Sleep+dreams biatch Flashcards
Stage 1 sleep
- 5-10 minutes
- don’t know you were sleeping if woken
- alpha waves produced
Stage 2 sleep
-10-20 mins
- sleep spindles produced
- theta waves produced
- decreased body temperature
- decreased heart rate
stage 3 sleep
- 30+ min
- deep sleep
- slow wave sleep
- hard to wake
- delta waves
stage 4 sleep
- lasts for ~30min
-deep sleep - when bed wetting/sleep walking occurs
stage 5 sleep
- REM sleep
- body is paralysed
- when dreams occur
- ~90min into sleep
biological explanation of dreams
- meaningless side effect of brain activity during sleep
activation-synthesis hypothesis (Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley (1977))
- dreams are caused by random neurons firing in the Pons (activation)
- messages from these neurons are sent to the neocortex, which tries to make sense of them (synthesis) and creates a narrative (dreams)
Evaluation: - Supported by brain scans
- Doesn’t explain dreams about specific events/people/things
- Many people do not agree that dreams are completely random
Circadian rhythms are controlled by:
- Endogenous pacemaker (SCN Suprachiasmatic nucleus)
-Exogenous zeitgeibers (light, social cues)
How does the SCN work?
- receives light/dark from the eyes
- makes the pineal gland produce melatonin
- melatonin is released gradually, reaches its peak at midnight and is reduced towards the morning
Siffre Cave Study (1962)
- lived in a cave for 2 months
- had no natural light
- maintained a circadian rhythm of just over 24 hours
Factors affecting sleep (6)
- Stimulants
- Amphetamines
- Alcohol
- Light
- Shift work
- Travel
How do stimulants affect sleep?
- effective in 15 minutes
- half-life of 5 hours
- blocks adenosine receptors
- reduces melatonin production
- increases adrenaline production (heart rate, breathing rate, etc)
How do amphetamines affect sleep?
Speed, Adderall, Ritalin~~~
- cause increased wakefulness
How does alcohol affect sleep
- depressant, aids in falling asleep
- stimulant, reduces sleep quality
- changes proportions of REM and nREM sleep
How does light affect sleep?
- Santhi et al (2012) blue light affects melatonin levels more than normal artificial light
- Chang et al (2015) people using tablets/ereaders emitting blue light before bed took longer to get to sleep, produced less melatonin, had less REM and were less alert in the morning
- Czeisler, bright light and complete darkness could completely change circadian rhythm
How can travel affect sleep?
- Jet lag
- When the circadian rhythm needs to adjust to a new timezone
Czeisler et al (1990) Aim:
Aim: To find out if disturbances in the sleep/wake cycle created by working at night could be treated by a programme of bright light at night and complete darkness during the day
Czeisler et al (1990) Hypothesis
Hypothesis: Exposing night workers to bright light at night and complete darkness during the day will prevent disturbances to the sleep/wake cycle
Czeisler et al (1990) Participants
Participants: 8 healthy men (22-29) who did not usually work at night