sleep movement disorder Flashcards
A Limb Movement that is part of a PLMS sequence is between 0.5 and 10 seconds and it is not within 0.5 seconds of a respiratory event ?
Which vitamin deficiency was recently associated with an increased incidence of RLS?
Vitamin D
What are some genetic disorders associated with primary central nervous system hypersomnia
Niemann-Pick type C disease Norrie disease associated with daytime somnolence Prader-Willi syndrome Myotonic dystrophy Moebius syndrome Fragile X Smith-Magenis
What are some syndromes associated with hypersomnia due to medical disorder
Residual hypersomnia in patient’s adequately treated for obstructive sleep apnea
Hypersomnia due to endocrine disorder (thyroid)
Hypersomnia secondary to metabolic encephalopathy
Hypersomnia secondary to brain tumors infections or other central nervous system lesions
Hypersomnia associated with genetic disorders associated with central nervous system lesions
Posttraumatic hypersomnia
Hypersomnia secondary to Parkinson’s disease
How are leg monitoring electrolytes set up
Leg monitoring electrodes are longitudinal and symmetrical in the middle of the anterior tibialis muscle 2-3 cm apart R1 third the length of the muscle
Where are REM sleep movement electrodes placed
Movement electrodes were placed on the flexor digitorum superficialis for detecting transient muscle activity and REM sleep.Alternatively may be placed on the extensor digitorum communis
How is diagnosis REM behavior disorder made
Always REM behavior disorder diagnosed. Both audio quit the video is necessar as well as polysomnographic evidence of REM sleep without atonia.
How is rhythmic movement disorder diagnosed
For monitoring rhythmic movement disorder, bipolar surface electrode should be placed to record electrical activity of the large muscle groups involved. Synchronized video recording is necessary.
What are rules for arousals in PLM
For monitoring rhythmic movement disorder, bipolar surface electrode should be placed to record electrical activity of the large muscle groups involved. Synchronized video recording is necessary.
How is PML associated with an arousal
An arousal and a limb movement that occurr in a PML series should be considered associated with each other if they occur simultaneously, overlap, or where there is less than 5 seconds between the end of one event and the onset of the other event regardless of which is first
What is ALMA
ALMA is alternate movements between legs. The range of duration is 100-500 µs. It has no clinical consequence
Define Hypnogogic foot tremor
Hypnogogic foot tremor requires a train of 4 bursts
The minimum frequency is 0.3 Hz
Maximum frequency is for hertz
The duration is 250-1000 µs
What is excessive fragmentary myoclonus (EFM)
The EMG maximum is 150 µs
At least 20 minutes of non-REM sleep with EFM must be recorded
At least 5 EMG potentials per minute must be recorded
How is bruxism scored
EMG must be twice the background.
Elevations of EMG activity are 0.25-2 seconds in duration and 3 such elevations months occur in regular sequence
Sustained elevation of chin or masseter EMG are scored as bruxism if lasting more than 2 seconds
Sustained elevations of chin or masseter EMG her score is bruxism that the duration is more than 2 seconds
Bruxism can be scored reliably by audio and combination with polysomnography by minimum of 2 audible tooth grinding episodes per night of polysomnography C in the absence of epilepsy
How is REM sleep behavior disorder scored on PSG
Sustained tonic activity in REM sleep An episode of REM sleep with at least 50% of the duration of the affect having a chin amplitude greater than the minimum amplitude demonstrated in NREM sleep
Excessive transient muscle activity (phasic activity) and REM sleep in the 30 second epoch of REM sleep divided into 10 sequential 3 second mini epochs
At least 50% of the mini epochs contain bursts of transient muscle activity. In REM behavior disorder excessive transient muscle activity bursts are 0.1-5 seconds in duration at least 4 times as high amplitude as the background EMG activity
Score rhythmic movement disorder
The minimum frequency for scoring rhythmic movements is 0.5 Hz
The maximum frequencies for scoring rhythmic movements is to hertz
The minimum number of individual movements required to make a cluster of rhythmic movements is four movements
The minimal amplitude of individual rhythmic bursts is 2 times the background of background EMG activity
Prevalence of RLS
Problems of our LS in European in North American population studies is 5-10%.
Problems his twice as high in women as men
Prevalent increases with age up to 60-70.
No age related problems has been found in Asians
Clinically significant ROS is 2-3% in Europe
Incidents rates are 0.8% to 2.2%
In kidney disease prevalence is 5 times higher than population
What is the genetic influence in RLS
BTBD9 confers a risk of 50% for RLS
BTBD9, TOX3/BC034767, MEIS1, MAP2K5/SKOR1, and PTPRD
Treatment of nocturnal leg cramps
Night leg cramps usually involve your calf muscles, although muscles in your feet or thighs might cramp as well. Forcefully stretching the contracted muscle relieves the pain.
7% children /33% over 60/ 50% over 80
Define benign sleep myoclonus of infancy
Benign sleep myoclonus of infancy is characterized by repetitive myoclonic jerks that occurred during sleep apnea made some movements. Georgia often bilateral and massive typically involving large muscle groups. Occur from birth to 6 months of age
There are four jerks lasting 40-300 milliseconds
What rules define Alternating Leg Muscle Activation (ALMA):
– There must be 4 muscle bursts
– The frequency must be 0.5 Hz (this means the maximum interval
between bursts is 2 sec)
– The frequency must be < 3 Hz (this means the minimum interval between
bursts is 0.3 sec)
– The pattern of ALMA is an EMG burst from one leg and then the other
What rules define Hypnagogic Foot Tremor (HFT):
The following rules define Hypnagogic Foot Tremor (HFT):
– There must be 4 muscle bursts
– The frequency must be 0.3 Hz (this means the maximum interval
between bursts is 3 sec)
– The frequency must be < 4 Hz (this means the minimum interval
between bursts is 0.25 sec)
What rules define Excessive Fragmentary Myoclonus (EFM):
EFM normally occurs during NREM sleep
– The usual maximum duration is 150 msec
– There must be 20 minutes of NREM sleep with
– There must be 5 EMG potentials/minute
What rules define bruxism:
– Bruxism may consist of brief (phasic) or sustained
(tonic) chin EMG activity that is at least twice the
amplitude of background EMG.
– Bursts of chin EMG activity are scored as bruxism
• they are 0.25 - 2 seconds in duration and
• if 3 elevations occur in a regular sequence