces are considered to be on station when the cyberspace
operation commences on tasked terrain and targets.
On/Off Station
The actions individual
cyberspace forces take to accomplish a tasked mission.
Telecommunications networks, computer systems, embedded processors
and controllers, Internet Protocol (IP) address(es), associated subnet, domain, or transport space within the tasked AO.
An entity or object that performs a function for the adversary considered
for possible engagement or other action. As it relates to DCO, targets may include, but are not limited to: malicious code, enemy ingress/egress routes, compromised credentials, network traffic and/or processes residing in or on the terrain.
What are the 616th’s four operational divisions?
- Strategy (SRD)
- Combat Plans (CPD)
- Combat Operations (COD)
- Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Division (ISRD)
What are the three branches COD?
OCO, DCO, and DoDIN operations
What are the three assessment types?
Measure of Performance (MOP), Measure of Effectiveness (MOE), and Battle Damage Assessment (BDA)
Records the results of cyber crew evaluations
AF Form 4418
An index providing pertinent information extracted from all the AF Forms 4418
accomplished for the member.
AF Form 4420
Contains the source documents that constitute the history of certification for each member.
Individual Qualification Folder (IQF)
A library consisting of a current read file and publications.
Crew Information File (CIF)
Contain information temporary in nature, directly pertinent to the safe conduct of operations, and must be read by all cybercrew members before operations.
Current Read File
A tool to train members on training deficiencies, new systems/procedures, or
Stan/Eval Command Interest Items (CII)
Steps of Tactical Mission Planning
Mission, Environment, Enemy, Effects, Capabilities, Plan, Phasing, Contracts, Contingencies