Sleep disorders & treatment Flashcards
What was circadian phase disorders?
When a person’s circadian rhythm (internal sleep-wake clock) is disrupted.
What is a delayed sleep-wake phase disorder?
It’s when adolescents usually want to go bed later and sleep in longer in the mornings.
What is an advanced sleep wake disorder?
> More common in elderly, where they need to go to sleep earlier but have difficulty going back to sleep in the middle of the night.
What is a zeitgeber?
An external or environmental cue that entrains or synchronises and organism’s biological rhythms to the earth’s 24 hour light/dark cycle and 12 month cycle.
How does shift work affect sleep and lead to sleep deprivation?
> Night disruptions caused by external factors (zeitgebers) vs. adolescent sleep pattern disruption due to internal factors (biological, endogenous)
> Conflicts with our natural body block → forces awake at the wrong time
> Interrupted sleep → chronic sleep deprivation
What are dyssominas?
Problems with falling and staying asleep.
e.g.: onset insomnia and narcolepsy
What are parasominas?
Abnormal behaviours observed during sleep.
(e.g.: sleep walking and nightmares).
What is sleep onset insomnia?
Trouble falling asleep at the beginning of the night
What is sleep-maintenance insomnia?
Difficulty maintaining sleep
What is early morning awakening insomia?
Trouble with waking up too early and being unable to fall back asleep
How is behavioural treatment used to treat sleep disorder?
Improving sleep routine/environment, relaxation and stress management techniques
How is cognitive treatment used to treat sleep disorder?
Learning to deal with negative thoughts and feelings towards sleep → cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) involves substituting unwanted thoughts and behaviours with desirable ones
What is narcolepsy?
A dyssomnia where the individual experiences sudden sleep attacks during the day, falling completely asleep whilst alert.
What is somnambulism?
Sleepwalking during stages 3+4 NREM
What is cognitive behavioural therapy?
> Used to treat insomnia.
It involves:
> Stimulus control - breaking associations between sleep and wakefulness by teaching individual to not engage in activities incompatible with sleep before bed
> Sleep restriction - strict schedule of bedtimes and rising times
> Relaxation training - learning to recognise and control muscular tension through exercise
> Cognitive therapy - identify, challenge and replace beliefs and fears regarding sleep/the loss of sleep with realistic expectations
What is bright-light theraphy?
Used to treat circadian phase disorders.
> Used to advance or delay sleep depending on phase disorder
How does BLT work?
BLT signals to the suprachiasmatic nucleus the presence of light, acting as a zeitgeber (external source), allowing the SCN to adjust an individual’s internal body clock and cease the release of melatonin from the pineal gland