SLE Flashcards
epidemiology of SLE
affect F>M (10:1)
affect reproductive age (13 - 40; more on 18-40)
african american and asian >
more common in family where one member already has the disease
most are sporadic cases
pathogenesis of SLE
autoantibodies + self antigens form immune complexes -> deposite/ forms in peripheral tissues -> initiating inflammatory reaction -> activates complements, recruit inflammatory cells
Etiology of SLE
- commonly associated with HLA-B8/DR2
- 10x in first degree relatives
- pre-pubertal/post-menopausal women have similar incidence to men
more in female
associated with OCPs/ HRT
men with SLE have increase concentration of estrogenic metabolites
(androgen treatment may help)
Ultraviolet B radiation
infection - HBV, HTLV-1
extreme stress
Drugs (remit when drug stoppes, symptoms limited to skin and lung, no renal/ CNS)
- phenytoin (anti-convulsants), hydralazine (anti-HTN), procainamide (anti-arrhythmics), isoniazid (INH), biologics,
what is the dx criteria of SLE
4,7,11 rule (more then 4 out of 11 criteria; 7 clinical + 4 lab)
= 4 criteria (>/= 1 clincila and 1 immunological) or biopsy proven lupus nephritis with +ve ANA/ anti-DsDNA Ab
what are the clinical dx criteria of SLE
acute cutaneous lesion
- *photosensitivity (skin rash as an unusal reaction to sunlight)
- *malar rash (fixed erythema, flat/raised, over malar eminence, spare nasolabial fold (vs. seborrheic dermatitis: involve nasolabial fold + scalp), no scaring
- maculopapular lupus rash
- txoic epidermal necrolysis variant of SLE
- bullous lupus
chronic cutaneous lesion
- discoid lesion: erythematous raised patched with adherent keratotic scalig & follicular plugging, may scar due to invasion of basement membrane (localised is above neck, generalised is above and below neck)
- hypertrophic lupus
lupus pannicululitis: inflam of subcut adipose tissue
- mucosal lupus
non scaring alopeica
oral/nasopharyngeal ulcers: painless
arthritis - non erosive >/= 1 peripheral jts
serositis: pleural effusion, pericardial efusion
- sezure, psychosis*
- mononeuritis multiplex, myelitis, peripiheral/ cranial neuropathy, acute confusion state (in absence of other cuase: primary vasculitis, infeciton, DM, toxic/metabolic, uremia, drugs)
what are the lab crtieria of SLE
- proteinuria: 24 hour protein > 500 mg
- urine protein creatitine ratio = 500 mg /24 hour
red blood cell casts
hemolytic anaemia,
leukopenia, (
What is SLE
chronic multisystem autoimmune inflammatory disease characterized by relapse and remission + production of autoantibodies of unknown etiology