Slide Exam 1 Flashcards
what structure is this?
cell membrane
what structure is this?
cell membrane
cell membrane
electron-lucent layer b/w 2 electron-dense layers
what structure is this?
nuclear pores
nuclear pore
inner & outer membrane separated by perinuclear cisterna; channels surrounded by ring of nucleoporin proteins
what structure is this?
lampbrush chromosomes
lampbrush chromosomes
unraveled portions of chromosomes as active euchromatin
what structure is this?
found free in cytoplasm, attached to rER and attached to outer nuclear membrane; often group together as polyribosomes; two subunits w/ rRNA
what structure is this?
inner & outer membrane; cristae filled w/ matrix; dense granules; oblaong to oval in shape; present in all cells except RBCs & keratinocytes
what structure is this?
rough endoplasmic reticulum
endoplasmic reticulum
series of membranous sheets & tubules throughout cytoplasm; smooth or rough; coated vesicles bud off of ER
what structure is this?
golgi apparatus
golgi apparatus
complex of flattened, stacked membrane-bound cisternae; convex face=cis Golgi network=forming face (vesicles arrive); concave face=trans Golgi network=maturing face (vesicles leave)
what structure is this?
melanin intracytoplasmic pigment
melanin intracytoplasmic pigment
black, brown & granular; produced by melanocytes & transported to other cells
what structure is this?
lipofuscin intracytoplasmic pigment
lipofuscin intracytoplasmic pigment
gold, brown & granular; frequently seen in neurons; “old age” pigment
what phase is this?
visible, condensed chromosomes; nuclear membrane & nucleoli disappear; cytoskeleton microfilaments & microtubules disaggregate; centrioles migrate to poles of cell to form spindle apparatus
what phase is this?
chromosomes lined up on equator at metaphase plate
what phase is this?
chromosomes split apart & migrate to opposite ends of cell; pulled by microtubules connecting the centriole & kinetochore, making the chromosomes form a V-shape
what phase is this?
nuclear membrane & nucleoli reappear; cleavage furrow in plasma membrane; mitotic spindle disaggregates; cytokinesis begins after formation of cleavage furrow until division is complete
what process is this?
nuclear chromatin condenses and degenerates; shrinkage of nucleus through pyknosis; nuclear membrane disintegrates; nuclear material begins to fragment forming apoptotic bodies (dark spots); cytoplasm becomes eosinophilic due to proteases
what cell is this?
biconcave discs; no nucleus or organelles; Howell-Jolly bodies sometimes present in cytoplasm that look like basophilic spots
what cell is this?
multi-lobed nucleus (3-5 lobes); about 2x larger than RBCs; won’t always see constrictions of nucleus lobes based on how the slide is cut; azurophilic & specific granules
what structure is this?
Barr body
Barr body
dark staining spot/extension of nucleus
what cell is this?
- Bilobed nucleus
- Large, basophilic specific
granules - About 2x larger than RBCs
- Circulating equivalent of mast cells in tissue
what cell is this?
mast cells
mast cells
- Tissue equivalent of basophils in circulation
- Comma shape
- Extensive cytolasm packed with large, basophilic granules; granules are smaller but more
numerous than basophils - Nucleus has less condensed chromatin than basophils
what cell is this?
- Very visible bilobed nucleus
- Large, eosinophilic specific granules
- Raspberry appearance
what cell is this?
- Large, kidney bean shaped
nucleus (won’t always see
nucleus shape due to how the cell lies on the slide) - Gray-blue/lavender cytoplasm
- Become macrophages upon entering tissue
what cell is this?
-round, densely staining nucleus surrounded by thin rim of cytoplasm
what cells are these?
platelets (thrombocytes)
platelets (thrombocytes)
-no nucleus
-contain few organelles
-smaller than RBCs
name these cells
pointed, elongated, spindle-shaped cells
-basophilic nuclei throughout fibers
what type of collagen?
type I collagen
type I collagen
-high variation in size & packing of fibers depending on function/location
-stains red
what type of collagen?
type II collagen (hyaline cartilage)
type II collagen
-found in hyaline cartilage and elastic cartilage
-no-cross banding
-can’t be seen by light microscopy
what type of collagen?
type III collagen (reticulin fibers)
type III collagen (reticulin fibers)
-thin, branching, net-like fibers
-stains black with silver stain
-stains poorly in H&E
what type of collagen?
type IV collagen
type IV collagen
-found in basement membrane
-doesn’t form fibers, instead forms mesh-work
what structure is this?
elastic fibers
elastic fibers
-stain black in special stains
-eosinophilic in H&E stain, but can’t normally be seen
-thick & slightly retractile
-wave-like conformation
-form irregular, branching network and stain purple in spread preparations
what is this tissue?
