sleep and dreaming unit Flashcards
the awareness of objects and events in the external world and our sensations mental experiences and existence
normal waking consciousness
awareness of internal stage and external surrounding when awake and unaffected by sleep, drugs or other states
altered state of consciousness
anything that is not an altered state of consciousness
a reversible behavioural state of perceptual disengagement and unresponsiveness to the enviroment
suprachiasmatic nucleus
a tiny region of the brain in the hypothalamus and is responsible for controlling circadian rythems
a hormone produced and secreted by the pineal gland/ high levels lead to sleepyness
reticular activating system
network of neurons that extends out from the rf to diffrent parts of the brain and spinal cord
reticular formation
structure running through the brain stem and up into the mid brain / critical in reducing the stimuli that is sent to the cerebral cortex
transfer station for information coming from the senses
closes sensory pathways at night
transfers neural information from the rf to the cerebral cortex
electroencephalograph ( eeg)
detects, amplifies and records the electrical activity that is generated by the brain
distinguishable patterns of electrical activity
detects amplifies and records activity of the muscles
eye movements or eye positions
psychodynamic theories of dreaming
wish fufilment and unconscious desires
activation synthesis hypothesis
as the body and brain cycle through the day and night the chemical that activates the nerves of the brainstem shift and changes
sleep phenomena
any observable experiences which occur during sleep
occur in rem sleep
bad/frightening dreams
night terrors
sudden awakening from sleep in extremely distresses state
occurs in stage 3 and 4
cant get to sleep
cant stay asleep
excessive sleepiness when awake or sleep of excessive duration.
sleep apnea
temporary suspension in breathing for short period
sleep hygiene
maintaing a regular bed and awakening time
keeping a routine
micro sleep
people naturally drifting into micro sleep after 3-4 days of sleep deprivation
lasts around 30 seconds.
practice of turning your attention to a single point of reference
altered state of consciousness of increased suggestibility that a person may experience after being given instructions.