Sleep Apnea and Neuromuscular respiratory disorders Flashcards
What is obstructive sleep apnea syndrome?
- recurrent episodes of upper airway obstruction, leading to apnoea during sleep
what are features of sleep apnea?
- Poor daytime concentration
- Heavy snoring
- daytime sleepiness
- Unrefreshing sleep
Describe the pathophysiology of sleep apnea
- muscle relaxation, narrow pharynx, obesity causing the repeated closure of upper airway
- this causes snoring, oxygen desaturation and apneas/hypopnoeas
why is sleep apnea important?
- impaired quality of life and increased risk of stroke, associated with CVDs and hypertension
How do you diagnose obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome?
- Clinical history and examination
- Epworth questionnaire
- Overnight sleep study
What does overnight sleep study include?
- overnight oximetry
- full polysomnography
- limited sleep studies
Outline the scale for OSA Severity and desaturation rate/AHI.
0-5 Normal
5-15 Mild
15-30 Moderate
> 30 Severe
How do you treat obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome?
- Identify factors which make it worse i.e. obesity, alcohol, diagnose and treat endocrine disorders e.g. hypothyroidism and acromegaly
- Continous positive airways pressure (CPAP)
- Mandibular repositioning splint
What should you warn patients with OSAS and excessive daytime somnolence?
- Not to drive and inform the DVLA of their condition. only once they are treated can they drive.
What are differential to sleep apnoea?
Narcolepsy- rare, the brain is unable to regulate sleep-wake cycle
What are clinical features of narcolepsy?
- Sleep paralysis
- Cataplexy (temporary loss of muscle control)
- Hypnagogic/ hypnopompic hallucinations
- Excessive daytime somnolence
How do you diagnose Narcolepsy?
- Polysomnography
- Low CSF Orexin
- Mean Sleep Latency Test (>1 SOREM and MSLT <8min)
How do you treat narcolepsy?
M odafinil
D examphetamine
V enlafaxine (for cataplexy)
S odium oxybate (Xyrem)
What are signs of chronic ventilatory failure?
PaCo2 > 6kPa
PaO2< 8kPa
Elevated bicarbonate (HCO3-)
Normal blood pH
How do you investigate neuromuscular diseases?
- Lung function tests
Lying and standing vital capacity, mouth pressures - Hypoventilation assessment
Early morning ABG
Overnight oximetry
transcutaneous CO2 monitoring
How do you treat neuromuscular respiratory disease?
- non invasive ventilation and oxygen therapy