loose (areolar) tissue
loose (areolar) tissue
-sparse fibers & abundant ground substance
-viscous, gel-like consistency
what is this tissue?
regular dense tissue
regular dense tissue
-parallel collagen fibers
-cells arranged in fasicles
-densely packed fibers
what tissue is this?
irregular dense tissue
irregular dense tissue
-randomly oriented collagen fibers
-moderate number of fibers & few cells
what type of tissue?
white adipose tissue
white adipose tissue
-flattened peripheral nucleus gives ring appearance
-typically found in groups
-balloon-shaped clear spaces because lipid is extracted during staining
-oil red O stain allows lipid to be seen
what tissue is this?
brown adipose tissue
brown adipose tissue
-stain pink due to many mitochondria
-arranged in lobules separated by fibrous septa
what structure is this?
basement membrane
basement membrane
-on EM: electron-dense layer (lamina densa) b/w two electron-lucent layers (lamina lucida & lamina reticularis)
what structure is this?
small, circular dark patches
what structure is this?
on basal surface only to anchor cell to basement membrane
what structure is this?
tight junction (zonula occludens)
what structure is this?
anchoring junction (zonula adherens)
what structure is this?
what structure is this?
-striated border in intestine or brush border in renal tubules
-supported by terminal web network of actin at base
9+2 arrangement of microtubules in cross-section
what type of epithelium?
transitional epithelium
transitional epithelium
-lines most of urinary tract
-distinct feature: surface edge is not flat
what cells are these?
goblet cells
goblet cells
-located in epithelium
what muscle is this?
skeletal muscle
skeletal muscle
-multinucleate & form syncitia
-nuclei migrate to periphery and are cigar-shaped
what structure is this?
surround several fascicles
what structure is this?
surrounds several fibers (fascicles)
what structure is this?
surrounds individual muscle fibers
what structure is this?
dark lines that anchor the actin myofibrils
what structure is this?
which filaments are these?
myosin filaments
which filaments are these?
actin filaments
what cells are these?
satellite cells
satellite cells
-small myogenic cells adjacent to sarcolemma of muscle fiber
-look like nucleus on the side of a muscle fiber
what structure is this?
neuromuscular junction
neuromuscular junction
-dilated terminal portion of axon surrounded by myelin that rests on sarcolemma of muscle fiber (=motor end plate)
-synaptic cleft is space between neuron and muscle and has junctional folds
-near pre-synaptic membrane are vesicles containing acetylcholine
what muscle type is this?
smooth muscle
smooth muscle
-single, central cigar-shaped nucleus
-fiber size is much smaller than skeletal fibers
-elongated, spindle/spiral-shaped with tapered ends that may be bifurcated
-not striated
what muscle type is this?
cardiac muscle (myocardium)
cardiac muscle (myocardium)
-single, central nucleus (sometimes two)
-striated fibers
-intracellular diad of one T-tubule & one cisterna located at the Z-disc
-cells are different sizes due to branching
-contain a lot of fibroblasts
what structure is this?
intercalated discs
intercalated discs
between adjacent cardiac cells
what structure is this?
epicardium & endocardium
epicardium & endocardium
-simple, squamous mesothelium
-supported by underlying fibroblastic CT & adipose tissue
-Purkinje fibers, blood vessels & neurons located under layer
-epicardium & endocardium look exactly the same, would need to know the location of the tissue
what cell is this?
-soma and axon
-melanin and lipofuscin pigments typically in soma
-Nissl substance look like dark spots in perikaryon
-Nucleolus very apparent inside nucleus
what structure is this?
Nissl substance
what are these structures?
-aggregations of neuron cell bodies, look like “fried eggs”
-each cell body surrounded by satellite cells
-white space=shrinkage artifact due to alcohol during preparation
-typically can’t see dendrites or axons
what type of tissue is this?
peripheral nervous tisssue
peripheral nervous tissue
-axons surrounded by Schwann cells, basophilic spots along axons are Schwann cell nuclei
-blood vessels follow epineurium and perineurium
-wavy to allow for stretching during body movement
what structure is this?
surrounds multiple fascicles
what structure is this?
surrounds multiple axons (fascicles)
what structure is this?
surrounds axon & Schwann cells
what structure is this?
non-myelinated neuron
non-myelinated neuron
-darkest stain is Schwann cell nucleus
-lighter circles are individual axons surrounded by cytoplasm of Schwann cell
what structure is this?
myelinated neuron
myelinated neuron
-surrounded by many concentric layers of Schwann cell plasma membrane forming myelin sheath
-larger diameter axon than non-myelinated sheaths
what kind of stain is this?
hematoxylin & eosin
hematoxylin & eosin stain
-for routine diagnosis
-preferred for viewing cellular & tissue structure
-hematoxylin: blue, basic dye; stains acids
-eosin: pink/red, acidic dye; stains basic
what kind of stain is this?
what kind of stain is this?
what kind of stain is this?
