SLICE-RS Flashcards
What is the primary purpose of the Size Up phase in the SLICE-RS model?
a) Determine the most direct way to attack the fire
b) Form an Incident Action Plan
c) Locate potential rescues
d) Cool the space from the safest location
In the Locate the Fire phase, what tool should officers use to determine the location and extent of the fire?
a) Fire hoses
b) Thermal Imaging Cameras (TICs)
c) Axes and Halligans
d) Megaphones
What should be considered when identifying the flow path in the SLICE-RS model?
a) Increase air flow to the fire
b) Limit ventilation to protect potential building occupants
c) Open all doors and windows
d) Prioritize fire growth
What is the primary goal of the Cool the Space from the Safest Location phase?
a) Extinguish the fire
b) Protect potential building occupants
c) Reduce the thermal threat to firefighters and potential occupants
d) Identify the flow path
When should rescue operations take precedence over all other fireground operations?
a) Only when the fire is under control
b) Always
c) Only during daytime operations
d) Never
What should firefighters be prepared to do during rescue operations?
a) Suppress the fire
b) Salvage property
c) Control fire spread
d) Remove occupants as quickly and safely as possible
What does the incident commander and fireground officers need to consider when determining priority between suppression activities and occupant removal?
a) Firefighter morale
b) Department policies
c) Weather conditions
d) Rapid and informed choice based on priority selection and the “Survival Profile”
When should salvage operations begin in the SLICE-RS model?
a) Before locating the fire
b) After extinguishing the fire
c) After cooling the space
d) During the Actions of Opportunity phase
What is an important mandate of any fire service regarding salvage operations?
a) Maximize property loss
b) Prioritize firefighting efforts over property protection
c) Protecting property
d) Salvage operations are not important
In Salvage operations, where should crews begin their salvage efforts?
a) Unit of origin
b) Opposite stairwell
c) Roof hatch
d) Unaffected units