Slide 10/11 - Freedom of Expression Flashcards
Any activity that conveys or attempts to convey meaning to the exception of acts of violence and threats of violence
What speech is not protected?
Dangerous Treasonous Seditious Hate Harmful
What are Mil’s arguments supporting individual freedom?
- The expression of individuality is essential for individual and social progress
- Citizens receive the protection of society & therefore have obligations to society
- The value of freedom, is to be able to shape a vision of the good life and to be
free to pursue it
What are Mil’s arguments against censorship?
- Silencing any opinion is wrong because it robs the human race, posterity as well as the existing generation
- Humans are fallible - No one can possibly know everything, so no one is fit to judge which opinions ought to be suppressed
Anonymous Speech
A combination of a right to privacy and a right to free speech
Hate Speech
Expression that vilifies or harasses on the basis of the target’s race, gender, sexual orientation or other forms of group membership
Harm Principle
Can be used to distinguish hate speech from the heated & vigorous debates that race and religion can both engender
Mils opinion on hate principle
The harm principle limits freedom of expression; if my speech is very likely to cause significant harm to others, then my speech maybe restricted