Giesma stain
Giesma stain
-commonly used in hematology
-superior ability to stain bone marrow, plasma cells, and mast cells
what kind of stain is this?
Periodic Acid Schiff Reaction (PAS)
Periodic Acid Schiff Reaction
way to examine structures containing high amount of carbohydrate molecules
what kind of stain is this?
silver stain
silver stain
good for neural tissue
what kind of stain is this?
Nissl stain
Nissl stain
good for neural tissue
what structure is this?
nuclear envelope; has inner & outer membrane
nuclear envelope
surrounds the nucleus & moderates what comes in/out of nucleus
what structure is this?
perinuclear cistern
what type of chromatin is this?
dispersed DNA active in translation; lightly-staiing
what type of chromatin is this?
electron-dense, darkly-staining, inactive DNA
what cell is this?
gamete (ovum)
what cell is this?
non-functional polar body
what type of bone marrow is this?
red bone marrow
red bone marrow
contains large number of mature RBCs
what type of bone marrow is this?
yellow bone marrow
yellow bone marrow
fatty marrow; inactive; contains large number of adipocytes
what cell is this?
proerythroblast (early normoblast)
proerythroblast (early normoblast)
first recognizable erythrocyte precursor; large cell with relatively sparse cytoplasm; cytoplasm is strongly basophilic due to high content of RNA and ribosomes
what cell is this?
polychromatic erythroblast (intermediate normoblast)
polychromatic erythroblast (intermediate normoblast)
-mixture of basophilia and eosinophilia (polychromasia)
-nuclear chromatin increasingly condensed
-cell no longer capable of division
what cell is this?
orthochromatic erythroblast (late normoblast)
orthochromatic erythroblast (late normoblast)
final nucleated form; cell that shoves out nucleus
what structure is this?
Howell-Jolly body
Howell-Jolly bodies
occasional basophilic nuclear remnant visible w/in cytoplasm of erythrocyte; usually removed by spleen
what RBC abnormality is this?
autosomal dominant disorder; presence of oval-shaped RBCs
what WBC abnormality is this?
reduced number of circulating WBCs
what WBC abnormality is this?
elevated WBC count
what cells are these?
reticular cells (type of fibroblast)
what cell is this?
what type of collagen is this?
type II collagen (elastic cartilage)
what structure is this?
what structure is this?
cilia (cross-section)
what structure is this?
what structure is this?
gap junction
what type of epithelium?
simple squamous epithelium
what type of epithelium?
simple cuboidal epithelium
what type of epithelium?
simple columnar epithelium
what type of epithelium?
pseudostratified columnar epithelium
what type of epithelium?
stratified squamous nonkeratinized
simple squamous epithelium
flat cells & flat nuclei
simple cuboidal epithelium
square cells, round nuclei
simple columnar epithelium
rectangular cells, oval nuclei
pseudostratified columnar epithelium
no order, entirely random
stratified squamous nonkeratinized
flat but lots of cells; top layer still has living cells
what type of epithelium?
stratified squamous keratinized
stratified squamous keratinized epithelium
full of keratin; top layers of cells dead (no nuclei)
what type of epithelium?
stratified cuboidal epithelium
stratified cuboidal epithelium
square cells, round nuclei; 2-3 layers; very rare
what type of epithelium?
stratified columnar epithelium
what cells are these?
highly branches; largest neuroglial cell
what cells are these?
ependymal cells
what structure is this?
white matter of spinal cord
what structure is this?
white matter of cerebellum
what structure is this?
grey matter of spinal cord
what structure is this?
grey matter of cerebellum
what cell is this?
Purkinje cell
what structure is this?
granule cell layer of cerebellum
what cells are these?
what cells are these?
elongate; look like stepped on bug
what structure is this?
choroid plexus- lined by ependymal cells
what structure is this?
molecular layer of cerebellum
what type of cell is this?
myoepithelial cell
what muscle fiber type is this?
slow twitch
what muscle fiber type is this?
fast twitch
what structure is this?
smooth endoplasmic reticulum
what structure is this?
elastic fiber
what structure is this?
collagen fiber
what cell is this?
what cell is this?
(white) adipocyte
what structure is this?
tight junction
what cell is this?
cap cell
what structure is this? (sarcomere)
what structure is this? (sarcomere)
what structure is this?
synaptic cleft
what structure is this?
synaptic vesicles